Monday, October 31, 2022

Medical Madness ???

Another top doctor has been cancelled:

A clear case of dogma prevailing over fact. Is that the way "medicine" is supposed to work?

Life Without Coal Or Steel

Here is a list of things which depend on coal and steel:

How many of them could you live without?

Keep two things in mind:

  1. We have substituted plastic for steel in many applications, but TPTB want us to stop using plastic, too.
  2. Many of the things we consume are currently made outside the US (e.g., in China).

What will happen when China cuts us off in response to our continual attacks?

Is anyone thinking this through?

Paul Pelosi Paradox

Here is a 8:30 minute video by Paul Joseph Watson which explores the oddities and contradictions of the Paul Pelosi attack claims:

And here is an analysis in the Santa Monica Observer which gives an alternative explanation of what happened:

Like most, I don't know what really took place. But I'm bothered by a few things:

  • many unanswered questions
  • a rush to judgment
  • red/blue dichotomy

If we really cared about political violence, we would condemn it no matter who was attacked ... but as a nation we clearly do not:

What do you think?

Update - 11/1/2022

In spite of all the statements which have been made, I have seen only one piece of physical evidence - the open door in the back of the house through which the alleged attacker allegedly entered.

And it appears the broken glass and other debris is on the OUTSIDE of the house, which suggests the breakage occurred from inside to out.

Everything is consistent with a scenario in which the "intruder" was invited into the house and at some point engaged in an altercation with Mr. Pelosi. Why the glass door was broken open, and the manner in which that was done, is unclear. But this is FAR from being a "slam dunk" case, and if ALL the evidence could be examined independently it's quite likely the official story would crumble.

But does it really matter? The intended message was delivered (Republicans are evil), and the ultimate retraction (if made at all) will take place after the election.

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Peace ??? No Peace !!!

Do you remember when JFK made this plea? i was still in high school:

I have, therefore, chosen this time and this place to discuss a topic on which ignorance too often abounds and the truth is too rarely perceived--yet it is the most important topic on earth: world peace.

What kind of peace do I mean? What kind of peace do we seek? Not a Pax Americana enforced on the world by American weapons of war. Not the peace of the grave or the security of the slave. I am talking about genuine peace, the kind of peace that makes life on earth worth living, the kind that enables men and nations to grow and to hope and to build a better life for their children--not merely peace for Americans but peace for all men and women--not merely peace in our time but peace for all time.

You can read the rest @

TPTB didn't want this kind of peace, and they still don't. JFK fought them, and they killed him.

"Joe Biden", Nancy Pelosi, the Davos/WEF beast, and all the rest of the demons who now infest our world don't want JFK's kind of peace, either. And they're not going to let us have it.

If it happens at all, it will be because of people like Putin and Xi Jinping. And that's the exact opposite of what most Americans now believe. That's how delusional I believe we have become.

The Cost Of Climate Change

The UN wants a whole lot of money to deal with "climate change":

I cannot see any way this could happen, do you?

Do you know anyone who can be trusted with that kind of money? I don't.

Update - 10/31/2022

Please G-d, don't let this moron get his hooks into our economy:

In case you did not guess, this is money we would have to print. Debasing our currency this way would be of zero benefit to We the People.

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Life Without Oil

How many of these products can you live without?

Source -

I think most people agree we need to convert our economies to use less of this stuff. The important question now is how we accomplish that and how quickly. The current path we're on appears to be the most painful one imaginable and also the most coercive one.

You may have seen reports like this one:

Doing such a thing will be a lot easier in the EU than in the US. They have accessible, reliable public transportation and are used to riding bikes and mopeds. We don't really have either here.

And how many of us can afford a $100,000+ electric car that burns when it gets wet?

Friday, October 28, 2022

Malone Talks

Here is a rather lengthy talk given by Dr. Robert Malone:

If he's telling the truth, the main impetus for the mRNA gene therapy injections appears to be based on MILITARY considerations:

We have to have some technology to enable rapid response for special forces teams that are going to go in to wherever the bad guys are when we detect them and address that problem and take them out. Those special forces need to be protected. We need to have capabilities that can be deployed at the battalion level. We need to have capabilities that can be deployed at the population level. This RNA tech was one of the ones, together with monoclonal antibodies, that the government has long believed had huge potential to enable that type of rapid response.

# # # # # # # #

That implies we're all just lab rats in a giant experiment to see if better offensive/defensive weapons can be created to deal with our enemies. And apparently we have MANY enemies and NO diplomats or peacemakers.

I am not OK with that. Are you?

One thing left out of the conversation is that in spite of what the FBI says, the 9/11 "anthrax attacks" were false flag events. It's extremely unlikely Dr. Bruce Ivins had anything to do with them. The most plausible source of those particular anthrax spores was a state actor with biowarfare capabilities, including the US government itself.

Not If, But When

Here is another report about the imminent danger of nuclear war:

Some little known facts:

  • The military-industrial complex has been advocating the use of micro/mini/tiny nuclear weapons for the past 30 years. I read their reports (the unclassified ones).
  • The project to build and deploy new nuclear weapons has been going on for at least 20 years, and now they will be stationed in multiple EU nations right on Russia's borders.
  • The US currently has no tritium production reactors, although it is reported new tritium stocks are being harvested from "civilian" nuclear reactors. The half-life of tritium is about 12.3 years, so if we did nothing the reduction via decay in our tritium inventory (used to boost the yield of H-bombs) would ultimately disarm us. This might encourage a "use 'em, or lose 'em" mentality, and it's probably a factor in the decision to build smaller yield weapons.
  • Many consider the Trident missile to be a first strike weapon. That is why the recent stunt of surfacing an Ohio class sub carrying Trident missiles in the Arabian Sea was so significant. That one sub could have destroyed just about everything of importance in Russia before the Russkies could even react to the launch.

I think we should spend less time arguing about the mental competency of John Fetterman and a LOT more time talking about the insanity of the people in DC who want to nuke the Russians.

Thursday, October 27, 2022

No Oil For You And Me ???

Here is a current assessment of the status of US petroleum refineries:

It's harder than you think to keep a refinery running in the US. I know, as I have attended numerous regulatory meetings with oil execs during which they laid out their woes. And they weren't lying, either.

So, shuttered US refineries won't restart, and no new ones will be built. If that doesn't sabotage our oil-based economy, I don't know what will. Brandon was elected to destroy it, and that's one campaign promise he appears to be living up to.

By the way, I have a feeling that Venezuela is about to become our new "strategic petroleum reserve", and that's why Brandon and Co. aren't worried about depleting the other one. All Brandon has to do is partially lift the sanctions on Venezuela, buy some oil at a reduced price (or outright steal it like we're doing in Syria), and presto! we'd be right back in business.

Of course, only a limited amount would be refined for the US, and it would only go to those who behave (i.e., get their clot shots, take the mark, and do everything they're told).

Free trade, my ass. We don't need no stinking free trade !!!

US First Strike

Here is a remarkable essay which presents a VERY scary scenario. When you click on the link, it will translate from Russian to English, so be patient:

If it doesn't work, then here is one of the key takeaways:

During the Soviet/Cold War era, we used to think in terms of mutual assured destruction.

But today the situation is somewhat different. The number of nuclear warheads has become such that an exchange of nuclear strikes cannot lead to a guaranteed death of all living things. The number of carriers of nuclear weapons has fallen to such levels that even after a massive strike inflicted by all forces in the Northern Hemisphere, wildlife, untouched cities and towns, and people will remain. A nuclear war without the death of all participants has become possible.

The second problem is the combat stability of the Russian nuclear forces in their current configuration. Russia was able to revive the Missile Attack Warning System (SPRN). The missiles that are supposed to strike back are regularly updated.

But now our fleet has fewer ships than Japan. There is no possibility to block all dangerous water areas with the actions of anti-submarine forces. And this means that, as in the case of the Arabian Sea, the Americans and the British, who can hold them, will freely turn to strike where the missiles reach us too quickly. For example, in the North, Norwegian, Barents, Mediterranean and Arabian seas.

Russian strategic submarines are few in number today compared to Soviet times. Together with the qualitative superiority of the US Navy, this creates a situation where the Americans can destroy our submarines just before the start of the attack. This, alas, is a well-known fact. At the same time, 44% of all strategic nuclear warheads in Russia are deployed on submarines. And almost all of them are in two (!) Fleet bases vulnerable to the first strike. Russian strategic aviation, on the other hand, has never learned to fight like the American one, and is not a means of a guaranteed retaliatory strike.

The combination of these factors creates a technical possibility for the United States to launch a successful disarming nuclear strike on Russia without receiving a strike in response that is significant in terms of losses. At the same time, the intensity of anti-Russian propaganda is such that the Western layman does not have to substantiate anything, from this point of view, everything is ready there.

% % % % % % % %

There are a number of reasons the US now thinks they can "win" a nuclear war, but only if they are the ones who strike first.

This creates a terrible dilemma for the Russians. With US forces on their doorstep, they have no reaction time. This almost puts them in a situation where THEY have to strike first to have a chance of survival.

That is why they pleaded with us to not put nuclear weapons on their border. It was as much for OUR protection as it is for theirs.

No matter what occurs, keep in mind none of this would have happened if the US had not instigated it. To say Putin's recent actions are "unprovoked" is a GIANT LIE, which only an ignorant populace could believe. And boy, are we ignorant.

Get ready to duck and cover. "Our" nuclear arsenal is controlled by psychopaths who think we're all useless people anyway. G-d only knows what they might do.

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

The Importance Of Diesel

Just in case you didn't already know this:

That huge spread (in the cost of diesel fuel) exists because the government -- and not just ours -- has declared war on the very reason we have had a rational cost of living for the last one hundred years. It has driven basically all of our advancement in that regard. It is responsible for all of the plastic things you have (look around you), all of the synthetic fibers (your couch, your bed, etc.) your shoes, your computer(s), your cellphones, the Internet and even the shingles on your house without which it rains inside as well as out.

Source -

But I suspect it won't really sink in until "the government" succeeds in sabotaging our current petroleum based economy to the point it really starts to hurt.

Unfortunately, by then many of us will not be able to feed and house our families.

This is not hyperbole. This is what the current regime is in the process of doing.

Thoughts On Freedom

From Dr. Mark McDonald, MD:

"I felt much freer in Bosnia this summer than I do now in the United States. In every city I visited there, I found no restrictions on travel, speech, or medical decision-making. Criminality was frowned upon, rather than encouraged. The people I spoke with appeared to be well-informed on issues of importance to their local community. In contrast, Los Angeles, where I live and work, is an authoritarian city. So is the state of California. And so is the United States as a whole. Soon, though, America may progress from an authoritarian nation to a totalitarian state. How did we arrive at this stage?"

Source -

How indeed. Read the rest of this post to find his ideas.

Metal Mania

This graphic shows all the metals we mined in 2021:

Source -

Not shown is all the waste and byproducts associated with this mining. I think their volume would dwarf that of the metals, since most metal ores are not "pure".

Keep in mind that all of this material stays in or near the biosphere after we bring it in. How can that be a healthy thing to do?

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Going Boom

Here is another discussion of what would happen if the Ukraine kerfuffle went nuclear:

And you still want JB to up the ante? You must be nuts.

By the way, TPTB apparently want to do the same thing to China. Good luck with that idea !!!

Unnatural And Massive Scope

Here is another study which suggests SARS-CoV-2 was created in a lab:

And here is a video explaining the massive scope of the deaths and adverse reactions caused by the apparently unnecessary "vaccines":

And we're supposed to trust these people with our health? HELL NO !!!

Sunday, October 23, 2022

A Cure For Cancer ???

Here is a video about a man who cured his own cancer using a drug for dogs:

Sound familiar? Remember the claims about "horse dewormer"?

Early in the COVID saga, many scientists looked for existing drugs which could be repurposed to fight the virus. Two things happened - none were found (allegedly), and those claimed to work (e.g., HCQ and Invermectin) were ridiculed and forbidden by those who wanted to sell you a "vaccine" instead.

Our "healthcare" system seems to be designed to produce expensive new drugs with questionable efficacy and a hinky safety record. There may well be a cancer cure already out there, but is anyone REALLY looking for it?

The Futility Of Net Zero

Chris Morrison has published a wonderful essay which explains the reality of Net Zero. Here is a key takeaway:

Last Sunday, Sir David Attenborough concluded six episodes of pseudoscientific green agitprop Frozen Planet II by demanding that the world embrace Net Zero, “no matter how challenging it may be”. Net Zero is a political command-and-control project, the full horror of which is yet to be inflicted on the general population. Michaux is quite clear what it entails: “What may be required, therefore, is a significant reduction of societal demand for all resources, of all kinds. This implies a very different social contract and a radically different system of governance to what is in place today.”

Source -

The Davos/WEF beast knows that Net Zero is unattainable unless "a very different social contract and a radically different system of governance" are implemented. And that is exactly why they are pushing so hard for it. THEY will decide what the contract and system are, not We the People, and vastly increase their riches in the process.

Everyone is leaving out what should be the most important part of this conversation - even with the planned new technologies and strict rationing of everyone's "carbon footprint", there will STILL be too much CO2 emitted to reach Net Zero. That is why population reduction is the other part of the triad:

This helps explain why they started the ball rolling with SARS-CoV-2. They had to initiate its slow death of us useless people well before the temperature rise limit of 1.5 degrees C is reached.

Believe it or not, I think population reduction is the ONLY part of the triad which will have a lasting impact on climate change. And it has the added benefit of curtailing humanity's ravenous appetite for our planet's resources.

But not to worry, people like Attenborough will continue to thrive and stuff their faces with sumptuous meals while the rest of us shiver in the cold and eat bugs.

Are you happy now?

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Tools Of The Great Satan

"Joe Biden" wants El-On Musk to put Starlink into Iran:

The Internet is a weapon and one of the Great Satan's favorite tools. The US desperately wants to drive a wedge into the China-Iran-Russia alliance for peaceful modernization. For Iran to allow this would be suicidal.

Black Death 2.0 ???

By now you've probably heard about this study:

Neat, huh?

Not mentioned anywhere by anyone is the added "benefit" of digging in a Black Death graveyard - the chance to dig up the original microbe which caused the disease.

It can now be altered in labs to make it more infectious, put into fleas, and spread via the explosion of rat populations in places like New York City and the war zones in Ukraine.

I'm sorry to keep bringing up such things, but since we didn't hold the COVID-19 squad accountable there's no way to know what they really did ... or what they plan to do next.

The Pending Fall Of Pfizer ???

Here, once again from the EU, is the best explanation I've heard of why the mRNA injections should be banned, and not just for SARS-CoV-2:

Somehow they're figured out what's happening, while we're now going to force it on our children.

We no longer have "democracy". People in the US are living in a trance, and it will be our undoing.

Friday, October 21, 2022

Justice For Former Slaves

Here is a letter written by a former slave to his old master:

Its logic applies not only to the issue of slave reparations, but also to how peoples of the BRICS+, OPEC+, and Global South will treat us after they liberate themselves from what many will consider to be little better than slavery at the hands of the former USA.

As they say, what goes around comes around - you reap what you sow - etc., etc., etc. We're gonna get what we earned.

Traitor Politicians

Paul Joseph Watson presents this humorous video explaining what just happened in the UK:

There is a lesson here for all of us.

"Our" leaders are traitors to our various nations. They bow down to the agenda of the Davos/WEF beast and ignore the needs of their own citizens. "Open Borders" leads to "no country at all"; and supporting Ukraine to the point of war with Russia leads to the death of those citizens, and more.

Here is a simulation of what may happen if a nuclear weapon is used in the Ukraine conflict:

Every large scale simulation like this has been accompanied or followed by an actual attack or event (e.g., COVID-19). And don't be misled by the claim that Russia would be the culprit this time. NATO has a history of destroying nations to get what they want. If they were transparent in such matters they wouldn't be locking Russia out of the NS1/NS2 pipeline investigation, but they are.

How does that serve the interests of their citizens? It merely allows them to hide their own potential culpability.

And don't forget, the US Defense Threat Reduction Agency easily could have obtained enough Russia-sourced fissionable material to make a bomb. If you've read Tom Clancy's The Sum of All Fears you'll know what I mean.

Update - 10/22/2022

Could this be the person who most benefits from the "coup"?

BoJo was Biden's point man in the fight against Russia. Now that he's back in town the war can intensify.

Cui bono? Not you or me, and not people of the UK.

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Traitor Veterans ???

Here are two reports about military retirees and veterans working for not-so-friendly countries and our enemies:

I am disturbed about the role of retired generals and admirals, but we should remember two things:

  • there always have been mercenaries (and always will be); and
  • the greatest betrayals of our country have been by US oligarchs, bankgangsters, and corporate CEOs who shamelessly looted our economy and moved our manufacturing jobs overseas.

Sadly, patriotism doesn't figure into such decisions any more.

As the good book says, the love of money is the root of all evil.

Failing In Africa

Here is an assessment by Nick Turse of our "war on terror" in Africa:

Apparently we've wasted a LOT of money, killed more than a few innocent people, and created an even bigger problem than existed before. Typical US disaster.

And you still wonder why Russia and China are making inroads in Africa? Hell, we could buy the freaking cobalt for a fraction of what we've spent on these foolish military escapades.

Update - 10/21/2022

Here is additional discussion:

By the way, NATO deposed and murdered Muammar Gaddafi 11 years ago. Libya thrived while he was in power:

But the US doesn't like it when independent countries thrive, so he had to be killed ... and that vile pig Hillary Clinton had to laugh about it just to prove how big an a-hole she is.

Uke Nuke ???

Some bad news about Ukraine:

There's no way to know whether it's true or not, but I have heard credible reports about missing tactical nukes as early as 25 years ago. It's certainly possible.

If this happens, I would guess Russia will be blamed immediately. But they know this too, so ask yourself why they would do such a thing unless for an existential threat.

Everyone thinks they want a war with Russia, but do they really think it would not quickly become a MAD war?

Keep your potassium iodide pills handy. You may soon need them.

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

The War Comes Home

Here are two reports which discuss ways Joe Biden's unprovoked war on Russia will affect the US:

(1) We're selling our LNG to the EU, and price gouging them in the process, leaving parts of the US without an adequate supply:

New England could face blackouts in the coming months as more global shipments of liquefied natural gas (LNG) are being directed to Europe, the Wall Street Journal reported on Monday, citing power producers.

Source -

(2) We're exporting our food to the highest bidder instead of taking care of our own people's needs:

The ultra-low river levels are severely impacting the agriculture industry across the Midwest. We pointed out barges are reducing weight which has caused a shortage of vessels to haul farm goods from this season's harvest to Gulf Coast terminals for export.

Source -

Putin did not cause this, Biden and company did. And only Biden and company could fix it, but don't expect them to. They're too busy ramping up for real war with Russia and China.

The Real Elephants In The Room

Here is a wonderful essay by Tom Luongo which explains the powerful forces and actors behind events in the world today:

I know it's long, but it is well worth a quick read. This passage is particularly instructive:

All arguments that the US dollar doesn’t deserve its strength or that the Fed has a responsibility to Europe when all they’ve done is engage in fiscal and monetary hara-kiri via negative rates for nearly a decade are pathetic as they are stupid.

You can see that this call was an extension of the anti-US psy-op that ran wild after the Nordstream bombings. There is a concerted effort now to at once push for open war between the US and Russia while also blaming the Fed for the crash in the global markets.

Luongo's piece is one of the best arguments I've yet seen for why we MUST vote Biden, Pelosi, and Schumer out of office. And we MUST demand their replacements pull us out of the grip of the Davos/WEF beast.

Our very survival as a nation depends on it.

Homeless In DC

Homeless encampments in DC are "exploding" in number:

Not only can "our" Representatives and Senators not see the suffering in their own districts and states, they apparently cannot see the homeless right under their noses.

"Our" government does NOT care about us. It's become a mere tool of the Davos/WEF beast.

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Who Should Lead The World ???

Mike Whitney has posted this "geopolitical quiz for the day":

Two countries are embroiled in a ferocious rivalry. One country’s meteoric growth has put it on a path to become the world’s biggest economic superpower while the other country appears to be slipping into irreversible decline. Which country will lead the world into the future?

Country A builds factories and plants, it employs zillions of people who manufacture things, it launches massive infrastructure programs, paves millions of miles of highways and roads, opens new sea lanes, vastly expands its high-speed rail network, and pumps profits back into productive operations that turbo-charge its economy and bolster its stature among the nations of the world.

Country B has the finest military in the world, it has more than 800 bases scattered across the planet, and spends more on weapons systems and war-making than all the other nations combined. Country B has gutted its industrial core, hollowed out its factory base, allowed its vital infrastructure to crumble, outsourced millions of jobs, off-shored thousands of businesses, plunged the center of the country into permanent recession, delivered control of its economy to the Central Bank, and recycled 96 percent of its corporate and financial profits into a stock buyback scam that sucks critical capital out of the economy and into the pockets of corrupt Wall Street plutocrats whose voracious greed is pushing the world towards another catastrophic meltdown.

Which of these two countries is going to lead the world into the future? Which of these two countries offers a path to security and prosperity that doesn’t involve black sites, extraordinary rendition, extrajudicial assassinations, color-coded revolutions, waterboarding, strategic disinformation, false-flag provocations, regime change and perennial war?

Source -

People may not like to see our nation portrayed this way, but aren't his descriptions spot on? We're leading the world into a living hell, and if We the People aren't going to stop it the rest of the world probably will try.

And all nations will suffer because of it ... us included.

Here is additional discussion:

Shooting ourselves in the foot yet again.


Just when you thought it was safe to go to the grocery store again:

This is completely unacceptable.

What are these people thinking? That we're not dying fast enough?

According to this list, the new virus may have been crafted in a BSL-4 lab, but so (allegedly) was the Wuhan virus:

In my opinion, this lab should be shut down and dismantled, its contents should be destroyed, and its researchers and employees should be censured for endangering humanity.

Update - 10/19/2022

Here is additional discussion:

This is what happens when we fail to fully investigate a major event like COVID-19: they just stuff it down the memory hole and keep doing whatever they want.

Monday, October 17, 2022


Here is an interesting history of colonization by the West, and its subsequent unraveling:

Some hyperbole, but mostly truths. We may not like seeing our past characterized this way, but it would be a mistake to ignore it. The rest of the world knows us all too well.

Sunday, October 16, 2022

The Day Before

Here is part of the 1983 movie The Day After:

The crazies in the Biden administration and the Pentagon are working overtime to make such a scenario likely.

This could be one of the last days before. What are we going to do about it?

A Real Planet Of The Apes

Here is a report which suggests monkeys are evolving into a "new human-like race":

While they're coming down from the trees, we humans will be herded into "smart cities", which appear to be incubators for the kind of tech-and-CRISPR-driven "evolution" our brutal overlords have in mind for the rest of us:

I find this passage in the report about monkeys to be key:

However, these current changes are taking place far more rapidly than the natural fluctuations in the Earth’s climate that have happened in the past, and our monkey cousins will struggle to adapt the way we did.

What's missing from the discussion is any concern whether humans can adapt to the very rapid changes to which we are being exposed.

My conclusion is that those who cannot so adapt will be allowed to die (after all, that's the mechanism of Darwinian evolution), and those who can will be the ultimate residents of the so-called smart cities, which will be little more than barracks for the servants and slaves of the high and mighty.

Are you happy now?

Saturday, October 15, 2022


This link contains a video in which a MEP accuses Pfizer of corruption and selling a "fake vaccine"; and recommends that the contract be terminated and Pfizer face criminal charges and forfeit the monies already paid:

Why has no one in the US government made similar accusations on the behalf of the American people?

Even worse, why has no one really challenged the globalist agenda which appears to be destroying our country?

As far as I can tell, it's because they all bow down to the beast.


And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: [Revelation 13:16 KJV]

So far, people are doing this voluntarily:

Eventually the remnant will be forced to do so.

Will you have the wisdom and the courage to resist it?

Friday, October 14, 2022

Is Biden Insane ???

Not content with provoking Russia into a nuclear war, Joe Biden's administration has just committed us to war with China, too:

Since China makes much of what we consume, don't you think We the People should have been consulted before this path was chosen?

And here is a great analysis why the President does NOT have the authority to kill anyone he chooses ... but does it anyway:

Are these the actions of a sane person? Not by my definition of sanity.

Fleeing The Apocalypse

Here's a possibly useful report showing the best and worst places to be when nuclear war breaks out:

It may be too late for most of us to move, and it's not clear the "safe places" would have any food or other needed supplies. Might as well stay put and pray.

Old Man River

Levels in the Mississippi River have fallen so much that barge traffic is now curtailed:

Something similar affected the Rhine River recently:

Who would have thought climate change also could affect commerce this way?

The next question is "how do we fix this?" Got any ideas, Mayor Pete?

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Fairy Tales

Here are assessments of two US fairy tales:

We've gotten so good at spinning yarns that we may never again know what really is and what isn't.

Good job, America.

Who Will Buy US Debt ???

US debt continues to climb, and the usual buyers may no longer be interested:

We've turned China and Russia into enemies, are wrecking the EU economies, and excel at alienating the global south.

If we continue down this path, our country will implode without Russia having to fire a shot.

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Tulsi + Ron ???

Here is an interesting assessment of Tulsi Gabbard by Tom Luongo:

Yes, it's difficult to predict what ANYONE is going to do once they get elected.

And it's also difficult to predict whether ANYONE can muster the support it will take to fight the US deep state and the Davos/WEF beast.

But I'm guessing Ron DeSantis and Tulsi Gabbard have a better chance than most.

I'd vote for them. We could do a hell of a lot worse.

The Nature Of The Coming Fire Sale

If you've been following the UK pension funding debacle, you've probably seen reports like this:

Something similar is pending in the US, since there is NO WAY our pension funds can actually cover their obligations. And if you recall, the US Congress long ago removed the requirement they be able to do so ... which allowed the junk bond raiders to sluice off all those "excess funds".

It all makes me wonder if a true "fire sale" (a.k.a. everything must go) is in store for the entire West. A "great reset" would be much easier to accomplish following a catastrophe ... such as nuclear war.

Wouldn't things be easier for TPTB if they could get rid of most of us?

It would not surprise me to learn that's why "Joe Biden" and his wrecking crew are pushing so hard for one.

The End Of Debate

Western politicians give lip service to "democracy", but it's the last thing they want:

They want us to shut up and do their bidding. That's not democracy, and they know it.

But they don't give a damn.

CCP Police Stations

The Chinese Communist Party allegedly is operating police stations in the US:

Q: Can anyone tell me the difference between that and the US drone programs set up all over the world?

A: Our drone stations kill people using sadistic weapons, while I believe the CCP facilities do not. Also, their stations are used to corral Chinese citizens, while our drone stations kill people willy-nilly without regard to their nationality.

No nation should be the world's "policeman". That's what the UN is for, if we would let it do its job. What sovereign nations require from their citizens is none of our business.

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

A Voice In The Wilderness

Here is an interview with former US Representative Cynthia McKinney:

While I'm not excited about "starting over", she does make some interesting points.

No one in US government should be making oaths to a foreign government or an establishment of religion, especially not one which breaks our laws with impunity.

It's Coming

Climate change is about to take over our banking system:

Yeah ... "pilot program", but it's easy to see what lies ahead.

What's most instructive is that TPTB intend to impose this new fiscal dictatorship even though the US economy is coming apart:

Hold onto something. This is going to get really bad.

Mocking The Nobel Prize

The German Business News thinks Ben Bernanke's Nobel Prize in Economics is a mockery of the institution:

As the supreme guardian of the currency, Ben Bernanke first slept through the financial crisis of 2008 and was then responsible for the multi-billion dollar bank bailout. This laid the foundation for today's double-digit inflation and the coming financial market crisis. The Nobel Prize in Economics was awarded for this.

Source -

2022 is a year when neither the economics or peace prizes should have been awarded.

Update - 10/13/2022

Some in the US agree:

I think the criteria is "those who, during the preceding year, shall have conferred the greatest benefit on mankind." Does Bernanke meet this? I don't think so.

It's like Obama ad-Dajjal's peace prize; it did NOT meet Nobel's basic criteria. But they awarded it anyway.

Treason Of The Intellectuals

Here is a great essay about how the "best and brightest" let us all down:

I think it's more than cowardice. They can see the Davos/WEF beast and similar organizations growing in strength, and they (the so-called intellectuals) are jockeying for a piece of the huge pie the great reset will represent.

And the LAST thing they care about (if at all) is the rest of humanity.

Sunday, October 9, 2022

How Putin Lost The War

Here is a provocative, yet credible analysis by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts of what Putin has done (or not done) which is causing Russia to lose the war in Ukraine:

Allow me to add that Putin apparently also does not understand this is an existential war for the US and that it has been planned (at least conceptually) for years:

This is not a war of convenience, or an instance of taking advantage of a crisis. This is a war to the death, and it looks like everything and everyone is a potential target.

Wake up, Vlad.

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Boots On The Ground ???

Apparently US forces ARE in Ukraine:

Perhaps they helped blow up this bridge:

If not, how long until the US crosses a red line leading to Russia directly attacking us? I know that's what you want, Brandon.

But is that what WE want? I know I don't.

Maybe this is a dumb question, but how much of the military aid we're sending over there is winding up on the black market? And does the Big Guy still get 10% when it's sold?

Renewables Paradox ???

Are renewables (clean energy, or whatever you want to call it) cheap?

Absolutely not. Such a claim is a rehash of the "too cheap to meter" slogan once used for nuclear energy.

In a former life I assessed renewable energy projects for the Texas environmental agency. Although permitted for construction, many of them were never completed. The underlying reason was they were too expensive.

In my view, Biden's saboteurs will destroy our existing grid and leave us with a new one which won't work as well as what we have now ... and it will be MUCH more expensive.

There is no "paradox". The whole idea is get us to use less energy, and sabotage is the easiest way to force the outcome they want.

President Strangelove

This essay by Eddie Scarry discusses one of the biggest lies of the past decade:

Trump was never going to launch nukes, but now that Biden talks about it nearly every day no one seems to care.

The anti-Trump coup was never about preventing war, it was centered on enabling it ... and destroying the US in the process.

Y'all allegedly voted for this moron, so I hope yer happy now.

Keep this scene in mind over the next few days:

By the way, the US has been LUSTING to use nuclear weapons for quite some time. Putin is merely TPTB's latest patsy.

Friday, October 7, 2022

A Peace Plan That Would Work

Want peace? Here's what to do:

  • US stop arming Ukraine
  • US stop threatening Russia
  • US stop threatening China
  • US stop threatening OPEC+
  • US add the Davos/WEF beast to the list of terrorist organizations
  • US suppress and dismantle the Davos/WEF beast as it would any other terrorist organization
  • US replace (through Constitutionally valid means) our senile, war mongering President with a competent, peace-minded one
  • Turn over US war criminals and war mongers to the ICC for prosecution and Nuremberg style trials

Note all of these actions mainly involve the US. If you won't recognize and deal with the role of the US in all of this, then you will NEVER achieve peace.

The FDA We Used To Have

Here is info about the single FDA reviewer who stopped thalidomide from coming into the US market back in the 60s:

Today's FDA, however, apparently not only does not care whether drugs and "vaccines" are safe, they don't even care whether they work.

We need more Frances Kelseys, and we need them NOW. The current crop of reviewers and approvers is fubar beyond comprehension.

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Climate Update

Lie, after lie, after lie:

This data shows that increasing temperature precedes rising CO2 concentration (suggesting higher CO2 does not CAUSE temperature to rise):

Like COVID, the climate change narrative appears driven by greed and a lust for power. "Science", like everything else, now follows the money.

Genocidal Language ???

Here is a UK source claiming that conservative voters should be allowed to die:

I keep reading similar suggestions in the US.

This is not "free speech". It borders on hate speech. Yet it is tolerated and perhaps even encouraged by TPTB.

This is the sort of language which can eventually lead to genocide. That it seems to be growing in the West should concern all of us.

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

The Smoking Gun

Here are revelations from the Monkey concerning how the Russian gas pipeline was sabotaged:

Fairly detailed and very credible.

If what he says is true, the US appears to have attacked NATO to prevent the end of the war.

And you have to ask yourself, what's in it for the EU? Not the EU leadership, which appears to be committing treason to its individual nations, but the people of the EU.

Wouldn't they be better off as the western terminus of China's OBOR?

By the way, here is an excellent analysis which concludes the destruction of the pipelines suggests there will not be a conventional WWIII:

Of course, things could go nuclear, but how likely is that?

Update - 10/06/2022

This appears to be further proof the US wants to destroy Germany:

Why is such a claim being made now? If the US supports it, isn't this going to further weaken Germany?

There's a war in Europe alright, but it's war by other means. Its proponents apparently want to turn Europe into a smoking ruin unable to participate in China's OBOR plans.

What kind of sick people would do such a thing just to have a luxurious lifestyle? Sadly, they're all around us.

By the way, this reminds me of what the UK did when they left colonial India. They fomented the creation of Pakistan in the hope it would be a continual thorn in the side of sovereign India. And it worked.

Wake up, Europe. Your "master" (the US) is sacrificing you on the altar of global hegemony, while serving you up to the Davos/WEF beast. If you think things are bad now, wait until the RESET is implemented in full. You will be trapped in a living hell.

Monday, October 3, 2022

Looking Glass

Uncle Sam is getting ready for nuclear war:

Are we making peace, conducting diplomacy, stockpiling food and resources, building shelters, or preparing the public for what is to come?


Apparently we don't have time for those things.

For all you forgetful people, Trump was accused to being a war monger when he was no such thing. You replaced him with a senile LIAR who pretends to care about you while making plans to get us all killed.

You think Hurricane Ian was bad? Wait till the big nukes start going off and nationwide martial law is declared.

Update - 10/4/2022

Apparently the Russians are ready for nuclear war, too:

Good job, Brandon.

Polio On The Rise

Apparently polio is back in the US:

Note the focus is on "vaccination rates" and not other plausible reasons why polio is on the rise, such as:

  • huge waves of uncontrolled immigration, and
  • widespread, unnecessary administration of mRNA concoctions which are destroying our immune systems and those of our children.

Just part of the big die-off, I guess.

Update - 10/06/2022

Here is additional discussion:

If the situation stems from a single religious community refusing to get vaccinated, why don't we just say so?

Metaverse Children

According to this report, people soon will be content to have "Metaverse children":

Do you think any sane person believes this? Who would give up having a real child to have a virtual doll instead? And why would we need to do such a thing unless a great-die off is in the works?

Wake up, people. The high and mighty are getting ready to kill you.

Sunday, October 2, 2022

The Real Source Of Global Terror ???

Here is a lengthy analysis of the sabotage carried out on the Russian gas pipelines:

If what he claims is true, then the Davos/WEF beast appears to be a terrorist organization [or at least a sponsor of terror].

While the 9/11 "attacks" did result in property destruction and loss of life, these two events are MUCH more significant:

  • the COVID-19 hoax and its aftermath; and
  • the current war in Ukraine and the related human suffering, property destruction, and economic havoc it is causing.

[By the way, if we look beyond the endless and mostly nonsensical propaganda we've been fed about 9/11, it's credible the same beast could have been behind that terror attack and its aftermath, too.]

As I've said before, such things represent war being waged by the rich on the rest of us. Tools do exist which could be used to end this war, but unfortunately We the People don't control them.

Cui bono? All of the above promotes "The Great Reset", and I doubt that agenda benefits anyone except the rich.

Representation ???

This graphic shows current world population:

Source -

Considering the relatively small size of the US and the "collective West", why should we have such a large influence on the riches of the world?

It's certainly NOT because we believe in "democracy" or any other such rubbish.

And if "The Great Reset" inventories every potential asset on the planet, you can bet your sweet bippy they won't be used to benefit anyone other than the resetters themselves.

Call this what you will, but basically it represents unearned global hegemony bordering on enslavement.

Fungus Among Us

This report claims that certain fungi are present in cancer tumors:

You may recall that bacteria have been established as the actual cause of stomach ulcers.

What if fungi are not just cancer markers, but the actual CAUSE of the related cancers?

Worth a look I would say, and a Nobel Prize in Medicine if proven true.

Update - 10/7/2022

Here is a related discussion:

Watch out for triggers, too.

Saturday, October 1, 2022

So Many Defeats, So Little Honesty

Here is a timely, excellent critique of the US military by William J. Astore:

I would even argue that we didn't win WWII, either ... the Soviets did.

We're spending a hell of a lot of money to support these bastards, and they're giving us little in return ... other than a steady stream of disabled vets. When is this shit going to end?

And what will we become when it does? Our chief "product" is DEBT, and what the hell is that worth?

Chips Ahoy !!!

A week ago we were regaled with tales of semiconductor "shortages":

But now there is a glut:

Doesn't it seem like someone cannot get their story straight?

Before the COVID hoax, we seemed to have relatively stable supply chains. But now the "Joe Biden" saboteurs and others have wrecked them. And these are the people who want to rule the world?

It seems to me they're either completely incompetent or criminally insane.

What do YOU think?