Friday, March 5, 2021

The Event And Its Consequences

There have been many attempts to vilify the Jan. 6 protest in DC. Here is one of them:

But here is something to keep in mind - the protestors were unarmed:

I think that's a stark contrast with the riots in Seattle and Portland, wouldn't you say?

What John Brown did in 1859 was an insurrection/coup/sedition/revolt, etc. What happened in DC on Jan. 6 was a mostly peaceful protest.

In spite of that, the Biden-Harris-Pelosi crowd continues to use it to political advantage. Here is the latest example:

Instead of conducting an unbiased examination of 2020 voting irregularities, the 117th Congress will soon institutionalize them. I don't think that's a good idea. Do you?

We're following a familiar pattern here:

  • 9/11 "attacks" - use MSM to stoke the nation's fears - pass bad legislation (e.g., Patriot Act, AUMF, etc.)
  • Jan 6 "riot" - use MSM to stoke the nation's fears - pass bad legislation (e.g., For The People Act)

I'd say the fear factor is losing its efficacy, which is one of the reasons troops are still stationed in the nation's capital. Although it's being done under the guise of legitimate government, isn't that the real "coup"? Does a legitimate democracy have to hide behind walls and armed troops (even if they have no bullets)?

[If you're having trouble answering that question, consider this one - have tanks, bombs, and troops really brought democracy to Iraq ... or any other place we've intervened in the past 75 years or so?]

Update - 3/6/2021

Here is an updated analysis of the event and its aftermath by Glenn Greenwald:

Isn't it amazing the extent to which the MSM has bought the "insurrection" fantasy?

1 comment:

  1. Rep Jim Jordan agrees with me - HR1 codifies election violations:

    However, since no ex post facto laws are allowed in the US, HR1 CANNOT excuse past illegal or unconstitutional acts.
