Monday, March 8, 2021

Why Is CNN Addressing The SOTU ???

A few days ago, I mused over the fact President Joe has yet to give a State of the Union Address:

When I woke up this morning I realized that CNN is now televising their version of the state of the union. Why do such a thing?

CNN helped Biden get elected, denied or trivialized all claims of election irregularities and fraud, and continues to support everything Biden's administration is trying to do. They are among his most fervent supporters and enablers.

This brings up a couple of questions we need to answer:

1. Is the CNN SOTU presentation a way to "outsource" this particular constitutional requirement? After all, just about every other government function is being taken over to some degree by non-government entities.

2. And since federal employees now have increasingly less to do, why are they being rewarded with outlandishly high salaries and perks which the rest of us don't get? Here's a recent example of this largesse:

In my view, all aspects of our constitution should be followed. While it's true that Biden is under no obligation to address the 117th Congress, I also think it's inappropriate for CNN or anyone else to pretend to relieve him of his actual duty. Their obligation is to report the truth, which may include the fact that Biden is senile and incapable of delivering such an address.

And if contractors and other private entities are going to take over most functions of government, then federal-state-local employees should be taking a pay cut, not being rewarded for things they no longer do.

What do you think?

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