Thursday, March 31, 2022

The Insanity Of Bill Gates

Bill Gates wants us to abolish real meat:

If we do this, the price of food will skyrocket and the herds will never recover. How do you spell f-a-m-i-n-e?

This idiot, who doesn't appear to be qualified to do anything except lord it over the rest of us, is one of the prime movers of the COVID-19 "pandemic". How'd that work out for you?

And now he wants "climate change" action. Don't fall for this crap. He and his cronies will DESTROY humanity in their quest to save us.

Refineries And Pipelines

Here is a report about oil refineries and pipelines in the US and Canada:

In a former life I processed air permits for most of the facilities in Texas.

This system may seem robust but actually is quite fragile. It can easily be wrecked, and that is exactly what "Joe Biden" is in the process of doing.

And by the way, a one million barrel release from the strategic petroleum reserve isn't even a drop in the bucket. It's a PR stunt which demonstrates how small our backup supply really is.

If you let the green raw deal people have their way, you'll be eating cold food in the dark, if you can get any food at all.

Update - 6/10/2022

US refineries soon will be shutting down when they realize they can make more money selling carbon credits than they can by selling refined oil products. Here's an example of one which already has made that decision:

They won't be the last. Buy your bicycles now, before the prices go up.

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

AI Is Already In Control

According to this video, BlackRock's AI named Aladdin already controls a large part of the world's economy:

So it should come as no surprise TPTB also want to turn over life and death decisions to AI:

How many lines of code will it take to change these systems from human-friendly ones to not-so-friendly killers? Considering what Aladdin already is doing, I would guess the crossover switch may have been built into the system from the beginning.

AI systems work through logic, fuzzy or otherwise, and the most logical solution to the thorniest problems on Earth is to cull the human herd. I suggest you get your affairs in order. Our usefulness to the rich is rapidly fading.

Monday, March 28, 2022

The US People's Convoy

You may recall I wrote about the People's Convoy back on March 11:

As I surmised then, they didn't do much of anything and have now decided to go home:

The American people have been conquered and pacified. In spite of their so-called "Bill of Rights" and the huge arsenal of weapons they possess, they're going to do NOTHING as the Davos/WEF beast steam-rolls our nation into the ground.

They'll gladly take up those arms to kill Russians over in Ukraine, but when it comes to defending their own country, they have no balls. None whatsoever.


Starlink Is A Military Weapon

By giving them Starlink terminals, El-On Musk is helping the Ukrainians conduct drone warfare:

Some may applaud this move, but the rest of us should consider what it means for our future. Once such orbital systems are complete, it will be impossible to escape the panopticon-like surveillance and control they enable. Dissenters and violators can and will be canceled or killed without warning.

Such a system will be the backbone of Skynet. You may think that's wonderful, since "Americans" will control it, but think again.

We the People will not benefit - we are the primary targets.

Yet in holding scientific discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.

Dwight D. Eisenhower

"Could become" is now "has become". You saw it start with COVID-19, and now it's happening with energy policy, war making, and food production and distribution. Once WWIII ramps up in earnest, there will be no going back.

Why isn't "our" Congress debating this? Because the geriatric morons who control it WANT this war. It will give them the excuse they need to do whatever they want. A nuclear strike is the inevitable trigger, and it will signify the moment that government of the people, by the people, for the people, will have perished from the earth.

We all saw it coming, we all did nothing to stop it, and we all shall reap what we have sown.

Update - 4/17/2022

Here is confirmation of the claim I made in the title of this post:

Once the world realizes that US "civilian" infrastructure really belongs to the military, will they be so eager to accept it?

And you can imagine how Russia may retaliate against Musk. This could get ugly (as if it isn't already).

Question Of The Day - 3/28/2022

You've probably all heard this statement:

For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power.

Source -

Question: Does it apply to:

  • Vladimir Putin, or
  • Joe Biden?

One goaded the other into attacking his neighbor and then rapidly pulled the entire world into an existential crisis, apparently to impose a "new world order".

Which of them is the greater threat to humanity?

Update - 3/29/2022

Here is some related discussion:

Is it fair to say that if we do nothing our nation is doomed?

Update - 4/4/2022

According to this poll, many in the US agree that removing Biden is more important than overthrowing Putin: [link may be broken]

Both may stay in office for quite some time, but if I were Putin I would not leave my bunker until this war is over. The US has a long history of assassinating its enemies.

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Financial Revolution In The Works

And speaking of the beast, here is one of his latest schemes:

Digital currency is not just funny money, it's ironclad surveillance and control of each and every one of us.

Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God!

We've reached a fork in the road where one direction leads to freedom and the other to slavery. I pray you can recognize which is which and have the courage and strength to pick the right one.

Naming Names

Here is a very valuable exercise from James Howard Kunstler:

This is not just stuff happening. It's people, usually well-paid "public servants", either not doing their jobs or doing something the ultra rich have told them to do.

"Our" government does not work for us. It works for the Davos/WEF beast, and it is destroying our nation.


Saturday, March 26, 2022

Death By Plastic

If disease, war, and famine don't kill us, plastic eventually will:

I guess we have Ben (the graduate) to thank for this outcome:

Ben should have taken Josey Wales's advice:

Dying really isn't much of a living, but way too many Americans seem to think it is.

Update - 4/10/2022

Here is additional discussion:

Make Nazism Great Again ???

In this essay, Pepe Escobar explains the rise of Nazism in Ukraine:

One has to ask, why does the US tolerate encourage Antifa in the US, but train and fund Nazis in Ukraine?

Could it be our government really doesn't give a damn about either ideology, only about results? Anyone can be their puppet, anyone their victim, and who the hell can fathom the reasons why?

Why All The Abortions ???

As studies such as this one have shown, US births have been declining for some time (and continue to decline):

Since this trend has ominous implications for our nation, why the push to make it even easier to have an  abortion?

There must be some underlying plan here, but what could it be? You don't suppose they're just trying to kill us all off, do you?

Friday, March 25, 2022

Beast Agenda Report

The CEO of BlackRock confirms the invasion of Ukraine helps implement the agenda of the Davos/WEF beast:

If you are not familiar with BlackRock, then watch this video:

Thanks to Biden's Russo-Ukraine war, we're also going to be locked down again because We the People use too much oil:

There are some who think We the People will rise up against such totalitarian measures:

But as this report confirms, governments in the West will fight anyone who resists the REAL traitors and terrorists who are doing these horrible things to us:

I see no reason whatever to hope We the People will rise up against the beast. We're confused, fighting with ourselves and each other, and completely rudderless. And if we somehow WERE to rise up, TPTB would not hesitate to use any and all means at their disposal, including starting a nuclear war, to stomp us back down into our place.

I wouldn't mind being wrong about this, but you're going to have to PROVE me wrong. And you can't do that by just sitting on your behinds and whining, which at this point is all I'm doing.

Believing The Lie

Saw this in the Dayton, Ohio newspaper:

How can this be a "natural decrease" in population when:

  • SARS-CoV-2 may have been intentionally created and released, and
  • Much of the increased morbidity and mortality was caused by the "lockdown" measures put in place by idiotic politicians who were advised by doctors and scientists who may have been complicit in this genocidal episode?

If we keep believing such lies, they'll continue to get away with murder. Demand that your government have a REAL investigation. If it won't, then demand new government. Anything less puts your life at risk.

Update - 3/26/2022

Here is additional proof TPTB intend to squeeze us into whatever mold they please:

No matter which solution you embrace, they all lead in the same direction - a vastly smaller human population.

Think maybe 500 million, globally.

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

The Growth Of Nuclear Arsenals

Here is a video showing the growth of global nuclear arsenals:

There may be fewer warheads now, but most are extremely accurate and the leading countries have first strike weapons and the resolve to use them. A nuclear war could start with little or no warning.

Pray hard, and don't take the mark.

The Real Us

Chris Hedges accurately describes the real America:

All you cheerleaders for this expanding US war against Russia, please read the above and explain why you believe we're better than them.

And anyone who thinks the US should run the "new world order", please keep in mind it will be a NWO crafted by the Davos/WEF beast, in which the US will be merely a piggy bank and the military muscle ... and which will be tossed out like a used condom when they're done with us:

You'll own nothing and you'll be happy. Why would anyone believe that's a good thing?

Update - 3/24/2022

Here is additional discussion:

Biden is leading us to hell. Most people don't realize that yet.

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Frankenbeef 4 U

Coming soon to a dinner table near you:

Now this is the same FDA which maintains the COVID "vaccines" are safe and effective, right?

Future Of Crypto

Here is a great bio of the creator of Ethereum:

Interesting how he wanted the greatest good for the largest number of people, while some of his investors were only interested in getting rich. Reminds me of the Internet in general; early pioneers wanted to protect our privacy, while the money men wanted to strip mine our data. We all know who won THAT contest. Also reminds me of Nikola Tesla, who wanted electricity to be free. Now we pay dearly for it.

Monday, March 21, 2022

Robot Prosecutors ???

Here is a crazy idea from the German Business News:

Chinese scientists have developed artificial intelligence for use in the judiciary, which can act as a public prosecutor and independently accuse citizens.

Not something I want to see. Humans should be accused and judged only by other humans. In no way does a computer belong on a jury of your peers.

37 Victims

If you're wondering why much of the world does not like the US, take a look at this list of our victims:

The actual number of deaths may be more, may be less ... but many of them didn't have to happen at all.

Like it or not, this is your country. Is this what you want?

Sunday, March 20, 2022

A Bigger Boomerang

Here is a good discussion of what may happen if the US sanctions China for its support of Russia:

In case you haven't noticed, China makes most of what we consume and has control of many of the associated raw materials. A total cutoff of China would have catastrophic consequences for the US. The term "unhinged" has to be the best description of Biden's thought process here, if the man thinks at all. And it certainly applies to Speaker Pelosi, too.

The only way such sanctions would make any sense is if they are part of the Davos/WEF beast's plan to destroy the US in their march toward a "great reset". And if that's the case, we better wake up fast and stop this nonsense while we still can.

Make no mistake, this is a potential existential crisis for the US.

Not Everyone In Ukraine Hates Russia

Here is the perspective of a Dutch journalist who visited Ukraine to interview people who live there:

True, she could only speak to a small fraction of the populace, but it is interesting to realize not everyone there hates the Russians. In fact, just knowing what we do about Joe and Hunter Biden, I'm AMAZED we keep believing the BS the Biden crime family and their shills in the MSM have been telling us.

I believe this to be "Joe Biden's war", meant to cover up his crimes and distract us from his failures. Putin may or may not be a war criminal, but without question "Joe Biden" definitely is.

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Who Is Driving This Bus ???

If you'd like to know who is currently in control of US foreign and domestic policy, you need look no further than this report:

And if they happen to win this global struggle, the Davos/WEF beast has some big changes in store for us, too. Get ready to give up your way of life "for the common good" (a.k.a. a whole bunch of stuff which benefits the rich).

By the way, if you're tempted to believe we'd be better off under the boot of the Davos/WEF beast than we would under the boot of China, consider this:

  • Over the past few decades, China has dramatically RAISED the standard of living of its people; while
  • Over the past few decades, the US has dramatically DECREASED our standard of living.

Do you think the Davos/WEF beast will now reverse that trend?

The Mobilization Has Begun

According to this report, the mobilization for WWIII has begun:

Here is a graphic showing the relative size of global armies:

Source -

And while we're still capable of rational thought, here is how we arrived at this point in history:

Keep in mind this is exactly what TPTB wanted. They didn't consult you or me, and the outcome is likely to be the one THEY wanted all along. See you on the other side.

Friday, March 18, 2022

The Truth Will Out

Every day we get more news about US biological weapons research in Ukraine. Here are some recent reports (scan the first three and read the fourth):

Just like they did with Hunter Biden's laptop, the US government and MSM are telling you the BW issue is a NON-story, but just like the laptop it's not.

One of the potential reasons the US wants to bury this story is that it may have been the US which created SARS-CoV-2 and spread it throughout the world. That possibility is consistent with the known facts AND with America's proclivity for waging total war.

For background information on US deployment of biological weapons during the Korean War, please refer to this 2013 essay:

Just like nuclear, chemical, and radiological weapons, they've done it before (WWII, Vietnam, Iraq) and they'd do it all again.

NOT Vaccines

Here is a great explanation from Dr. David Martin of the apparent fraud and deceptive trade practices behind the COVID "vaccines":

Unfortunately, the entire US government and almost all of the scientific/medical community went along with this alleged fraud, making it difficult to prove in court.

However, We the People are the ultimate arbiters of right and wrong, so if we can find enough competent prosecutors and fair judges we still can beat these bastards. Just letting them go as if nothing has happened is NOT an option.

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Remember Pearl Harbor ???

Ukrainian President Zelenskyy (yes, it has TWO "y"s at the end) invoked Pearl Harbor in his pleas to "our" Congress. But which Pearl Harbor did he mean?

Was it the original Pearl Harbor, an attack which FDR did everything he could to provoke but did nothing to prevent so he could drag the US into a world war?

Was it the "new" Pearl Harbor (9/11), an attack which Dick Cheney and company did everything they could to provoke but did nothing to prevent so they could drag the US into a global war on terror?

Or is it this "third" Pearl Harbor, an attack which the US deep state did everything they could to provoke but did nothing to prevent so they could drag the US into yet another world war?

Are we so stupid that we can't see what's happening? Apparently we are, since there are virtually NO voices of any consequence speaking up to contradict this duplicitous, jingoistic narrative echoing throughout every corner of the land.

Update - 3/20/2022

Here is David Stockman's excellent rebuttal of the prevailing narrative:

Too bad there aren't more like him in government and the MSM. We seem stuck with loads of warmongers and liars.

Don't Worry, Be Happy

TPTB and their minions have been busy telling us not to worry about the state of the world - a condition for which THEY are chiefly responsible:

I agree with this in principle, since always reading negative stuff does indeed turn one in that direction.

But sometimes they go too far, for example with this op-ed which suggests we should not think at all:

If you don't have a subscription to read this NYT article, here is what it said - You can't figure out what is going on, so don't try; just pick someone you can trust (like the NYT?) and believe what they tell you.

Certainly, that strategy will cut down on the anxiety, but it also will allow TPTB to do whatever they want with no oversight by or pushback from We the People.

Are you happy now? Without an informed public capable of critical thinking, there can be no democracy. Do you get that, Mitt?

Russian Nukes

Here is a discussion about Russian nuclear weapons:

In truth, both Russia and the US have been developing first strike weapons. Neither side would do this unless they thought it advantageous to use them.

We're closer to nuclear war than you think. Start taking this seriously, and let "Joe Biden" and the rest of the DC psychopaths know that you don't want and will not tolerate ANY nuclear exchange.

The World Strikes Back, Or Does It ???

Here is a discussion of what Russia and China could do to counter US sanctions and defeat the unipolar world order:

But note that Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (PCR) suggests the Russian central bank is doing the exact opposite of what it should do to defeat the sanctions:

Russia has the same problem we do - "our" leaders, bankers, and CEOs listen to globalists and REFUSE to do anything which would be beneficial to OUR country. And this reluctance, TREASON actually, seems to come from the same source - the Davos/WEF beast. After all, wasn't Putin one of their young global leaders; and haven't they infiltrated all the corridors of power in the West?

Dear Vlad - Dump your turncoat bankers and listen to PCR. You'll be glad you did.

And dear America - Wake up to the fact "your" leaders have become your own worst enemies. They're willing to make you sick, starve you, and draw you into a nuclear war just to increase THEIR power and privilege.

Mitt Ascendant ???

Mitt Romney has resurfaced, attacking Tulsi Gabbard and allegedly defending our "democracy":

I'd like to know what kind of "democracy" he's talking about, as it seems to be one in which no one is allowed to speak the truth without being called a traitor, and in which CEOs keep getting HUGE pay packages while the rest of us struggle with the burden of "Putin's inflation":

Dear Mitt - Why don't you do something for us once in a while? Are you angling to be our next president? In your dreams, buddy. Only in your dreams.

Update - 3/18/2022

Here is yet another example of a Hollywood big shot profiting handsomely while the industry helps undermine democracy in the US:

By the way, not mentioned is the fact his brothers Rahm and Ezekiel also have benefited handsomely from the American way of life. Good for them, but what did they ever do for us?

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

A Simple Question

US officials now are claiming the purpose of the (allegedly nonexistent) BW labs in Ukraine is to eliminate dangerous weapons in former Soviet states.

Well, the USSR broke up in 1991.

And according to their own documents, the Defense Threat Reduction Agency has been working with Ukraine since at least 2005:'S-COOPERATIVE-THREAT-REDUCTION-PROGRAM-BIOLOGICAL-THREAT-REDUCTION-PROGRAM-ACTIVITIES-IN-UKRAINE.PDF

So, seventeen years later why should there still be dangerous pathogens in Ukraine left over from the USSR?

Airborne AIDS ???

Early in the pandemic, there were reports the SARS-CoV-2 virus contained a portion of the HIV virus:

Such reports were immediately condemned as being false.

Now, however, data is emerging which suggests those initial reports were on to something:

How much longer will we allow Fauci and company to keep peddling this poison? The lack of concern over this issue is mind-boggling.

No Defense

This report by Jonathan Turley discusses a recent poll which found almost 40% of the US population would flee the country if faced with a situation similar to the one in Ukraine:

Considering how TPTB have been attacking our heritage, values, and legal system relentlessly over the past many years, I'm not surprised many people no longer think this place is worth saving. This outcome fits perfectly with the rest of the "great reset" agenda which is being jammed down our throats with little or no pushback.

So, if we're not willing to fight to save our own country, then what the hell are we doing in Ukraine? What a bunch of dumbasses we've become.

Update - 3/18/2022

Here is additional discussion:

Once again, the author downplays the fact that globalist forces have vilified the concepts of nationalism, militia, private ownership of firearms, and the sanctity of borders. This is exactly the outcome they desired - nobody wanting to defend this place any more.

And we're STILL too stupid to admit this or do anything about it.

Weaponization Of Everything

This report discusses how the US has weaponized just about everything:

One has to ask, how will the rest of the world react to this? Will they enjoy having the so-called "free market" turned into a permanent war zone?

Perhaps this report has part of the answer to that question:

The Chinese, Russians, and even the Saudis are seeking to bypass the petrodollar system. And when the world no longer needs the dollar, they won't need the US either.

We may think we're still "indispensable", but that delusion is slowly turning into a nightmare. Since we've destroyed our domestic capacity to produce most of the stuff we consume, once the dollar become worthless we're gonna be in a world of hurt.

Monday, March 14, 2022

Moderna's Next Windfall

According to this report, Moderna has more mRNA "vaccines" in the works:

Two questions:

  • Will they honestly assess the side effects of the COVID "vaccine" before injecting people with these new products?
  • Since the planet is overpopulated AND the global food supply is about to take a big hit, is curing all these diseases really that good of an idea?

Just being practical. And cynical.

Gains Of The Beast

Here are some things the Davos/WEF beast has gained:

  • Destroyed through lockdowns a large part of the world's economy;
  • Destroying even more with the Ukraine-Russia war;
  • Pushed up the cost of food and energy;
  • Pushing them up even higher with the Ukraine-Russia war;
  • Poisoned billions with the mRNA innoculations; and
  • On the verge of enacting a global system to lock us down again and poison us even more during their next plandemic.

They also stand to gain these things through the chaos which soon will follow:

  • Control of all resources;
  • Control of all energy;
  • Control of all money; and
  • Control of the entire human population.

What good will come of this? Perhaps a healthier planet, but at what cost? How many of us do you think will survive their "great reset" of all life on earth? Some say 500 million, but with robotics it could be even fewer.

Update - 3/15/2022

This essay provides an excellent discussion of the points I made above:

By pretending to protect democracy in Ukraine, we're seriously eroding every aspect of our own way of life. Merely blaming this on Putin won't help us at all.

Update - 3/22/2022

Here is additional discussion:

War changes everything, and not for the better.

Crocodile Tears

We keep hearing about civilian casualties in  Ukraine, currently nearly 600 dead, but to date there has been no official estimate of the people Nixon killed in Cambodia.

As you may recall, Nixon bombed Cambodia because it allegedly was being used to transport military supplies into Vietnam, where the US was waging a pointless, essentially illegal war of extermination.

And now we're going to start WWIII with Russia because they may do something similar to NATO arms shipments to Ukraine? What a sick joke.

There are no heroes in this war. "Joe Biden" is not a strong leader. He's a geriatric psychopath.

And as usual, the MSM has completely forgotten history and the extensive war crimes of their own country. Somehow they can remember slavery and homophobia, but little else.

Haven't We Heard This Before ???

Twenty years ago we were treated to this BS:

"Nobody in our government, at least, and I don't think the prior government, could envisage flying airplanes into buildings," stated President George W. Bush. National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice claimed: "I don't think anybody could have predicted that they would try to use an airplane as a missile, a hijacked airplane as a missile." FBI Director Robert Mueller said: "There were no warning signs that I'm aware of that would indicate this type of operation in the country."

Source -

Of course, we knew even back then such claims were lies. There were multiple warnings, but they were ignored and in some cases covered up.

Now we're hearing this about the failure of the so-called COVID vaccines:

"No one could have known."

Source -

But OF COURSE we knew, and so did they; but once again, the warnings were ignored and covered up.

These agencies are not covering up incompetency, they have been actively complicit in keeping the truth from being known. Everyone involved should be stripped of their immunity and prosecuted for their roles in the associated crimes.

And make no mistake, both 9/11 and the forced administration of the mRNA "vaccines" were crimes against the American people.

We Are Hackable

Here is a good explanation of what the Davos/WEF beast thinks about you and me:

And these are the people who want to run the world?

Someone please explain to me how this differs from what the Chinese think about us.

Sunday, March 13, 2022

The Swiss Are Prepared

According to this report, the Swiss are prepared for a nuclear war:

This may explain why the Davos/WEF beast doesn't seem concerned about whether the Ukraine conflict might go nuclear.

The US, on the other hand, is completely unprepared for the effects of a nuclear exchange. "Joe Biden" is using us as pawns in his sick game, and when the balloon goes up we're likely to get incinerated.

And for what? So that a few ultra rich people can rule what's left with an iron fist?

The Skinny On Ukraine

There are a number of ways to look at the mess in Ukraine, but I believe this brief description by Anna Von Reitz is quite accurate:

Following Ukrainian independence in 1991, the Usual Suspects piled on.  It was like a gold rush.  Drug smuggling. Human trafficking.  Arms sales. Counterfeiting.  Organ harvesting.  Oil privateering. Every sordid nasty dirty business in the world was imported to Ukraine, by all the Agencies, the "US Corp", the DOD,  the Mobs of various nations, and associated corporations like Blackwater and Halliburton and on and on and on. All the Dirty Deal Guys showed up like gangbangers.

And everyone including Russia just shook their heads.  It was business as usual for the Ollie Norths of the world.

Predictably, some Ukrainian oligarchs floated to the top of the cesspit and became politicians.

The whole situation took an exponential leap downward during the Obama Administration, when Joe Biden and members of the US CONGRESS got involved in paying the oligarchs tons of helicopter money for their personal support on one hand, and taking billions out of the Ukrainian economy on the other.

It was just a shameless wholesale sell out of Ukraine and the people of Ukraine.  Their oil pillaged, their trade policies manipulated, their entire country opened up to every kind of vice, but the final straw was the DOD opening up over a dozen bioweapon laboratories in Ukraine.

You can read the rest @

So, in addition to anything else it may do, supporting the Zelenskyy regime probably would lead to the restoration of the criminality mentioned above.

And that begs the question, are we fighting Russia to restore democracy or to bring back the Ukrainian oligarchs and preserve the "10 percent for the big guy"?

Saturday, March 12, 2022

EVs Suck

Here is a report of how the production of materials used in EVs results in environmental degradation and humanitarian abuses:

Everything today is about money and control. Very little of it contributes to a better world. Perhaps we'll finally realize that when most of us are riding bicycles as our chief mode of transportation.

The Lab Connections

Here is an interesting clip about alleged relationships among the Ukrainian labs, the WEF, the Biden family, and the folks who brought you COVID-19:

This could be "Russian propaganda", but I doubt it. I know for a fact such labs exist and have been funded by US sources. And they definitely have been conducting BW research.

We made a BIG mistake by not investigating the Biden crime family before they took over the US government, and now we're paying the price.

White Punks On Dope

According to this report, West Point cadets overdose on fentanyl just like the rest of us:

Seeing as how they're supposed to be the best of the best, this is a sad day for the USMA.

By the way, in a former life I knew a US Naval Academy grad who claimed the highest maxim of the USNA code of conduct was never to rat out your fellow midshipmen when they broke the rules. I would not be surprised if that was the standard at all our military academies.

Update - 3/20/2022

Here is additional discussion:

Clearly USMA is a mess. In my view, our entire military-industrial complex needs revamping, with the harmful parts being cut out and discarded for the good of all concerned.

Warriors Beware

Note well the new way the US fights its foreign wars does NOT require the use of US citizen-soldiers as boots on the ground in the battlefield. Ukraine is a case in point.

Instead "our" soldiers, sailors, and airmen are used as unwitting participants in domestic culture wars and as lab rats in potentially lethal medical experiments. The end result will be to kill them off.

But since there is (for now) a never ending supply of this cannon fodder, TPTB won't really give a damn when they die. They'll soon have Skynet at their disposal.

By the way, the belief that Skynet will become "self aware" and start killing humans is misleading. TPTB are an integral part of what will become Skynet, and THEY will lead the charge to kill the rest of us. You can see this reality in what they're already doing.

The triple threats of disease, war, and famine we all now face were engineered by them. Even if you disagree with that assessment, it at least should be clear TPTB did NOTHING to stop all this from happening when they easily could have.

Why then have we allowed them to remain in power?

Friday, March 11, 2022

What People Fight For

Here is an interesting comparison/contrast:

1. Participants in the Canadian "freedom convoy" movement risked life, limb, and freedom in response to what they believed to be government overreach.

2. In the US, similar protesters merely looped around the DC Beltway. Not much of a threat to anyone.

Here is another:

1. On January 6, 2021, a crowd of misinformed (?) people, none of whom were armed, committed mischief in Washington, DC. Many are now in jail and face lengthy prison sentences.

2. An unknown number of misinformed (?) people, all of whom will be armed, are traveling to Ukraine to fight against Russia in a war promoted and enabled by the US government.

Americans (chiefly white males) appear to LOVE violence, especially the lethal variety. Those who might exercise it against the US government are hunted down and harshly punished, while those willing to exercise it against US "enemies" are considered heroes.

Does any of this bother you?

US Conducted BW Experiments In Ukraine

Here is a credible report about US biological warfare experiments in Ukraine and Georgia:

Or if you like, you can just go on believing Jan Psaki's BS.

US "journos" no longer do meaningful investigation of anything, and BigTech and social media censor anyone else who does. We live in the land of the ignorant, most of whom are content to join the Two Minutes Hate session against the enemy of the day.

By the way, for a discussion of previous US involvement in BW, please read this essay on Dissident Voice:

Friendly Fascism

Most people in the US really don't recognize fascism when they see it:

"Anyone looking for black shirts, mass parties, or men on horseback will miss the telltale clues of creeping fascism. In any First World country of advanced capitalism, the new fascism will be colored by national and cultural heritage, ethnic and religious composition, formal political structure, and geopolitical environment ... In America, it would be supermodern and multi-ethnic-as American as Madison Avenue, executive luncheons, credit cards, and apple pie. It would be fascism with a smile. As a warning against its cosmetic facade, subtle manipulation, and velvet gloves, I call it friendly fascism. What scares me most is its subtle appeal. I am worried by those who fail to remember - or have never learned - that Big Business-Big Government partnerships, backed up by other elements, were the central facts behind the power structures of old fascism in the days of Mussolini, Hitler, and the Japanese empire builders."

You can read the rest @

Even worse is the FACT we didn't recognize it in Ukraine although many symbols of Nazism were clearly present. What the hell's wrong with the American people?

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Starving Afghanistan

Great tweet about US perfidy toward Afghanistan:

If you recall, we did something similar to Vietnam after we got kicked out of that country, and we're likely to do it again after we get done wrecking Ukraine.

Of course, we'll just say it was someone else's fault and most Americans will believe it.

Obama Helped Fund BW Lab In Ukraine

According to this report, Obama ad-Dajjal promoted the construction of a BSL-3 bioweapons lab in Ukraine when he was a US senator:

And here is a discussion of attempts to conceal what the Ukrainian labs have been doing:

The US embassy in Ukraine was involved in the concealment:

In light of the fact that not much is known about these labs, I agree with the Chinese government that a thorough investigation and third-party monitoring of all such facilities is essential:

When you consider all the lies we have been told over the past two years, no one should believe anything the US government has to say on the subject.

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Ukraine's BW Facilities

According to this report, Ukraine has at least 26 biological weapons facilities:

Some background:

  • Russia abandoned their BW/CW facilities in former Soviet republics after the collapse of the USSR.
  • The Pentagon then snapped them up and started funding them.
  • Many if not all of the BW facilities are not merely "research labs" but also are production facilities.

There are several questions we urgently need to answer:

  • Who actually has been controlling these facilities?
  • What sort of "research" has been going on there?
  • What sort of pathogens are being studied and produced, and in what quantities?
  • Do their activities violate US or international laws or conventions?

As you may know, there are two lingering mysteries in the BW weapons arena, and these labs may be related to them:

  1. In spite of what the FBI claimed following the Amerithrax investigation, Dr. Bruce Ivins had neither the expertise nor the opportunity to produce the anthrax spores used in the 2001 anthrax attacks.
  2. And in spite of all the lies to the contrary, no one has conclusively proven the source of the SARS-CoV-2 virus which caused the COVID-19 pandemic.

It's quite possible one or more of these Ukrainian BW facilities could have been involved, so we need a credible investigation and accounting of the activities of ALL of them.

You may be gullible enough to believe the US has not been engaged in BW research, but I'm not.

By the way, if my mortal enemy was operating BW research/production facilities in a country bordering mine, I'd want them shut down and dismantled. Wouldn't you?

Update - 3/10/2022

Additional discussion from Glenn Greenwald:

One of the few remaining investigative journalists and usually right on the money.

Two Realities

Here is a discussion of Putin's domestic approval rating:

That's right - it's going UP !!!

I think it would be fair to say the Russian people have a better grip on reality than their US counterparts.

After all, Putin is acting to protect his countrymen from an existential threat, while US "leaders" are subjecting many of THEIR countrymen to multiple existential threats and doing NOTHING to help us. In fact, they're mostly in support of those threats.

If you cannot see that now, maybe you'll wake up when almost everyone in the US cannot afford to eat or pay their energy bills any more.

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

The Empire Self-Destructs

Here is a great explanation of how and why the US empire is self-destructing:

And guess what? We've gone so far down this rabbit hole it's unlikely we could extricate ourselves without MASSIVE changes which TPTB are unlikely to EVER contemplate.

If you still think this global bully (the US) has a chance to survive as a global hegemon, watch this video first:

We have alienated more than half the world's population, and like Russia they may have decided it's time to bite the bullet and do whatever they can to escape our greedy clutches.

And it's not just "business" any more ... this time it's PERSONAL.

Monday, March 7, 2022

The Puppet US Rump State

Yesterday I found this graphic listing corporations which have pulled out of Russia:

It brings up an interesting question - are corporations supporting the US/NATO war against Russia, or are the US/NATO supporting the Davos/WEF war against not only Russia but ALL sovereign nations?

Here is a background report about what's at stake here, and I urge you to read it in full:

The mainstream and social media have succeeded in spinning this conflict as one between freedom and totalitarianism, and that it is. But do we really know which side is which?

People often talk about "the tail wagging the dog", but I believe that a big corporate dog (the Davos/WEF beast) is now wagging its tail (the puppet US rump state and its mongrel puppies known as NATO). They've got us all so confused we're fighting against our best interests in a war that will hurt us terribly while helping this big corporate dog achieve more and more of its objectives. Global war quickly will lead to global rationing and global "rebuilding" of destroyed assets, and you can bet your sweet bippy the things they "build back better" are far more likely to satisfy their agenda than anything benefiting We the People.

But isn't that what war is always about?

Sunday, March 6, 2022

What It's All About

I just found these words on a Yahoo page:

In a few frantic days, the West threw out the standard playbook that it had used for decades and instead marshaled a stunning show of unity against Russia’s brutal aggression in the heart of Europe.

The phrase "brutal aggression" applies in spades to what the US/NATO did to Iraq (starting with Desert Storm and still not over), Libya, and Syria. To claim this is somehow new and only committed by Russia is the worst kind of bullshit.

To recognize the US population does not understand this is to know why we continue to believe such lies and distortions.

But I'll agree this is a new "stunning show of unity against Russia". And such new unity is absolutely necessary if the West is to prevail in the war they have long provoked and finally enabled.

What is this all about? You can find its essence in these three lines of text by Halford John Mackinder:

  • Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland;
  • who rules the Heartland commands the World-Island;
  • who rules the World-Island commands the world.

You can read a bit about Mackinder's theory here:

The goal of NATO's eastward expansion is to rule East Europe and ultimately the world. In other words, to achieve lasting global hegemony for the US ... or more correctly for whomever controls what we must now call "the puppet US rump state".

Russia's goal is to prevent the puppet US rump state from ruling the world. Achieving that would benefit Russia (which the puppet US rump state seeks to utterly destroy), China, and just about everyone not tied to the puppet US rump state.

You really need to think about what is at stake here. It's not crying babies and their moms in Ukraine. It's about who is going to rule the world.

Update - 3/11/2022

Here is additional informed discussion:

The puppet US rump state is NOT going to negotiate the end of this war. It will continue until the Davos/WEF beast either wins or is destroyed by the people of the Earth.

And I doubt the latter outcome is possible without divine assistance.


It should be clear that Russia is not the only country guilty of atrocities:

Along those lines, I find this report about US torturers particularly troubling:

SCOTUS completely evades the issue of torture by using a legal technicality, totally consistent with the following axiom:


Ignoring its own constitution should NOT be a power allocated to ANY state. That's my two cents, anyway.

Update - 3/12/2022

Here is additional discussion:

You may not care about this, but you should. Everything the war on terror spawns eventually will be turned against us. We the People have been the real enemy all along.

Saturday, March 5, 2022


This morning I was reminded the plot of the movie Soylent Green was set in the year 2022:

And right on schedule, the world seems about to be plunged into a great food crisis (a.k.a. famine):

Stop food and fertilizer exports and much of the world is going to starve.

Keep in mind the World Economic Forum and the West's oligarchs already have gamed this event and apparently are happy with its eventual outcome (i.e., more deaths). Do you think Bill Gates or Klaus Schwab ever will go hungry?

Please tell me why we're fighting each other instead of the bastards who are doing this to us. None of this is an accident, and none of it was inevitable.

Update - 3/7/2022

Here is additional discussion:

This is going to get very ugly, no matter what anyone does at this point.

Update - 3/8/2022

Warnings like this now are coming fast and furious:

What exactly do we hope to gain by continuing, even widening, this war? Whatever it is, it will NOT benefit you and me. That much is clear.

From Hope To Hopelessness

Most people I know have fallen into this ditch:

I'm done with all the other crap cause I can't fix it or change it.

I understand their frustration, but here is what that statement implies:

  • Freedom of speech and press no longer works.
  • Voting is a waste of time. It probably always was.
  • The government no longer cares what happens to us.
  • Private ownership of firearms is pointless; counterproductive actually.
  • So, I'll just put on a happy face to hide my scowl.

If hope wasn't a plan, then neither is hopelessness. If we've already given up, then the war is over and the bad guys won.

Friday, March 4, 2022

Un-Canadian Witch Hunt

Here is an editorial which laments Trudeau's "un-Canadian" actions against the Freedom Convoy and its supporters:

Similarly, much of what is happening in the US is "un-American".

But that's the whole point, isn't it - to convert both countries into something unrecognizable to their inhabitants.

This morning I listened to part of a news clip during which Americans were talking about ripping up the US Constitution and laughing at the prospect. At some point, both nations (and others) will do just that ... tear up their founding documents and start over. And I guarantee that you will not like the outcome, unless you're a psychopath who enjoys watching other people suffer.

We've already had a few years of hints about what they intend to do to the rest of us. If that's not enough to awaken you to the dangers which lie ahead, you are hopelessly lost.

Oligarchs - Theirs Vs. Ours

The last few days have seen multiple reports about Russian oligarchs. Here is one of the latest:

But what about US oligarchs? What do we know about them? Here are some clues:

An honest assessment would conclude that US oligarchs have FAR more wealth and MUCH greater reach than their Russian counterparts.

And it also might conclude they bear responsibility for US/NATO illegal interventions and atrocities in Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yugoslavia, and other formerly sovereign nations. Why aren't THEIR assets being seized? Why aren't THEY sitting in jail cells in the Hague awaiting never-ending persecution by the ICC?

We live on a planet infested with out-of-control psychopaths. And most of them aren't Russian.

Update - 3/9/2022

Here is additional discussion:

US oligarchs are a FAR greater threat to our way of life than Putin and Russia ever can be. They and their corporations have been attacking us relentlessly ever since 9/11.

Update - 3/12/2022

Here is more discussion: