Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Remember Pearl Harbor ???

Ukrainian President Zelenskyy (yes, it has TWO "y"s at the end) invoked Pearl Harbor in his pleas to "our" Congress. But which Pearl Harbor did he mean?

Was it the original Pearl Harbor, an attack which FDR did everything he could to provoke but did nothing to prevent so he could drag the US into a world war?

Was it the "new" Pearl Harbor (9/11), an attack which Dick Cheney and company did everything they could to provoke but did nothing to prevent so they could drag the US into a global war on terror?

Or is it this "third" Pearl Harbor, an attack which the US deep state did everything they could to provoke but did nothing to prevent so they could drag the US into yet another world war?

Are we so stupid that we can't see what's happening? Apparently we are, since there are virtually NO voices of any consequence speaking up to contradict this duplicitous, jingoistic narrative echoing throughout every corner of the land.

Update - 3/20/2022

Here is David Stockman's excellent rebuttal of the prevailing narrative:

Too bad there aren't more like him in government and the MSM. We seem stuck with loads of warmongers and liars.

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