Sunday, January 19, 2020

The US War On Eurasian Integration

As you may have noticed, the rulers of the US are fighting China, Iran, Russia and others who are trying to integrate Eurasia. Here is one assessment of that fight:

Why did the fight start in the first place? I suspect it's because of this:

"Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland;
who rules the Heartland commands the World-Island;
who rules the World-Island commands the world."
Halford John Mackinder

Mackinder's 1904 essay "The Geographical Pivot of History" presents a theory about the importance of what he called the World-Island. And the alliance being formed by China, Iran, Russia and others, including the OBOR Initiative, is exactly what Mackinder was talking about. It will be an entity which literally will rule the World-Island and command the world.

You can read his essay here:

Q: Should we in the US care about who rules the World-Island?

A: I suppose we should, since they'll be commanding us, too.

Q: But why shouldn't the World-Island be ruled by the people who live there? Why should outsiders like the US have any say in the matter?

A: If you believe all the "freedom" crap you hear from the MSM, you might get the impression US influence would be a force for good. But in reality the US interest has more to do with the greed of the rich than it does with any desire to bring freedom to the masses of Eurasia. Should you disagree, I challenge you to name ONE GOOD THING which the US is bringing to that region of the world.

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