Saturday, April 16, 2022

Hunger Games

For some reason, Union Pacific is cutting down on the number of fertilizer shipments it can make this year:

Does this make any sense at all? Everyone knows when planting season is. The volume of shipments in previous years is known, and could be handled before. So what's the problem now?

This is the sort of thing our Dept of Transportation should be sorting out, but so far its leadership has been focusing on family leave. If we can send weapons to Ukraine, why can't we feed our own people?

"Our" government is either incompetent or nuts, and unless we straighten it out we're going to go hungry starting later this year.

Q: Was Stalin insane when he starved millions of people in Ukraine to impose collectivism?

A: If he was, then the same can be said about "Joe Biden", Nancy Pelosi, Mayor Pete, and the criminals currently imposing their BBB nonsense on our rapidly crumbling nation.

Update - 4/17/2022

Here is additional discussion:

Can you imagine what would happen if we ever got to that point? It begs the question why TPTB are not making food production and distribution their top priority. Or maybe they have, except they've decided to stop feeding us until we give in to their demands.

Update - 4/21/2022

Feed stocks are about to run out in Europe:

This will cull the herds, which may never recover. Since such a thing is part and parcel of "the great reset", why should we be blaming this on Russia instead of on the Davos/WEF beast?

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