Tuesday, January 30, 2024

God's Will, Or Satan's ???

Apparently Speaker of the House Johnson thinks the Biden presidency is "G-d's will":


He seems to have forgotten who it is that choses our leaders:

And the devil, taking him up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time.

And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it.

If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine.

Luke 4:5-7 KJV

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Who's The Dictator ???

Here is a revealing discussion of the War Powers Resolution:


I believe the law is/was being violated - openly - by the current President and many of his predecessors.

Why is Congress wasting time on "influence peddling" investigations, while at the same time condoning the illegal and unconstitutional acts of an ACTUAL dictator?

And consider also that the same administration is spying on its own citizens, possibly to ensure no one rises up against the dictators who are running things:


I had a hard time understanding why the current Speaker of the House was chosen, but now I think I know why.

We live in dangerous times. Be prepared.

Come On Up !!!

Here is a video by Tucker Carlson about the invasion taking place across our southern border:


We ignore this at our peril, and it already may be too late to stop it.

And if the same people retain control of our country for another four years, we'll no longer HAVE a country.

Following The Money

Here is a report about drug companies chasing turbo cancer treatments:


So let me spin a yarn for all y'all to consider:

  • Someone releases SARS-CoV-2 into the global population,
  • Someone develops a "vaccine" to combat the "virus",
  • The "vaccine" causes turbo cancers,
  • Drug companies profit handsomely from turbo cancer treatments.

Now, the scenario I just outlined may be just a fantasy, but why else would Big Pharma invest billions of dollars in this endeavor ... and if this is not the reason, how do they know there will be a cancer explosion in 2025?

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Disease X

By now you must have heard the latest disaster being predicted by the WEF's "Chicken Little" contingent - the one they're calling "Disease X". Well, here is a report on how it may come about:


Ask yourself why any SANE person would conduct the kind of research discussed in the report. Especially when we STILL have not been told the truth about SARS-CoV-2.

P-L-E-A-S-E ... stop all this nonsense before it's too late.

And speaking of the WEF, here is the sort of "entertainment" many of the attendees prefer:


Are these the sort of people who ought to be "resetting" our world? I don't think so.

Good Men Doing Nothing

Here are two really good essays about our "wars" in the Middle East:



Most of us have heard this quote, or one like it:

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

I tend to agree, but there are few good people in Congress ... or anywhere in DC for that matter. They've been cheering on all our undeclared wars for decades, and the sound and fury is reaching a climax. Many of them are frustrated because our Constitution makes it difficult to wage war, but there is a reason for that. The Founders (and most sane people of today) did not WANT our nation to be at war all the time.

I know it sounds old school, but wouldn't we be better off if we stopped trying to be the world's cop?

TVA Troubles

According to this report, the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) may have difficulties supplying enough electricity to its customers this winter:


In a former life, I worked as a contractor for TVA nuclear on two occasions, both times at Browns Ferry.

It's not common knowledge, but TVA had plans for 17 reactors back in the glory days of nuclear energy. But most either got cancelled or never got off the drawing board:


True, the ones they DID build had their problems, but if TVA had commissioned more successful nukes, they wouldn't be in a bind now that coal and hydro are dwindling as a share of the power mix.

Of all the words of mice and men, the saddest are, "It might have been." ― Kurt Vonnegut

You could say that about the entire US nuclear industry.

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Mike Yeadon Warning

Here is a timely warning from Dr. Mike Yeadon:


Here is another, this from a man who claims to be a real scientist. His data seems impeccable:


Both are well worth your time, but if not these will be the last such videos I share.

It should be clear by now that all resources of the US government and its corporate masters of the WEF are being deployed against the people. If that does not alarm and motivate you, then I'll stop wasting my time.

Monday, January 8, 2024

Military Malcontents ???

Some strange stuff has been happening in the USUKAUS military establishments:

1. The commander of Wright-Patterson AFB has been relieved:


2. The Brits can't find anyone willing to command their submarine force [I would do it, but I doubt they'd have me]:


3. And the US defense secretary was [or still is?] in the hospital for unknown reasons and no one at the White House seemed to know what was going on:


Possible reasons? It may be difficult to find military leaders who are willing to do crazy things, like fighting losing proxy wars in Ukraine and the Middle East AND at the same time antagonizing Russia, China, and most of the rest of the world.

Should that be the case, you can almost be certain their replacements will be religious fanatics or ones who favor delusional thinking over reality. Who else would be willing to risk death in a nuclear fireball or a watery grave, while dooming their country at the same time?

Fiscal Insanity

Looks like Congress once again is going to REALLY screw us with debt:


I hear latest budget proposal is $1.66 TRILLION. I cannot believe any sane person would authorize such a thing, but here we are.

Seldom mentioned, but just as ominous, is the fact the Congressional debt limit has been SUSPENDED until January 2025. Talk about kicking the can down the road, while at the same time setting the next President up to fail !!!

In my opinion, our fate rests in the hands of religious fanatics and incompetents. I suggest we start praying REALLY hard for the Second Coming, since I doubt any earthly leader is capable of solving the predicament we're putting ourselves into.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Forgive Us Our Debts

"Debts that can't be paid won't be paid. What always is at issue is just how they won't be paid." - Professor Michael Hudson

Update - 1/14/2024

Although the national debt will NEVER be repaid, along the way to bankruptcy we'll be selling off our assets for pennies on the dollar:


Joe Biden is a fool.