Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Just A Thought

Close on the heels of COVID-19, the lockdowns, and the war in Ukraine, we're now experiencing a bird flu epidemic which further impacts our food supply:


You may recall there were several "mystery" drone swarms reported in the past two years over Colorado, Nebraska, and other states in the central US:


The general area of these drone swarms was over the US main food production areas.

If at this late stage you still want to tell me no one knows what the drones were doing, allow me to suggest they were spreading viruses or other BW agents designed to curtail production of grains and other foodstuffs in support of the forced starvation of the US population.

And maybe these BW agents did indeed come from the US funded labs in Ukraine. If we're not going to investigate those either, we may never find out what the hell is going on.

Whatever the case, when no one can figure out where such UAVs come from or what they are doing, we've got a problem. And if the government is covering this up, we've got an even bigger problem.

Update - 4/17/2022

Of course, these drone swarms might just be delivering drugs:


On the other hand, that also would not be a good thing.

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