Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Reset, Or Rebalance ???

Charles Hugh Smith proposes we ditch the Great Reset and instead enact a Great Rebalancing:

CLIME is the Community Labor Integrated Money Economy. In CLIME, money is created solely to pay people for performing useful work in their community. The only way money can be created in CLIME is to pay people for work the community deems useful and that meets the CLIME standards, which are simple:

1. The primary goal is not to maximize profit by whatever means are available. (Profit and a return on capital remain incentives, but they're no longer the only incentives.) The goal is to use the least amount of energy and resources to perform the needed work / fill essential scarcities.

2. Every manufactured item must be 95% recyclable or reusable by design, and the cost of this recycling / reuse is in the initial price.

You can read the rest @

For those who may argue this sounds like communism (oh, the horror!), I would like to point out that the Great Reset (as I understand it) is a web of top-down diktats which will make fascism and communism seem like utopia in comparison. At least in CLIME the community (i.e., We the People) would get to decide what happens - not some technocrats living in splendor at our expense in a protected undisclosed location.

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