Sunday, March 28, 2021

Delusional ???

Nearly every recent press story about former President Donald Trump contains the word "delusional".

I offer the following in support of a claim that it is President Joe Biden who is in fact delusional:

1. His latest US/UK Belt and Road proposal:

The US doesn't make anything the rest of the world wants, while China does. The only thing we have to offer is more fiat money bribes, more tools of violence, and costly, ineffective vaccines. How can those possibly compete with China's OBOR initiative?

2. He (possibly with the help of Obama ad-Dajjal and Hillary Clinton) has racialised everything:

There is more than enough racial and ethnic strife in the world. Why would anyone want to tear apart the fabric of their nation like the US is doing?

I sincerely hope this guy can regenerate his brain before he does any lasting damage, but it already may be too late for that.

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