Wednesday, March 31, 2021

A Critique Of NATO

Here is a timely critique of NATO by French military officers: [translation required]

They fully explain how the US has been instrumental in keeping Russia as an enemy and is now trying to use NATO as a weapon against China.

The French clearly recognize the US has been duplicitous throughout the entire process and that the NATO 2030 plan does not benefit Europe one iota.

I happen to agree, and I don't believe NATO 2030 benefits the US either. We could have world peace, but the Kagans, Nulands, and their ilk don't want peace. They want to continue playing their damned "great game" even if it gets us blown to kingdom come, and now that Biden-Harris are in charge (sic) it's full speed ahead.

You better make sure your fallout shelter is fully stocked, 'cause you're gonna need it.

Prospera In Honduras

Honduras soon will host a private tech city called Prospera. You can read about it here:

Charter cities / mini nation states like this one will give the global elites the kind of freedom and personal power they have always wanted. If you've ever read Ayn Rand's novel Atlas Shrugged, this should remind you of Galt's Gulch.

I expect several such tax havens to spring up over the next few years.

By the way, wasn't Hillary Clinton somehow involved in the coup in Honduras while she was SoS? You can read about it here:

Was the US response to the coup truly a case of Hillary "messing it up", or did things turn out exactly as she planned? And is this new development somehow related to how TPTB will separate themselves from the rest of us as part of their Great Reset?

I would not be surprised.

Update - 4/2/2021

Not to be outdone, El-On Musk wants his own city, too:

Big corporations already pay little or no taxes:

Once they can form their own governments, they won't be subject to our regulations, either.

Assange = Milošević

Do you remember Slobodan Milošević, the former President of Serbia? He was tried for war crimes, but after a five year trial he died in his prison cell in The Hague on 11 March 2006. He was never convicted of any crime.

Do you remember Julian Assange, the former head of Wikileaks? He also has never been convicted of any crime, but he remains in prison ... where I predict he also will die a slow, lingering death in his cell.

Such is the power of the US government, which ostensibly had nothing to do with either death, but almost certainly was the architect of both.

One of the few remaining real journalists, who tried to give us a workable tool to wrest the truth from the forest of lies in which we live, will die with nary a finger lifted to save him.

Are you happy now? You should be ashamed.

Schools Gone Woke

Here is a discussion of what is happening in our "education" system:

The end result will be destruction of the US as we know it. And we shall reach that end point sooner than you may think.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Sowing Chaos

Apparently, the CDC Director is "scared". You can read about it here:

Why is she scared? According to a recent report, the IFR rate for SARS-2-CoV is 0.15% and the world is approaching herd immunity. That's a good thing, right?

And in Texas, which allegedly opened up too early, the rate of new cases is at a record low:

Is the latest CDC "fear mongering" somehow intended to provide the pretext rationale for vaccinating our children?

Frankly, I'm baffled. Here we are, over a year into this mess, and there still is no agreement on the source of the virus, the real magnitude of the pandemic, the necessity for vaccination, or the right way to treat the infection. It almost seems like someone is intentionally sowing chaos to keep us off balance.

And now the morons who are "in control" want to enact treaties to aid their response to the NEXT pandemic? Is giving them more power the right thing to do?

In my view, no one is safe as long as people like Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, and their ilk have the means to push their crazy schemes down our throats.

There are medical doctors in the US Congress, right? I suggest we empower them to sort out this mess, although their connections to Big Pharma, Big Med, and Big Tech make me wonder if even they are capable of doing the right thing for our nation.

What a fine kettle of fish.

Pope Wants New World Order

According to this report, Pope Francis wants a new world order in the wake of the pandemic:

Dear Francis - I refer you to these two chapters of the Bible:

This is the only "new world order" which should interest and concern you.

If, on the other hand, you are advocating something like The Great Reset of the WEF, then you do not deserve to be the Pope. Step down and let the cardinals choose someone who is not working for Satan.

Monday, March 29, 2021

The Ebola Epidemic

Here is a graphic about the recent Ebola epidemic:

Source -

Ebola may seem to be remote and not a real concern to people in the USA, but I'd keep my eye on it. TPTB keep warning us the next pandemic will be far more serious than COVID-19. Ebola certainly would do the trick.

Is it mere coincidence that the former "Ebola Czar", Ron Klain, is now Biden's White House Chief of Staff? Perhaps, but I don't believe in coincidences.

The Last Free Person

Here is a true gem of a short story by TE Creus:

Once you've read it, take a look at this report by Glenn Greenwald:

Why is "our" Congress, and particularly members of the Democratic [sic] Party, effectively demanding abolition of the First Amendment? Is it because of the Jan. 06 phony "insurrection"?

We are rapidly becoming the society described in the short story above. And the worst part is that we appear to have no effective, legal tools available to resist what is happening.

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Delusional ???

Nearly every recent press story about former President Donald Trump contains the word "delusional".

I offer the following in support of a claim that it is President Joe Biden who is in fact delusional:

1. His latest US/UK Belt and Road proposal:

The US doesn't make anything the rest of the world wants, while China does. The only thing we have to offer is more fiat money bribes, more tools of violence, and costly, ineffective vaccines. How can those possibly compete with China's OBOR initiative?

2. He (possibly with the help of Obama ad-Dajjal and Hillary Clinton) has racialised everything:

There is more than enough racial and ethnic strife in the world. Why would anyone want to tear apart the fabric of their nation like the US is doing?

I sincerely hope this guy can regenerate his brain before he does any lasting damage, but it already may be too late for that.

Joe Versus The Filibuster Volcano

According to this report, only President Joe Biden can end the Senate's filibuster rules:

Some may believe that, but we're all ignoring an important thing - the US Constitution:

Article I, Section 5

2. Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behaviour, and, with the Concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member.

That's right - both the Senate and the House of Representatives make their own rules, and the filibuster is one of them.

Joe Biden is NOT a Senator, and adhering to the "separation of powers" doctrine, he has no business telling the US Senate what to do.

Should we foolishly allow the so-called "unitary executive" to become a "unitary government under one party control", then what we'll have is a dictatorship.

I certainly do not want that. How about you?

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Feminizing US "Men"

Several observers have noticed that what we used to call "men" have been feminized in the US. Here is one such observer:

Even environmental folk hero Erin Brockovich recently wrote about plummeting sperm counts, shrinking penises, and toxic chemicals which threaten humanity:

At first glance, this might be explained by the negligence and greed of all the evil chemical companies. But is that really true?

Is it just a coincidence the useless masks we're being told to wear contain "feminizing" chemicals? You can read about it here:

Have you noticed that scientists around the globe are calling for "major changes" to prevent the destruction of our biosphere? If not, you can read about it here:

Quite possibly, such changes may include reducing the human population to under 500 million "in perpetual balance with nature", as recommended by the Georgia Guidestones:

If you harbor the delusion that doctors and scientists would never advocate the killing of their fellow humans, think again. It's happened over and over throughout history, with some major sociocidal and genocidal campaigns having their roots right here in the USA.

Yes, there is incompetence in government and greed in corporations which might explain it all, but ask yourself this - who can you point to that is taking effective action to reverse the trends mentioned above? I cannot think of anyone, and if you believe that Bill Gates, et al. want us to be vaccinated so that fewer of us will die, you're kidding yourself. I believe they intend to "save" the planet, and if doing so requires the killing of most of us I'm certain that's a sacrifice they're more than willing to make.

Update - 3/30/2021

Here is a report suggesting humanity will be infertile by 2045:

Once again, unless it's somehow hidden in The Great Reset agenda, no one of consequence is fighting this trend. This does not bode well for our future.

Friday, March 26, 2021

Smart City, Or Digital Prison ???

Here is a piece by Derrick Broze:

The public is being driven towards a "Smart City" future which we are told will end systemic racism, overcrowding, pollution, and crime. As covered in part 1 of this investigation, there are legitimate concerns with the Smart City movement. Without proper protections, this vision will spell the end of privacy, property ownership, and freedom of movement. This is the dream of the World Economic Forum and their partners at the United Nations.

You can read the rest @

This reminds me of The Matrix, but I guess there are lots of people who would prefer to live that way.

If you can call it "living".

Dual Loyalty ???

Here is a report which speaks for itself:

If what Pollard says is true, we're in big trouble.

Where Are The Safety Studies ???

According to this report, the vaccine safety studies required by the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act have never been performed:

If this is correct, how can we say that vaccines are safe?

And if the mRNA vaccines currently being administered for COVID-19 don't prevent you from getting the disease or keep you from spreading it, then why are people lining up for the jab?

None of this makes any sense to me, but perhaps this is one of the reasons:

NFT ??? NFW !!!

Would you pay $ 69.3 million for this? Somebody did:

You can read about it here:

Is this "non-fungible token" art, an investment, or a scam?

The entire blockchain phenomenon seems to me just another way to "create wealth" by getting suckers to exchange real money for something which has no intrinsic value. Yeah, some people are going to get filthy rich from this kind of crap, but isn't that what con men always do - get rich on other people's money?

Count me out. NFW !!!

Here is additional discussion:

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Ivermectin Works

According to this report, ivermectin does indeed work for the treatment of SARS-CoV-2:

If he's right, then why are TPTB so against its use? Is it because the existence of effective drugs would pop their vaccine bubble?

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Your Ticket To Freedom ???

According to this nonsense, your vaccination card will be your ticket to freedom:

My ticket to freedom is the US Constitution, and anyone who thinks otherwise is not worth listening to ... let alone being allowed to run our government.

For those who are interested, here is additional discussion:

Another Looney Bill Gates Idea

Bill Gates apparently now wants to use chalk dust to cool the planet. You can read about this looney scheme here:

I have previously discussed some reasons this may not be a good idea:

1. The change(s) may be unpredictable, but permanent;

2. It may interfere with plant growth and food production; and

3. It may interfere with solar cell efficiency.

Mr. Gates apparently has little or no expertise or other qualifications in many of the areas in which he is dabbling, and I think it would be appropriate for our collective governments to rein him in.

After all, as some now claim ... he may be dangerously insane:

Reset, Or Rebalance ???

Charles Hugh Smith proposes we ditch the Great Reset and instead enact a Great Rebalancing:

CLIME is the Community Labor Integrated Money Economy. In CLIME, money is created solely to pay people for performing useful work in their community. The only way money can be created in CLIME is to pay people for work the community deems useful and that meets the CLIME standards, which are simple:

1. The primary goal is not to maximize profit by whatever means are available. (Profit and a return on capital remain incentives, but they're no longer the only incentives.) The goal is to use the least amount of energy and resources to perform the needed work / fill essential scarcities.

2. Every manufactured item must be 95% recyclable or reusable by design, and the cost of this recycling / reuse is in the initial price.

You can read the rest @

For those who may argue this sounds like communism (oh, the horror!), I would like to point out that the Great Reset (as I understand it) is a web of top-down diktats which will make fascism and communism seem like utopia in comparison. At least in CLIME the community (i.e., We the People) would get to decide what happens - not some technocrats living in splendor at our expense in a protected undisclosed location.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Stop Demonizing Russia

From Dissident Voice:

Things that we now know are not actually true:

  • Russia impacted the U.S. election results in 2016 or 2020.
  • Russia hacked into U.S. election machines.
  • The recent U.S. government report alleging election interference contained any evidence of anything.
  • The report so much as alleged Russian involvement in the Biden-Ukraine-corruption story.
  • Russia changed the GOP platform.
  • Russia worked with WikiLeaks.
  • Russia met with Michael Cohen in Prague.
  • 17 U.S. agencies claimed Putin launched cyber-attacks in 2016.
  • Russia hacked Vermont’s electricity.
  • The pee and prostitutes story.
  • Anyone has confirmed the allegation against Russia of placing bounties on heads in Afghanistan.
  • The people of Crimea voting to re-join Russia is the worst threat to peace on earth in recent decades, in contrast to U.S. led wars that have killed and displaced millions but not disturbed the stable peaceful world order.
  • Rejecting lies about Russia requires believing anything good about Russia or Donald Trump.
  • Threatening or attacking a nation improves its respect for human rights.
  • Risking nuclear war is justified by some greater good.

Source -

Please - stop the lying and start the peace-making. Anything less insults our intelligence.

Here is additional discussion:

Do You Want To Be "Digitized"?

The World Economic Forum has big plans for us:

They are using the "opportunity," presented by the pandemic, says WEF director Klaus Schwab, to transform health care, banking, industrial production, energy production and consumption systems, global land-use, even the way we socialize together as human beings.

Schwab has commented that no industry will be exempt from the Great Reset. And the United Nations states in its Agenda 2030 that no person will be "left behind" by this coming global system. Since no vote was held and none of us were asked if we wanted to sign up for the Great Reset/Agenda 2030, this begs the question: What will be done with dissidents who refuse to go along with this vision for the world?

You can read the rest @

My guess? Dissidents will be handled in one of two ways:

1. Those who are merely an annoyance will be "cancelled"; while

2. Those who actually get in the way will be physically isolated, hospitalized, imprisoned, and/or killed.

There will probably be a sliding scale between those two extremes, but in my view the underlying rationale stems from this passage in the Book of Revelation:

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. -Revelation 13:16-17 (KJV)

No doubt your priest, minister, imam, or rabbi may claim you're NOT being asked to take the mark of the beast, but what the hell do they know? The whole world is being deceived.

Selling Vaccines To Children

Here is a strange video apparently intended to help sell COVID vaccines to children:

While claims of "safe and effective" may or may not be true, the video's suggestion that getting vaccinated will allow our children to stop wearing masks, stop social distancing, and stop following related control measures definitely appears to be false.

So is this just more Easter Bunny / Tooth Fairy nonsense, or is there another agenda at the heart of it ... such as maybe allowing the state to vaccinate children when parents won't consent? It should go without saying that children cannot give "informed consent", but in today's world the state can override parent's wishes on everything from birth control to gender transformation.

We've gone beyond the slippery slope and have progressed to the freefall phase of social change.

Ballots Or Bullets

According to this report, Americans have too many guns and now are using them in a "wave of violence" against Asian-Americans:

Such claims should be tempered by an assessment of the following voting-related quotes:

"If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal." -Emma Goldman

"The Master's tools will never dismantle the Master's house." -Audre Lorde

Although it may seem that TPTB are doing everything they can to guarantee anyone can vote (e.g., through legislation such as HR1), the 2016 and 2020 election results suggest they're doing something else entirely - making certain that election outcomes are controllable and therefore predictable. In the future, voting will change things ... but only in the manner they desire.

The same thing applies to the Master's other favorite tool - firearms. With the possible exceptions of the American Revolution and the Civil War (exceptions which are, by the way, hotly disputed) privately owned firearms have NEVER increased the civil rights of We the People, and frankly they never can.

Guns are tools of oppression, not tools of liberation, which puts bullets into the same category as ballots - just another of the Master's tools. We're not really going to have a vote about The Great Reset (other than by "our" Congress), but you can bet your bottom worthless dollar TPTB ultimately will use guns against anyone who tries to resist it. And trying to fight back using guns will only make it easier for them to crush the resistance once and for all.

Monday, March 22, 2021

Fighting The BS

There appears to be a trend in which people aren't buying the BS any more. Here are some examples:

1. People are sick and tired of the pointless lockdowns:

2. A federal judge criticizes the obvious bias in the MSM:

3. Members of the US military are questioning why BLM/Antifa riots are being excused while the so-called Jan. 6 "insurrection" is being punished with a vengeance:

4. And the DC delegate to Congress claims there is no reason for the fencing around the Capitol:

Face it, the tirade of lies we're being told is not working as effectively as the elites would like it to.

I would, however, like to correct what the federal judge said. It's not "Democrats" who are controlling the MSM, it's the corporate elite ... most of whom happen to be Democrats. If this one-party-rule milieu continues to expand, it soon won't matter what they're called, although "US Branch of the CCP" might be a fitting moniker.

If this struggle turns violent, the outcome will depend on whether the military and police support the elites or the basket of deplorables. And from what I can see, it might go either way.

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Turkish Nukes ???

According to this report, Turkey may be in the process of going nuclear ... for energy and weapons:

This would not surprise me at all. It seems like everyone now wants nukes, and the US and its retainers are no longer in the self-disarmament business.

But I disagree with the notion that building nuclear power plants leads directly to a nuclear weapons industry. A power plant can be built using natural uranium, and if a country does not enrich uranium or extract plutonium from its spent fuel it's never going to build a bomb.

If we want nukes to go away, we're going to have to find a way to make them ALL go away, including the ones Israel has. And I don't think that is ever going to happen.

Friday, March 19, 2021

Biden's Phony Recovery

Here is a real gem from

As Peter Schiff pointed out during a recent interview with NTD News, America has never done worse on trade. He called it a sign that we don’t have a recovering economy. In fact, we have a phony economy in danger of collapse.

The annual trade deficit for goods came in at an all-time high in January, increasing $3.4 billion to a record $221.1 billion. In another sign of the massive trade imbalance, there is a shortage of shipping containers to bring things into the US.

In a nutshell, the Federal Reserve is printing money and the US government is giving it to unemployed people who aren’t producing anything. As Peter pointed out, "They’re buying the stuff that people in other countries are employed making." [emphasis added]

"So, it’s the productivity of the rest of the world that Americans are living off of, and the trade deficit evidences that and shows you that our whole economy, our whole recovery, is a fraud." [emphasis added]

Economic research assistant Weimin Chen says stresses on the world’s shipping infrastructure uncover additional clues about the economic outlook in the US ...

Despite the record unemployment rate, widespread hardship to businesses, strains on the healthcare system, political turmoil, and general disruption to daily life in 2020, US consumers have managed to ramp up their habit of buying things. Demand for physical goods replaced some of the previous demand for in-person service-related experiences and much of that demand was met with a surge of imports from China as domestic production slowed down due to lockdown measures.

Source -

So, what is the Biden gang doing about this? Apparently they devoted their first high level meeting with China to the DEMONIZATION of the very country which is now supplying a significant portion of our consumer goods. You can read about it here:

Clearly, China is our competitor. They do not HAVE to be an antagonist or enemy, but the US deep state seems hell-bent on making certain they can never be our friend. Does that make any sense to you?

Perhaps SoS Blinken's recent tirade was merely a charade meant to dispel the notion that Biden and his son Hunter have been improperly cozying up to China. But if it's not, Biden is about to shoot himself, and us, in the foot. Global corporations are NOT going to shift production back to the US. If they don't and China shuts the door in our face, we are screwed.

And perhaps that's the whole point. Apparently the basket of deplorables is deserving of yet more punishment to put them in their place.

Thursday, March 18, 2021


Bet you didn't know this:

A new report from Bloomberg reveals that up to two-thirds of entry-level tech jobs go to foreign guest workers from low-ranked colleges who don't dare complain about long work long hours and low wages lest they destroy their chances of a green card - as opposed to hiring debt-laden American graduates willing to grind just as hard, yet have no such immigration leverage to exploit.

Source -

Q: So, what are the titans of tech doing to "fix" the problem?

A: Some of them are promoting the seemingly false theory that math is racist and a feature of "white supremacy":

Klainerman takes issue with a shocking document financed by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and endorsed by various State of California educational entities, entitled, 'A Pathway to Equitable Math Instruction, Dismantling Racism in Mathematics Instruction.' The very first paragraph gives away the entire scheming plot:

"This tool provides teachers an opportunity to examine their actions, beliefs, and values around teaching mathematics. The framework for deconstructing racism in mathematics offers essential characteristics of antiracist math educators and critical approaches to dismantling white supremacy in math classrooms by visibilizing [sic] the toxic characteristics of white supremacy culture."

Source -

Apparently the notion that math problems must have a "right answer" is at the heart of the controversy. So now there's a "white answer" and a "black answer" to math problems ... or maybe the "white answer" should be ignored altogether?

Presumably foreign guest-workers don't suffer from the effects of such racist math, making them more desirable hirees.

Or am I missing something, like maybe this whole issue is freaking nonsense?

One thing is certain - we'll eventually be able to see the impact of this sea change in the way STEM is taught in the US, if it continues to be taught at all. Keep in mind the scientists and engineers of our future will come from the "anti-white math" pipeline and will be designing and constructing the electric grid of tomorrow.

I suggest we stock up on candles before it's too late.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Your Low Energy Future

From Technocracy News & Trends:

Fully expect your future carbon footprints to be traced to a crime scene subject to "climate and energy justice" violations in the high tribunal of sustainability.

The prospective charges?

Such sins will include ownership and operation of an internal combustion vehicle, tampering with regulated upper or lower thermostat setting limits, and/or excessive electricity consumption based upon your maximum household square foot per occupancy allowances.

Source -

Once the Internet of Things is able to monitor all things, the next logical step is control of the things being monitored. And TPTB will be the ones in control.

Are you happy now?

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

What Is National Security ???

As you may know, the US has spent upwards of $ 6 trillion fighting the so-called "war on terror".

The cost of the so-called "war on drugs", on the other hand, has been $ 1 trillion.

Neither has defeated any of our so-called "enemies".

Which of these conflicts should be a priority? Read this report before you make up your mind:

COVID Variants

Here is a good discussion of the three major COVID variants:

It seems to me this virus is so widespread, so mutable, and so easily transported globally that we're never going to "get rid" of it.

If the official strategy is going to be giving people an endless series of vaccines and boosters, we really need to ask as a matter of public policy if that is the best way to go. Especially because some scientists believe doing so will just create an endless series of variants which will be more transmissible and dangerous than what's already out there:

What do you think?

Consent Of The Governed

From The Automatic Earth blog:

They’re [politicians] not benign public servants, they’re drug pushers - in this case vaccines - with armies and bodyguards. They protect corporations and institutions, not the rights of their people. They’re not democrats, they’re authoritarians. We are ruled by ideologies, not principles. The only rights we have are those that they "allow" us to have. There are no basic or inalienable rights left. Our politicians represent, and serve, long established parties and systems that have ruled for at least decades, in a symbiosis with corporations.

If there’s one lesson to learn from the sordid never-ending Covid episode it must be that: your human rights are just a thin veneer that serves to make your reality look nice and shiny, but may be scraped off at any moment. What does that say about our forefathers and -mothers who fought, and died, in order to provide us with inalienable rights? Do we really owe those people less than we owe our current ruling classes?

You can read the rest @

The issue is not so much what we owe to "our forefathers and -mothers", but what we owe to ourselves and to each other. We didn't elect those bastards so they could cancel our rights or to be more concerned with foreigners than with their own citizens. I know I didn't.

Monday, March 15, 2021

Meghan Hebdo

Don't you think it strange that many people believe it's ok to blaspheme the Prophet Muhammad with vile cartoons, but somehow "wrong" to do something similar to Meghan Markle?

I have no use for any of these people, other than to point to them as an example of what is terribly wrong in our world.

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Biden's Hollow Victory Lap

Chris Hedges tells it like he sees it:

The elites collectively sold out the American public to corporate power. They did this by lying to the public about the consequences of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), trade deals, dismantling welfare, revoking Glass-Steagall, imposing austerity measures, deregulating Wall Street, passing draconian crime bills, launching endless wars in the Middle East, and bailing out the big banks and financial firms rather than the victims of their fraud. These lies were far, far more damaging to the public than any of the lies told by Trump. These elites have been found out. They are hated. They deserve to be hated.

The Biden administration – and Biden was one of the principal architects of the policies that fleeced the working class and made war on the poor – is nothing more than a brief coda in the decline and fall, set against which is China’s rising global economic and military clout.

You can read the rest @

Enjoy your victory lap, Joe. It just might be the high water mark of your presidency.

Friday, March 12, 2021

Architects Of The New Normal

Here is a bizarre concept called Urban Sun:

Several questions immediately come to mind:

1. Doesn't our real sun already do this? Just lift the lockdowns/curfews and let us go outside.

2. What would power such a thing? Solar panels?

3. Who died and put these clowns in charge?

Here's a reason why Urban Sun may make sense to TPTB - some of these "architects" (e.g., Bill Gates) are considering dimming our real sun by injecting reflecting particles into the atmosphere to cool the planet. In such a scenario, the building of artificial suns could mimic the beneficial effects of the real sun.

But I don't believe it's possible to predict all the side effects from zany schemes like this. Without a full understanding, they could backfire horrendously.

This situation reminds me of the following dialogue from the 2008 movie The Day the Earth Stood Still:

Professor Barnhardt : There must be alternatives. You must have some technology that could solve our problem.

Klaatu : Your problem is not technology. The problem is you. You lack the will to change.

Professor Barnhardt : Then help us change.

Klaatu : I cannot change your nature. You treat the world as you treat each other.

Professor Barnhardt : But every civilization reaches a crisis point eventually.

Klaatu : Most of them don't make it.

Professor Barnhardt : Yours did. How?

Klaatu : Our sun was dying. We had to evolve in order to survive.

Professor Barnhardt : So it was only when your world was threatened with destruction that you became what you are now.

Klaatu : Yes.

Professor Barnhardt : Well that's where we are. You say we're on the brink of destruction and you're right. But it's only on the brink that people find the will to change. Only at the precipice do we evolve. This is our moment. Don't take it from us, we are close to an answer.

If you recall, Jennifer Connelly's character (Helen Benson) previously told Klaatu that Earth's elected governments were not our leaders - people like Professor Barnhardt were.

We face a similar situation. The UN, national governments, and international organizations (e.g., the WHO) seem powerless to halt the pandemic or address climate change ... and people like Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, and thousands of scientists and technocrats are attempting to fill the leadership vacuum.

Unfortunately, none of them have the wisdom or experience of Klaatu. How can we trust them to make irreversible changes to our world when NO ONE has any idea exactly what those changes will cause to happen? When and where did they meet to come up with their expansive plans for the rest of us, and why weren't We the People given the opportunity to provide any input to those plans?

Creating A Monster

Here are three COVID-related essays:

All are worth reading, but if you only have time for one then read the first ["an irrepressible monster"].

One has to ask - why are the TPTB ignoring these concerns and proceeding with their plan to vaccinate all of humanity? There are many possible answers to that question, but these two are among the most worrisome:

1. They are guilty of depraved indifference; or

2. They want to kill as many of us as possible.

If either is true, they should not be allowed to rule our world. If the latter is true, they ought to be thrown into prison.

This all appears to be a gigantic human experiment, being performed without the informed consent of the subjects victims. I for one believe it should be halted immediately.

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Quote For Today - 3/11/2021

"I love America more than any other country in the world, and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually."

James Baldwin

Wednesday, March 10, 2021


Epistemology can be defined as "the theory of knowledge, especially with regard to its methods, validity, and scope. Epistemology is the investigation of what distinguishes justified belief from opinion." [the Google/Oxford Languages definition]

Here is what appears to be a fact checker's guide on how to conduct such an investigation:

In 2016, Mr. Caulfield met Mr. Wineburg, who suggested modeling the process after the way professional fact checkers assess information. Mr. Caulfield refined the practice into four simple principles:

1. Stop.

2. Investigate the source.

3. Find better coverage.

4. Trace claims, quotes and media to the original context.

Otherwise known as SIFT.

Source -

The way I read this is "if you don't like what someone is saying or writing, then find someone you DO like and quote them instead". However you cut it, such a method is fundamentally subjective and prone to be biased.

Or should we just abandon critical thinking because it's "racist"?

To me this seems to be just another example of the blind leading the blind.

My advice? Trust your instincts, and do what you think is right for you and yours. You can always find an "expert" to confirm or negate just about anything, but you're the best expert on you.


I believe that as Americans we should not be so enamored of so-called "royals", whether they be in the UK or Hollywood. The Founders fought their revolution to get away from these bums, and I see no reason to invite them back.

If Oprah is willing to pay them millions for an interview, that's her business. But don't ask me to contribute. No "royal" or wannabee is worth a penny to me.

Let them get real jobs like everyone else.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Pfizer Impunity ???

Here is a must-read report from Technocracy News & Trends:

As vaccine injury and death cases pile up, Pfizer attorneys have had the brass to demand that nations pledge their sovereign assets against potential liability lawsuits, and to not apply their country’s laws against them.

You can read the rest @

The US scientific/medical community and MSM keep telling us the vaccine is effective and safe. If this were the case, then Pfizer et al. would not need immunity or impunity.

So why are they demanding it?

Biden's Middle East War

It is starting to look like a major war in the Middle East is not only inevitable, but imminent. Here are 9 reasons this is so:

One additional sign is the recent Israeli activity at Dimona, which may be part of preparations for war:

Trump fumbled and offended many, but he at least gave lip service to peace and nationalism. Biden (or whoever is really controlling the US government) appears not to be interested in either.

Are you happy now?

Monday, March 8, 2021

Construction At Dimona

Here is speculation about what Israel is doing at its Dimona nuclear site:

The article speaks mainly to Israel's needs, but perhaps this latest construction is aimed at an external market.

Saudi Arabia also has nuclear aspirations, perhaps because they believe their enemies in Iran are building nuclear bombs. With the latest chill between Washington and Riyadh, Israel is uniquely placed to be the Saudi's new nuclear partner.

Note well that in spite of this new activity, the US anti-nuclear proliferation efforts seem to be aimed exclusively at Iran. Doesn't US law require sanctions against any country with an undeclared/uninspected nuclear weapons program?

Is US = China ???

A couple days ago, I suggested the US is starting to act like Iran:

Today I found this essay which compares the US to China:

I urge you not to ignore such comparisons. While the US currently isn't throwing people into camps or raping their wives, the same sentiments which led to such actions in China and Iran are present in a large fraction of the US population.

We totally ignored the US Constitution and even common sense following the 9/11 attacks, and we quite easily could go down a similar path in the wake of the Jan. 6 "insurrection".

There is more than one reason the prison at Guantanamo Bay is still open. And at least one of them may be the reason "our" Congress hasn't declared that the President does not have the authority to torture or kill US citizens without due process. You are kidding yourself if you believe it cannot happen here.

Why Is CNN Addressing The SOTU ???

A few days ago, I mused over the fact President Joe has yet to give a State of the Union Address:

When I woke up this morning I realized that CNN is now televising their version of the state of the union. Why do such a thing?

CNN helped Biden get elected, denied or trivialized all claims of election irregularities and fraud, and continues to support everything Biden's administration is trying to do. They are among his most fervent supporters and enablers.

This brings up a couple of questions we need to answer:

1. Is the CNN SOTU presentation a way to "outsource" this particular constitutional requirement? After all, just about every other government function is being taken over to some degree by non-government entities.

2. And since federal employees now have increasingly less to do, why are they being rewarded with outlandishly high salaries and perks which the rest of us don't get? Here's a recent example of this largesse:

In my view, all aspects of our constitution should be followed. While it's true that Biden is under no obligation to address the 117th Congress, I also think it's inappropriate for CNN or anyone else to pretend to relieve him of his actual duty. Their obligation is to report the truth, which may include the fact that Biden is senile and incapable of delivering such an address.

And if contractors and other private entities are going to take over most functions of government, then federal-state-local employees should be taking a pay cut, not being rewarded for things they no longer do.

What do you think?

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Kroger Loves Robots

Here's a report about a new Kroger fulfillment center:

Supermarket chain Kroger opened its first automated warehouse in Bulter County, Ohio, last week, reported Hamilton JournalNews. The massive 335,000-square-foot customer fulfillment center is entirely run by robots and artificial intelligence that can put together an order of about 50 items in six minutes compared with 30 to 45 minutes it takes a Kroger employee to pick items from shelves.

Source -

Sounds cool, right? I'm interested because I live in Greene County, which is close to Butler.

I would like to know - when machines plant our food, harvest and package it, store and deliver it, and take over just about every other job known to man, who is going to have any money to buy it?

Short answer? Rich people like techies and federal employees.

The rest of us will be redundant (useless, expendable, etc.), and that suggests we're NOT going to be fed.

Perhaps that's why TPTB seem hell bent on expanding this race war they started - to give themselves a credible (to them) rationale for why we shouldn't be fed. They can make that part of their "reparations" package.

Radioactive Clouds

Here is a report about clouds of radioactive dust from French nuclear tests:

So far, we have avoided similar clouds from the contamination caused by US nuclear tests, but I would not be surprised to see them some day. There is a lot of crap out there at the Nevada Test Site and in the South Pacific. You can read about some of it here:

And of course, no one ever really cleaned up the mess from the Chernobyl and Fukushima accidents. Some day all of this contamination will escape, adding to the environmental stressors threatening life on our planet.

And you want more nuclear power? Don't do it.

Just say no.

God Or The Great Reset

From the Memory Hole Blog:

In a homily delivered on the first Sunday of Advent, Fr. Robert Altier warned his parishioners that the division in American politics presents Christians with a choice between good and evil.

“So we need to understand as we sit here today that where we’re coming to, as much as they have caused — intentionally — this massive division in our country, this is not about Republican and Democrat. This is not about liberal and conservative. This is about good and evil. This is about Jesus and Satan, and every last one of us is going to have to make a decision because if these people succeed in what it is they want to do, understand that those who are going to follow Christ will be persecuted — severely,” said Altier, a pastor at the Church of St. Raphael in Crystal, Minnesota.

Source -

I couldn't agree more. The persecution of Christians is coming, perhaps sooner than many believe.

On the other hand, Jesus did say we would be persecuted ... so we cannot prevent it. The best we can do is to be prepared when it happens.

By the way, the Memory Hole Blog is run by former professor James Tracy. If you recall, he became one of the early victims of cancel culture when he questioned the accepted narrative about the Sandy Hook school shooting.

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Is US = Iran ???

I saw this story on Sky News today:

Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe was sentenced to five years in 2016 over allegations of plotting to overthrow the Iranian government - which she denies.

Source -

How is that significantly different from this story?

Nearly every day since insurrectionists stormed the U.S. Capitol, the list of those charged in the attack has grown longer. The government has now identified almost 300 suspects in the Jan. 6 rioting, which ended with five people dead, including a U.S. Capitol Police officer.

Source -

Here are the differences I perceive:

  • So far, no US plotters have been sentenced;
  • No one is claiming Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe was responsible for any deaths; and
  • There is little chance the US plotters will be released.

Here are the perceived similarities:

  • None of the US or Iranian alleged plotters carried any weapons;
  • All are being persecuted for resisting a government they think is illegitimate; and
  • The governments persecuting them appear to be quasi-religious cults who ignore or distort the facts of what happened while clinging to a fantastic version of events in their efforts to oppress their citizens and remain in power.

So yes, in my opinion the current US government is becoming at least similar, if not identical, to that of Iran.

Oh, I did forget one other difference - leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran often voice a respect for the will of G-d [inshallah], while I'm fairly certain we cannot say that about the current leaders of the USA:

The ONLY News Story

Here is a wise observation by Caitlin Johnstone:

There is only ever one news story on any given day, and it is always the same news story: wealthy and powerful people seek more wealth and power, and narratives are spun to advance these agendas.

That’s it. That’s all you’re ever seeing when you read the news. There are sports scores and the occasional celebrity death mixed in for entertainment, but when it comes to major political and governmental events you’re only ever seeing the effects of wealthy and powerful people working to obtain more wealth and power and narratives being spun to promote these agendas.

Source -

Ain't that the truth.

Friday, March 5, 2021

Woke Vs. STEM

Here is a math professor's critique of what is happening in our "education" system:

Unlike the traditional totalitarianism practiced by former communist countries, like the Romania I grew up in, this version is soft. It enforces its ideology not by jailing dissenters or physically eliminating them, but by social shaming, mob punishment, guilt by association, and coerced speech.

When it comes to education, I believe the woke ideology is even more harmful than old-fashioned communism.

Source -

I cannot tell you what all this nonsense will ultimately accomplish, but it almost certainly will prevent our children from successfully competing with their counterparts from countries such as China and India. That may not bother you, but if we had a STEM deficiency before, it's only going to get worse.

The Event And Its Consequences

There have been many attempts to vilify the Jan. 6 protest in DC. Here is one of them:

But here is something to keep in mind - the protestors were unarmed:

I think that's a stark contrast with the riots in Seattle and Portland, wouldn't you say?

What John Brown did in 1859 was an insurrection/coup/sedition/revolt, etc. What happened in DC on Jan. 6 was a mostly peaceful protest.

In spite of that, the Biden-Harris-Pelosi crowd continues to use it to political advantage. Here is the latest example:

Instead of conducting an unbiased examination of 2020 voting irregularities, the 117th Congress will soon institutionalize them. I don't think that's a good idea. Do you?

We're following a familiar pattern here:

  • 9/11 "attacks" - use MSM to stoke the nation's fears - pass bad legislation (e.g., Patriot Act, AUMF, etc.)
  • Jan 6 "riot" - use MSM to stoke the nation's fears - pass bad legislation (e.g., For The People Act)

I'd say the fear factor is losing its efficacy, which is one of the reasons troops are still stationed in the nation's capital. Although it's being done under the guise of legitimate government, isn't that the real "coup"? Does a legitimate democracy have to hide behind walls and armed troops (even if they have no bullets)?

[If you're having trouble answering that question, consider this one - have tanks, bombs, and troops really brought democracy to Iraq ... or any other place we've intervened in the past 75 years or so?]

Update - 3/6/2021

Here is an updated analysis of the event and its aftermath by Glenn Greenwald:

Isn't it amazing the extent to which the MSM has bought the "insurrection" fantasy?

Thursday, March 4, 2021

The Value Of Neanderthal Thinking

President Joe has accused at least one US governor of "Neanderthal thinking":

I would argue the so-called Neanderthal mindset is one we all should adopt. I'll explain why down below. First look at these two recent reports:

The first states that enlarged lymph nodes following the mRNA vaccines can be "mistaken" for cancer. The second reveals that mRNA vaccines might inactivate tumor-suppressing proteins and actually promote cancer. Which is the more believable claim?

Recent scholarship has suggested that a reversal of the Earth's magnetic poles and subsequent environmental stressors led to the extinction of Neanderthal peoples. In the words of the above Sauers story from, "in the end [they] just couldn’t hack it. They met a very empathetic end."

But is that the best description of what happened to them?

I find it much more believable that our Cro-Magnon ancestors were the major factor in the extinction of the Neanderthals. The two groups competed for the same lands, food and water supplies, and sheltering caves. The outcome of that competition was not a "sharing" environment, but one of self-preservation in which the more ruthless Cro-Magnons killed their more peaceful neighbors. And I think that's similar to what may be happening now.

The high and mighty tech and financial elites of our time are competing with the rest of humanity for the same lands, food and water supplies, and sheltering caves our ancestors coveted. And just like our vicious Cro-Magnon ancestors, they're willing to do anything to be the winners of this genocidal competition.

So yeah, start thinking like a Neanderthal. But don't go peacefully like they apparently did. Be wary, be suspicious, and fight back like we're the ones that deserve to win this struggle.

And don't be at all surprised if our competitors resort to using dirty tricks like "vaccines" as a way to kill us. Didn't their leader (Bill Gates) once suggest that very thing in a public forum?

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Impeach Biden !!!

Here is wisdom from Dr. Ron Paul:

In fact, initiating a war against a country that did not attack and does not threaten the United States without Congressional authority is an impeachable offense. But both parties – with a few exceptions – are war parties.

President Biden should be impeached for his attack on Syria, as should have Trump and Obama before him. But no one in Washington is going to pursue impeachment charges against a president who recklessly takes the United States to war. War greases Washington’s wheels.

Source -

I agree with Dr. Paul. How about you?

A Warning From Snowden

Edward Snowden asks some VERY important questions in a recent video interview, such as "did you agree to this?"

"Voting" is not agreement, since government seldom does what We the People really want or need.

Checking the "yes" or "ok" boxes is not agreement, since it's not based on informed consent.

One just has to ask - how is it that ALL news outlets, ALL schools, ALL colleges and universities, ALL major corporations, and almost ALL people in government now appear to agree on the same radical, nonsensical agenda? Who has the power to brainwash so many people?

What's their leverage? Money? Power? Fear? I suspect it's a bit of all three, with the following twist - most cave in TO the pressure, while the privileged few revel in their ability to APPLY it to their helpless victims.

It should remind you of Lavrentiy Beria. While it's true that US methods have resulted in more "cancellations" than deaths, that's a trend which may not last.