Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Ballots Or Bullets

According to this report, Americans have too many guns and now are using them in a "wave of violence" against Asian-Americans:


Such claims should be tempered by an assessment of the following voting-related quotes:

"If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal." -Emma Goldman

"The Master's tools will never dismantle the Master's house." -Audre Lorde

Although it may seem that TPTB are doing everything they can to guarantee anyone can vote (e.g., through legislation such as HR1), the 2016 and 2020 election results suggest they're doing something else entirely - making certain that election outcomes are controllable and therefore predictable. In the future, voting will change things ... but only in the manner they desire.

The same thing applies to the Master's other favorite tool - firearms. With the possible exceptions of the American Revolution and the Civil War (exceptions which are, by the way, hotly disputed) privately owned firearms have NEVER increased the civil rights of We the People, and frankly they never can.

Guns are tools of oppression, not tools of liberation, which puts bullets into the same category as ballots - just another of the Master's tools. We're not really going to have a vote about The Great Reset (other than by "our" Congress), but you can bet your bottom worthless dollar TPTB ultimately will use guns against anyone who tries to resist it. And trying to fight back using guns will only make it easier for them to crush the resistance once and for all.

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