Saturday, April 30, 2022

Insight On Syria and Ukraine

Here is an excellent interview with COL Richard Black:

It's a bit lengthy, but very informative ... especially about what the US did in Syria.

The government and military of the US is full of wicked, evil people. They have zero respect for sovereignty or law, either domestic or international. Their deeds prove them to be agents of Satan who often masquerade as angels of light.

I think the most important thing he points out is that al-Qaeda and most of the other "terrorists" have worked for the US. In fact, the very name "al-Qaeda" refers to the list of people willing to work for the US. So, if al-Qaeda was responsible for 9/11, that means it was an inside job.

Thank you for your service and your insight, COL Black.

Bob Woodward Is Full Of Crap

Here is the latest nonsense from Bob Woodward:

While his basic premise has some merit, note that the name "Joe Biden" appears nowhere in the above report. For Woodward and his fellow nutters, it's still all about Donald Trump.

Trump did not launch any nukes. I doubt he ever would have.

Biden, on the other hand, is mentally infirm, and he clearly is allowing his administration to push us closer to nuclear war than we have been since JFK was murdered by a similar band of nutters.

Please, Bob, just go away. I doubt you have anything of worth to offer us.

And frankly, if there is a "maniac" out there, it's former VP Dick Cheney, whose true role on 9/11 may never be known:

Same to you, Dick - please just go away. Haven't you already done enough damage to our nation?

World's Biggest Shipping Hubs

This graphic shows the 10 biggest shipping hubs in the world:

Source -

Note that none are in the US. Our production of real goods is inconsequential. Once the commodity based currency systems replace our fiat funny money, what will we have left?

26 And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand:

27 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.

Matthew 7 KJV

By the way, all the traffic through these Asian ports is conducted smoothly and safely without the "help" of the US Navy or any other Western belligerent. There is no need for a Pacific branch of NATO, which is something which would only interfere with such traffic. The US and NATO have absolutely no business meddling in Asian maritime affairs, and we should not let them.

Friday, April 29, 2022

The Food Cartel

Is this cause for concern?

The food industry is already monopolized by 10 companies, the majority of which include Vanguard and BlackRock as top shareholders. What happens when they control all of the seeds, produce, and meat too? What happens when produce and meat are all grown inside secured facilities after a gene splice or inside a petri dish, and farmland becomes dormant due to overreaching regulations, lack of supplies, and manufactured inflation?

Source -

While it's possible this food cartel is a benign entity, can corporations be trusted to do anything other than maximize shareholder value?

If their definition of "safe and nutritious" is anything like BigPharma's definition of "safe and effective", then I think we'd better start worrying.

Q: Can you name a single major corporation which has publicly demanded that Biden's war on Russia be stopped in the interest of We the People, the ones who may soon be going hungry?

A: I cannot think of any.

Here is additional discussion:

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Even A Child Can Figure This Out

Here is an amazing, self-explanatory chart:

Here is another:

Search for @TexasLindsay for more such comparisons.

Scientists will say there is no causation here. But are they even looking for it? Many of them consider the rest of us to be cockroaches they should step on as they search for the truth (whatever that is).

Gender Transition Closets ???

This is just astonishing:

In my day, anyone trying to do this would have been thrown in jail.

What do you think?

Greenwashing A Pig

Speaking of dangerous delusions, here is a comprehensive debunking of some green energy nonsense:

It's worth a complete read, but you can get the gist from this one sentence:

No sane, let alone competent, government would ever be headed down this path.

All it takes is listening to "Joe Biden" speak to know this government is neither sane nor competent.

You might wanna do something now to provide yourself with electricity in the future (e.g., your own windmill or solar cells). I do not expect our grid to stay reliable for much longer. Look up the term "Lysenko" for an explanation why. Lunatics are taking over the asylum.

Ignorance Is Strength

Here is a great assessment by Charles Hugh Smith:

America has lost the ability to discern the difference between the empty optimism of magical thinking and grounded-in-reality optimism which focuses on assessing the resources at hand and making tough choices about how best to maximize the value of those resources. As a general rule, this means to invest more, we must consume less.

This confusion between empty optimism and grounded optimism based on realistic assessments, tradeoffs, experimentation and adaptability manifests in one absurd fantasy after another: the U.S. has built a grand total of two nuclear reactors since 1995, but we're going to magically build hundreds in the next few years to replace hydrocarbons.

We're going to seamlessly transition without any sacrifice of comfort, convenience or cost from jet-fuel powered aircraft flying at 590 miles per hour to all-electric aircraft recharged by solar panels and wind turbines. (Never mind the panels and turbines have to be replaced every 20 years; the future is unlimited.)

And we'll all be sitting around with our virtual-reality headsets getting rich buying and selling digital "value" in the Metaverse, while robots will do all the work and money will be printed and distributed to everyone. If we need to invest in whatever systems produce the robots, fine, we'll just print another couple trillion so we can have it all: invest and consume at whatever scale we desire.

Missing in all the pipe dreams is any grasp that the real world has constraints that are becoming consequential. Systems that have reached extremes of unsustainability--hyper-globalization, hyper-financialization and hyper-self- exploitation--will unravel first and unravel fastest. This isn't doom porn, it's simply the way systems work. All systems have constraints, and the constraints of unsustainable systems become consequential in non-linear dynamics.

Source -

And instead of helping us combat such distortions, the US government and its corporate sponsors are creating a Ministry of Truth to reinforce and expand them:

To make certain this new MiniTrue hits the ground running, the great trickster (Obama ad-Dajjal) has volunteered to help lead the way:

Can things get much worse? I wouldn't be at all surprised if they did, and soon. TPTB are on a roll, and all they need now is for Putin to launch a nuke or two.

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Follow The Money

We're slowly finding out how much money "the big guy" has made while betraying us to the rest of the world:

Apparently his Ukrainian partner in crime has made even more:

Keep in mind that Trump was roundly criticized to the point of impeachment for trying to end this corruption. His attempts to get Ukraine to assist him clearly stemmed from the fact the swamp has no intention of EVER investigating and reforming itself (or allowing an outsider to do the job, either).

We're a piggy bank for every thug and dictator who makes a deal with Congress and the organs of government.

Where is our White Knight who will rid us of these criminals? It wasn't Trump, that's for certain.

Who Writes Our Laws ???

One of my thesis advisers once tried to tell me that US Senators and Representatives and their staffs write our laws, rules, and regulations.

This report demonstrates that he was and is wrong:

This is one of the reasons few people in Congress read any of the crap they're voting for. They know where it comes from, and they don't want to lose any wealthy campaign funders.

The US Congress is a treasonous, criminal conspiracy whose chief relationship with We the People is one of betrayal.

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

No More Free Speech

According to Obama ad-Dajjal, it's time to kill freedom of speech in the US:

This is a very dangerous development which likely spells the end of the US as we knew her.

Tanks for nuttin', Barry.

Planned Famine ???

Please take a look at this graphic:

I don't think these events are accidents, do you? Someone wants to crush our resistance, and there's no better way to do it than through starvation.

If the US government gave a damn about We the People, they'd get this under control. Do you see them tripping over themselves to help? I don't. They mostly care about weakening Russia, no matter what the cost.

Update - 4/27/2022

Looks like Russia has her own mystery fires:

Apparently the fifth column is everywhere.

Our Greatest Loss

It is truly unfortunate for all of us that Dr. Ron Paul never became our president. This essay by him should help explain why I feel this way:

We are being milked dry by people who truly don't give a damn about our welfare. And we're not likely to ever see another Ron Paul on the national stage again.

Thanks for your service, Dr. Paul.

Update - 4/27/2022

Apparently no one likes his son, either:

Cancel culture on the Internet merely mimics the nation in general. Neither Congress nor the MSM have any intention of allowing free speech, especially when it comes to the enemies they so assiduously manufacture.

We're no better than Hitler's Germany. In fact, we're worse since our propaganda tools are so much more pervasive and effective.

Monday, April 25, 2022

Profit, Pain, And Private Equity

Here is an exposé of a group home operator owned by KKR:

Profits over people? Wouldn't surprise me at all. That's what capitalism is all about.

Yes, You're Being Watched

As a public service (?), business owners in Houston, TX are now required to install surveillance cameras for the benefit of the police:

The rationale? According to the ordinance, "the City of Houston has experienced an increase of violent crimes due to the pandemic, social anxiety and economic uncertainty, open carry law and a strained criminal justice system resulting in a criminal backlog of cases".

I doubt open carry has resulted in much of an increase in violent crimes, and the rest of these so-called causes are due to government stupidity (i.e., the lockdowns and their aftermath).

This is total BS !!!

Orwell and Huxley have triumphed, and I'm certain there's more such tyranny to come.

Liver Disease In Alabama Children

By now you may have heard of the "mystery" liver disease found in Alabama children. If not, you can read about it here:

Here is a possible causal factor which should be examined - the use of sewage and sludge as fertilizer:

It should be noted that farmers in Alabama have been using human waste (septage) as fertilizer for quite some time. I've seen reports of complaints about this from northern AL counties, and here is a link to a state rule regarding the practice:

When you and your kids swim and play in shit, sooner or later someone is going to get sick. That shouldn't have been too hard to figure out.

Update - 5/3/2022

This liver disease appears to be spreading:

And we still want to give them more vaccines?

EVs You Can Buy ... Maybe

This site provides a comprehensive list of all electric vehicles currently available in the US:

Note that many are more expensive than the average family can afford. Perhaps that's the whole idea, to limit travel instead of promoting it.

Here's a question - since EVs contain far fewer moving parts than a typical ICE vehicle, why are they so much more expensive? Is it just because of the batteries?

A more important question - how much of the Earth has to be dug up and despoiled to produce the batteries for these EVs? Here is a partial answer to that question from the Mexican state of Sonora:

If you read between the lines, you'll realize that any pretext of a "free market" is nonsense. Whatever the US and the Davos/WEF beast want they'll get, and they don't mind killing people to get it.

Apply that principle to Ukraine and the rest of the world and you'll have a good picture of what's in store for all of us.

More Trudeau Insanity

Not content with stomping out the Canadian trucker rebellion, PM Trudeau now is attacking his nation's grain farmers:

Costly fertilizer and fuel, limited transport, what's next from these nutters?

A few days ago I asked a question and gave this answer:

Q: Was Stalin insane when he starved millions of people in Ukraine to impose collectivism?

A: If he was, then the same can be said about "Joe Biden", Nancy Pelosi, Mayor Pete, and the criminals currently imposing their BBB nonsense on our rapidly crumbling nation.

You now can add Trudeau's name to the list. The acolytes of the Davos/WEF beast and his great reset intend to impose their version of a New World Order regardless of the cost to We the People. I don't expect Trudeau ever to miss a meal, but I can't say the same for the rest of us.

Very soon it will come to this - resist or die. Will you be ready?

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Arson At The Food Bank

These two reports claim that someone is setting afire our food processing facilities:

There are many reasons why this could be happening, but among them is intentional sabotage intended to cause famine.

Note well - the US government seems hell bent on sending lethal weaponry to Ukraine, but appears to be doing little or nothing to address the looming food shortages and threats to domestic security.

Wake up Uncle Sam, or at least get out of the way so that competent people can get control of this mess you have created (and I don't mean you should turn the reins over to the Davos/WEF beast).

Update - 4/25/2022

Here is additional discussion:

I think Mayor Pete should take another vacation, don't you?

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Unrestricted Warfare

Here is a revealing article by a retired AF brigadier general:

The most fascinating aspect of it is that every claim he makes about China also can be made about the US. This truly is the pot calling the kettle black.

I did note one glaring inaccuracy among his many claims:

"Imagine the reaction during World War II if an American company had tried to export its goods to imperial Japan, or if a Wall Street firm had tried to underwrite the bonds of a Nazi arms manufacturer. Unthinkable, right?"

Something like this actually did happen:

George W. Bush's grandfather, the late US senator Prescott Bush, was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany.

The Guardian has obtained confirmation from newly discovered files in the US National Archives that a firm of which Prescott Bush was a director was involved with the financial architects of Nazism.

His business dealings, which continued until his company's assets were seized in 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act, has led more than 60 years later to a civil action for damages being brought in Germany against the Bush family by two former slave labourers at Auschwitz and to a hum of pre-election controversy.

Source -

Imagine the reaction? All of this got covered up, as such things always are in our corrupt nation. Case in point - look what happened with the dealings of Hunter Biden and "the Big Guy", who appear to have been selling us out to China for decades, with the full protection of the Secret Service, the FBI, the MSM, and all the organs of government.

I'm sure this retired general means well (don't they always?), but I think he's full of crap. The only choice we seem to have is between the Davos/WEF beast and the CCP. One of the two soon will run the entire world; and perhaps they'll even do it together.

Friday, April 22, 2022

Withholding Evidence

Here is a med/pharma advertisement which suggests using real-world evidence to reduce health inequity:

Sounds like a good idea, no?

Q: Why then did the US med/pharma industry SUPPRESS all the real-world evidence that early treatment and use of existing drugs could have saved lives during the COVID "pandemic"?

A: They don't care about health inequity, they want profits. And they want to digitize and control you and everything you used to own.

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Nations Vs. Corporations

Here are two examples of what is wrong with the relationships between nations and corporations:

(1) Large corporations often pay no taxes:

(2) States and nations refuse to regulate corporations for fear of losing the jobs corps dole out to them:

Corporations are chartered by governments who have an obligation to then regulate said corps. To claim they shouldn't "meddle in affairs of companies" is absurd, especially when those companies are meddling in the affairs of state.

Corporations allegedly are "persons", and like every other person they therefore should be and are subject to the constitutional restrains and laws which apply to ALL persons.

Failure to tax the entities who have all the productive income is a recipe for disaster, and "our" $30 trillion dollar federal debt is in large part a result of that failure.

Update - 4/26/2022

Here are additional facts:

The original US Constitution attempted to make all persons equal. Today's reality has shifted most of the income and political power to the living dead (corporations). This has happened because members of "our" Congress are self-serving meat puppets.

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

No Borders = No Nation

Here is an excellent analysis by Pat Buchanan of how the president is failing in his constitutional duty to protect our nation:

How can anyone think we have an obligation to protect Ukraine while not even protecting our own borders?

The end game for what "Joe Biden" is doing will spell the demise of the United States of America. If that doesn't matter to you, then do nothing. If it does, all y'all better wake up fast.

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Do We Need A Third Temple ???

I have written numerous times about Israel's intention to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem.

The popular narrative now runs something like this:

"We Christians have often thought that Resurrection Sunday spelled the end for the Holy Temple in God’s plan," Enarson explained. "But when we read the Gospels and Book of Acts carefully, the Apostles continued to be passionate for God’s House in Jerusalem, including Paul. As God is restoring Zion, we need to rediscover our own texts with Jewish glasses, and that includes God’s Temple."

With more Christians coming alongside the Jews and becoming passionate about the need to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem, we have a unique opportunity today.

Source -

Do you buy this? I have serious reservations. Why? Read the Book of Revelation. It directly contradicts the claims quoted above.

As I understand the Book of Revelation, the chief reason for rebuilding the Temple now is so the Antichrist can tear it down. Then, following the Day of the Lord, a new Jerusalem will descend from heaven to replace the existing city, and it will not contain a temple built by the hands of man.

Today's Jews certainly do not believe that. Once they build the Third Temple, they intend to rule the world from Jerusalem. They would never voluntarily let it be torn down, and they will never allow Christian beliefs to get in the way of their intentions.

There are other significant contradictions between the Christian view of the End Times and the Jewish view. You can find some of them here (see also the links at the end of that page):

Bottom line - Many of today's Jews are misconstruing what the New Testament says. In fact, they even appear to be ignoring it. To them, Jesus is a heretic and Christians are slanderers. That view hasn't changed in 2,000 years, and it's never going to change. Wake up before they steamroll us out of existence.

This will all go according to G-d's plan, but if you were to ask Jews, Christians, and Muslims what that plan is, you'd get at least three different answers. They cannot all be correct, can they?

So who's got it wrong?

Update - 4/23/2022

Here is additional discussion:

Note well - the words Jesus Christ appear nowhere in this story about Jerusalem. Why is that?

As far as the Israelis are concerned, the New Testament means nothing. Our role as Christians seems to be "sign the checks and keep your mouths shut". Keep that in mind as these End Time events unfold.

That Giant Sucking Sound

We should have known this was coming:

Joe Biden's decision to release 180 million barrels of oil from the US Strategic Petroleum Reserve - one million barrels per day for 180 days, ending just before the midterm elections which the Democrats will lose in an avalanche - was meant to help lower US gasoline prices "because Putin price hike." Instead, it is heading for Europe. [emphasis added]

Source -

Biden is wrecking our country for no benefit at all (at least none for We the People). We'll be cold and hungry by the end of the year.

To be truthful, many of us already are ... and all we get are fairy tales from Jen Psaki.

It's going to take more than a mid-term election - MUCH MORE - to fix this mess.

Monday, April 18, 2022

Why The New Lockdowns In China ???

Here is an intriguing possibility:

China is looking for an excuse to slow its production to put pressure on the Western world at a time when it is trying to separate further, economically, from the West.

Source -

I would not be surprised if this is part of China's long term strategy to defeat the Davos/WEF beast. And I wish them success, even though me and mine will suffer because of it. SOMEONE has to defeat the beast, and it certainly won't be anyone living in the West.

Great Depression By June ???

Harry Dent, Jr. claims we'll be in the Second Great Depression by June 2022:

Truthfully, he's been predicting this new depression for a while, but I think this time he's finally got it right.

You might want to listen to his recommendations ... or not.

Sunday, April 17, 2022

We Should Leave NATO

Trump was right - we should have left NATO. It's a shame his presidency was so ineffectual.

But perhaps it's not too late:

Whatever the case, NATO is not a tool for achieving peace. It's the Davos/WEF beast's favorite tool of aggression for smashing non-compliant sovereign nations into bits.

And believe it or not, it's destroying us, too. You can blame our current predicament on Russia all you want, but it would never have existed without NATO.

Update - 4/21/2022

Jeremy Corbyn agrees with me:

Of course, since he is one of the few people in the UK who speak the truth they forced him out of the top Labor spot. A victory for Israel, but not the rest of humanity.

Losing To China

Here is an analysis of why the US is losing to China in the tech universe:

I cannot confirm any of this, but it makes sense. China's got a plan, and so far they're sticking to it. Our "plan" seems to change every 4 years and often doesn't seem like a plan at all.

Water As A Weapon

Here are some bizarre claims about the water system in NOLA:

Today such claims may seem on the fringe, but consider this:

  • TPTB are putting a social credit system in place;
  • they're forcing us into a cashless society;
  • they're controlling the water supply;
  • they're controlling the food supply; and
  • they're in cahoots with "our" government.

You may believe they'd never use such tools to control or maybe even kill us, but why else would they build such a system? Because they love us?

Dr. Vernon Coleman believes we have only 8 months to stop "the great reset" before it's too late:

I think he's right, and so far we're losing this particular battle.

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Restarting The Sacrifice

According to this report, several Jews want to conduct a sacrifice on the Temple Mount:

Would such a thing be appropriate, or would it offend G-d?

Consider the outcome of one such prior attempt:

And Nadab and Abihu died, when they offered strange fire before the Lord. (Numbers 26:61 KJV)

Also consider that it may not be necessary to rebuild the Temple for such a sacrifice to be acceptable to the Lord:

Is it mere coincidence such a thing is happening at the same time the world is beginning to suffer pestilence, war, death, and famine on an unprecedented scale? I think not.

We have entered the End Times. Live your life accordingly.

Update - 4/17/2022

Here is related discussion:

But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months. (Revelation 11:2 KJV)

Happy Easter 2022. Take note that Jews and Muslims are on the Temple Mount, but no Christians. That's no accident.

Hunger Games

For some reason, Union Pacific is cutting down on the number of fertilizer shipments it can make this year:

Does this make any sense at all? Everyone knows when planting season is. The volume of shipments in previous years is known, and could be handled before. So what's the problem now?

This is the sort of thing our Dept of Transportation should be sorting out, but so far its leadership has been focusing on family leave. If we can send weapons to Ukraine, why can't we feed our own people?

"Our" government is either incompetent or nuts, and unless we straighten it out we're going to go hungry starting later this year.

Q: Was Stalin insane when he starved millions of people in Ukraine to impose collectivism?

A: If he was, then the same can be said about "Joe Biden", Nancy Pelosi, Mayor Pete, and the criminals currently imposing their BBB nonsense on our rapidly crumbling nation.

Update - 4/17/2022

Here is additional discussion:

Can you imagine what would happen if we ever got to that point? It begs the question why TPTB are not making food production and distribution their top priority. Or maybe they have, except they've decided to stop feeding us until we give in to their demands.

Update - 4/21/2022

Feed stocks are about to run out in Europe:

This will cull the herds, which may never recover. Since such a thing is part and parcel of "the great reset", why should we be blaming this on Russia instead of on the Davos/WEF beast?

Friday, April 15, 2022

Bigger War Just Weeks Away

Here is analysis from Martin Armstrong:

All recent intel points in this direction - the West is desperate and thinks war is the only way out.

The only way we could "defeat" China and Russia is via mutual assured destruction. It seems clear this is what the West wants, and at this point it will take a miracle to avoid it.

If you want my advice, prepare for hard times ... which may last months or years.

When this is all over, I pray that the "exploitative and manipulative Western/Anglo-Zionist/Nazi/NATO/Globalist/Capitalist ideology and project" (a.k.a. the Davos/WEF beast) will be disarmed, disabled, and imprisoned, and that We the People will take away all the powers now enjoyed by the parasitic elites who threaten to destroy our world.

Nothing else will suffice.

Here Comes China

Here is a comprehensive discussion of what is REALLY going on in China today. It's long, but I suggest you at least scan it:

It's refreshing to hear from people who actually live there and know the truth, and are not just purveyors of US propaganda (e.g., the MSM). The Chinese know what's coming, and they're pulling back from the US and its vassals. Considering the fact the Chinese still supply most of what we consume, this will have huge implications for all of us.

Also for your reading pleasure, here is an essay which explains the Russian world view:

This part resonated with my own world view:

For us, ‘The Russian World’ means something else, far broader. It means wherever live those who are opposed to the exploitative and manipulative Western/Anglo-Zionist/Nazi/NATO/Globalist/Capitalist ideology and project. Although we mainly live in Russia, China, India, Africa, Latin America, the Muslim World, Indonesia and Kazakhstan, we exist all over the world, even within the conquered heartlands of the Evil Empire, in the USA, Canada, the UK, Israel, the EU, Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand. We are those who resist the carefully-orchestrated campaign of slander of the elite, which arrogantly calls itself ‘the international community’. For those who live in the virtual world and who fly the made-up Lower Austrian flag of the made-up Ukraine, of whose history and geography they know nothing, the lies of that elite seem real. For us who live in the real world, the Russian world, they are both absurd and evil.

We are being conditioned to believe that Russia and China are evil, but the facts (when known) often prove otherwise. It would be a shame if we allowed the Davos/WEF beast to destroy our nations for all the wrong reasons. War is coming, and for us it may be a lose-lose war.

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Deaths In Massachusetts

The link below presents an excellent analysis of Massachusetts death certificates, from which I have extracted this conclusion:

... the official Massachusetts database of death certificates contains proof that C19 gene modification biological injectable products (the so-called "vaccines") killed thousands of people in Massachusetts in 2021.

Pandemics do not switch from respiratory to circulatory causes of death in one year ... Perhaps it can be done this way. Take the deadly part of the virus and change the mode of entry from aerosols entering lungs to direct injection into the blood stream.

Source -

Many will think it too lengthy and possibly arcane, but if you really want to understand the COVID "pandemic" I suggest you give it a try. The clowns at WHO think they've sufficiently covered up what happened to allow imposition of health passports and some very restrictive measures for future "pandemics", so if we'e going to fight them we'd better hurry up:

The New Rules

By now you've probably heard this motto of the World Economic Forum:

"You'll own nothing. And you'll be happy".

The past few weeks have demonstrated how the Davos/WEF beast intends to accomplish the first half (you'll own nothing) - they'll just steal everyone's property:

Face it: if they can steal the bank account of a Canadian trucker, the megayacht of an oligarch, the gold of a sovereign nation, and void any contract they please, then why should anyone think they would not steal everything else AND GET AWAY WITH IT? That's exactly what all this "great reset" bullshit is all about ... paving the way for larceny on a global scale.

And if you live in the West, it should be obvious by now that "your" government is not going to stop this massive theft of property. If anything, they will facilitate the process, all in the name of "saving the planet".

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Another Trucker Blockade

Now Mexican truckers are blocking US border crossings:

Maybe Canadian PM Trudeau can seize their bank accounts.

By the way, I'm 100% behind Governor Greg Abbott. It's about time someone stood up to the gang of saboteurs currently infesting DC.

Update - 4/14/2022

Apparently Gov. Abbott has taken the initiative to solve this latest mess at the border:

His actions may be unconstitutional:

Article 1, Section 10

1. No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation ...

It all depends on how this new "memorandum of understanding" is crafted and interpreted. We can expect the DOJ to attack it any way they can.

Personally, I think the MOU is a great idea. As the US fails in this and other obligations to its citizens, either the states will pick up the slack or the union will fail. In my opinion, Biden is opting for failure and never should have been allowed in the White House.

Are The Vaccines Altering Our DNA ???

Here is a video with Dr. Peter McCullough discussing a study which showed the "vaccines" are altering human DNA:

Meanwhile, we have no clear idea where this virus came from, exactly what is in these "vaccines", or all the things they have and are going to do to us.

This is an impossible situation, but morons like Biden, Fauci, and Walensky keep demanding more people take this poison.


This Is OUR War

Many in the US blame the war in Ukraine on Putin. While there's some truth to that claim, it's rapidly becoming our war.

The war's architects are Robert Kagan and his wife Victoria Nuland (with the fervent support of Obama ad-Dajjal, "Joe Biden", and the warrior class in DC):

US arms makers are salivating over the profits they will make:

And according to at least one eyewitness, the US is already in charge of the actual fighting:

Note well - the US government did little or nothing to effectively deal with the pandemic. They have done nothing about the supply chain backlog, the food and energy shortages, or the rapid increase in the price of just about everything. Instead, they focused like a laser beam on starting a war with Russia and eventually doing the same with China.

In my view, Kagan, Nuland, Obama ad-Dajjal, Hillary Clinton, "Joe Biden", and the rest of America's war mongers all belong in jail cells at The Hague. What they're doing to the entire world is a crime, and we are fools to keep supporting them.

Regardless of the outcome, this will not end well for We the People.

Update - 4/14/2022

Here is additional discussion which highlights the role of Kagan:

It's not enough to diss these people. They must be prosecuted as war mongers.

Update - 4/16/2022

Yet more discussion:

Clearly, "our" Congress has been lusting for this war. Well, now they have what they wanted; but is it what YOU want? I sure don't.

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Just A Thought

Close on the heels of COVID-19, the lockdowns, and the war in Ukraine, we're now experiencing a bird flu epidemic which further impacts our food supply:

You may recall there were several "mystery" drone swarms reported in the past two years over Colorado, Nebraska, and other states in the central US:

The general area of these drone swarms was over the US main food production areas.

If at this late stage you still want to tell me no one knows what the drones were doing, allow me to suggest they were spreading viruses or other BW agents designed to curtail production of grains and other foodstuffs in support of the forced starvation of the US population.

And maybe these BW agents did indeed come from the US funded labs in Ukraine. If we're not going to investigate those either, we may never find out what the hell is going on.

Whatever the case, when no one can figure out where such UAVs come from or what they are doing, we've got a problem. And if the government is covering this up, we've got an even bigger problem.

Update - 4/17/2022

Of course, these drone swarms might just be delivering drugs:

On the other hand, that also would not be a good thing.

Monday, April 11, 2022

The True Size Of Africa

This graphic compares the true size of Africa to other continents and countries:

Source -

In addition to her expansive lands, Africa contains many strategically important minerals which the US does not have and does not want to pay fair prices for. That may help explain why US-trained forces keep overthrowing democratically elected Africa governments:

While the WSJ article seems oriented toward Russophobia (like most else these days), should we be happy if these coups helped US interests instead of hindering them? While such coups may aid US corporations, they are of little or no benefit to We the People. If anything, they're turning most of the world against us.

Do we really want to fight 80% of the world's people (Asia, Africa, and South America) just so multinational corporations and banks and their CEOs can wallow in the potential spoils of such struggles? I don't.

Update - 4/12/2022

Here is additional discussion:

The US has "lagged behind" because our approach is fubar. We fund dictators, overthrow democratically elected governments (often killing their leaders), strip mine their resources, and use their people for medical experiments. Why would anyone prefer us to the Chinese?

WTFU !!! The world is rejecting us, for good reason, and all we do is ramp up the violence and coercion. This is stupid beyond comprehension.

How NOT To Revive Your Economy

According to this report, small towns need help from pot stores to balance their budgets:

Money spent on pot is money not spent on food, clothing, housing, etc. It's more or less the end game of a consumption based economy which produces nothing else of value.

If this is what we've become, what does it say for our future?

By the way, the nearly $1 trillion "Joe Biden" wants to spend annually on the military might be better spent helping these small towns, but I don't think that's gonna happen. Do you?

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Making War With The Beast

Here is an EXCELLENT explanation of what is happening in the world today:

The bottom line is – the 2022 punitive economic and financial sanctions by the western nations’ alliance against Russia was exactly the reason why BRICS assembled in the first place.

The multinational corporate control of government is exactly what the BRICS assembly foresaw when they first assembled during the Obama administration. When multinational corporations run the policy of western government, there is going to be a problem.

In the bigger picture, the BRICS assembly are essentially leaders who do not want corporations and multinational banks running their government. BRICS leaders want their government running their government; and yes, that means whatever form of government that exists in their nation, even if it is communist.

BRICS leaders are aligned as anti-corporatist. That doesn’t necessarily make those government leaders better stewards, it simply means they want to make the decisions, and they do not want corporations to become more powerful than they are. As a result, if you really boil it down to the common denominator, what you find is the BRICS group are the opposing element to the World Economic Forum assembly.

The countries run by multinational corporations are in Yellow, the countries who have not yet chosen a side are in GREY:

The BRICS team intend to create an alternative option for all the other nations. An alternative to the current western trade and financial platforms operated on the use of the dollar as a currency. Perhaps many nations will use both financial mechanisms depending on their need.

The objective of the BRICS group is simply to present an alternative trade mechanism that permits them to conduct business regardless of the opinion of the multinational corporations in the ‘western alliance.’

Source -

We in the US have given up our freedom, security, and even our lives to the banks and corporations which support the Davos/WEF beast. Sovereign nations which CARE about their people are fighting that beast, while we in the US are giving up our blood and treasure to support it. Why would we do that?

It is said that Satan deceives the whole world. If you were Satan, what tool would you use to accomplish such a thing - developing nations which have little or no influence on humanity, or a power like the United States of America which holds sway over the greater part of the Earth?

Being anti-corporatist is the same as being anti-fascist, but we in the US don't understand that. We are on the wrong side of history, and it ultimately will lead to our doom. I can only hope we don't drag the rest of the world down to Hell along with us.

Saturday, April 9, 2022

The Daily Creeper

Here are a few of the stories in today's alt news:

(1) The global food crisis is gaining steam:

(2) The Russo-Ukraine war seems to be advancing the great reset agenda:

(3) The great reset will fundamentally change our way of life:

(4) There is growing evidence Western "leaders" may be literal demons:

We are indeed at "the end of an age". Everything is changing, collapsing, turning chaotic - all at the same time. And in this period of great upheaval, where are the spiritual leaders? Mostly passive, and if they say or do anything at all it's in support of the Davos/WEF beast and his minions. Not a good sign:

And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? Revelation 13:4 KJV

I don't think many people realize the gravity of what is happening. It's like a slow motion train wreck and all they can do is close their eyes.

Friday, April 8, 2022

Does Your Church Help The Beast ???

According to this report, churches are assisting the US branch of the beast in his effort to vaccinate their unsuspecting flock:

Many churches are being coopted into the Technocrat/Transhuman goal of hacking the human genome, which is rapidly morphing into the greatest genocidal episode in the history of the world. Some churches promote injections for free while others do it to receive federal funds. Most Christians trust their church to protect them from the storms of life, both internal and external.

Source -

I personally would flee any church which does this.

As it is written in Revelation 13 (KJV):

6 And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.

7 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.

8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.

The US government mandates "separation of church and state", except in matters which benefit the state (often allowing it to bypass the US Constitution). Don't believe either of them when they say something is for your own good. Both work for Satan and lie shamelessly about everything.

Planned Starvation ???

According to this report, US rail shipments of grain for livestock are being curtailed:

If this is true, its root cause may be either Biden's unnecessary war in Ukraine or "the great reset". Fundamentally, both are part of the same phenomenon. Here are some other symptoms:

The goal of all this? To monitor and control everything which exists and everything which happens on this planet. And at the apex of this I&C regime sits a small group of psychopaths deciding who lives, who dies, and under what conditions. None of them will ever go hungry or be homeless.

No "democracy", no "freedom". We're trapped in a maelstrom with no obvious escape routes.

At the end (if there ever is an end), we will number 500 million, maybe less.

Empire Of Hate And Lies

In this message, the Saker describes the US as an Empire of Hate and Lies:

I wholeheartedly agree with his characterization.

You can see it in our foreign policy.

You can see it in our politics.

You can see it in our schools.

You can see it in our "healthcare" industry.

You can see it in our "news" industry.

You can see it in our TV shows and movies.

You can see it in our video games.

And you can find it in the depravity of our souls.

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Fluff Vs. Substance

Seldom are the crucial issues of our time mentioned by the MSM, let alone openly discussed. Instead we get fluff and nonsense, day after day:

Our futures are being decided by people we did not elect and who don't give a damn about what happens to us ... as long as their power and privileges are preserved. They represent a FAR greater danger than Putin, but you'd never know it from reading the MSM.

Wake up - We're on a highway to hell, and your friends are gonna be there, too.

War Crimes, Or Not ???

Here is independent reporting of the Russian "war crimes" claims:

Keep in mind that most (if not all) Western claims about atrocities in Ukraine ultimately have been proven to be false. Here's an example:

If you want to believe the same people who told you Saddam had WMDs and Trump committed treason, go ahead. But the US has bought your support with lie after lie, and I find it difficult to believe so many people can be fooled time after time. It's much more likely they have been conditioned to LOVE war, as long as they aren't being shot or bombed, and will accept any pretext to start another one.

Live not by lies !!!

Update - 4/8/2022

Here is testimony from a journalist embedded with Russian forces:

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Official Turncoat ???

Have you noticed this recent switcheroo?

  • General Mark Milley claimed to be so worried President Trump would nuke China that he had seemingly treasonous conversations with Chinese military leaders to the effect he (Milley) would warn them in advance of Trump's (imaginary) attack;
  • But now that Trump is out of office, Milley appears comfortable with labeling China as a threat to the so-called "rules-based" global order, a characterization which could lead to nuclear war.

WTF ???

I think George Orwell would have put it this way:

Officially the change of partners had never happened. The United States was at war with Eurasia: therefore the United States had always been at war with Eurasia. The enemy of the moment always represented absolute evil, and it followed that any past or future agreement with him was impossible.

I can hear that just rolling off the tongue of Jen Psaki, can't you? I doubt Minitrue has ever had a more capable spokesperson.