Monday, March 7, 2022

The Puppet US Rump State

Yesterday I found this graphic listing corporations which have pulled out of Russia:

It brings up an interesting question - are corporations supporting the US/NATO war against Russia, or are the US/NATO supporting the Davos/WEF war against not only Russia but ALL sovereign nations?

Here is a background report about what's at stake here, and I urge you to read it in full:

The mainstream and social media have succeeded in spinning this conflict as one between freedom and totalitarianism, and that it is. But do we really know which side is which?

People often talk about "the tail wagging the dog", but I believe that a big corporate dog (the Davos/WEF beast) is now wagging its tail (the puppet US rump state and its mongrel puppies known as NATO). They've got us all so confused we're fighting against our best interests in a war that will hurt us terribly while helping this big corporate dog achieve more and more of its objectives. Global war quickly will lead to global rationing and global "rebuilding" of destroyed assets, and you can bet your sweet bippy the things they "build back better" are far more likely to satisfy their agenda than anything benefiting We the People.

But isn't that what war is always about?

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