Tuesday, October 4, 2022

The Smoking Gun

Here are revelations from the Monkey concerning how the Russian gas pipeline was sabotaged:


Fairly detailed and very credible.

If what he says is true, the US appears to have attacked NATO to prevent the end of the war.

And you have to ask yourself, what's in it for the EU? Not the EU leadership, which appears to be committing treason to its individual nations, but the people of the EU.

Wouldn't they be better off as the western terminus of China's OBOR?

By the way, here is an excellent analysis which concludes the destruction of the pipelines suggests there will not be a conventional WWIII:


Of course, things could go nuclear, but how likely is that?

Update - 10/06/2022

This appears to be further proof the US wants to destroy Germany:


Why is such a claim being made now? If the US supports it, isn't this going to further weaken Germany?

There's a war in Europe alright, but it's war by other means. Its proponents apparently want to turn Europe into a smoking ruin unable to participate in China's OBOR plans.

What kind of sick people would do such a thing just to have a luxurious lifestyle? Sadly, they're all around us.

By the way, this reminds me of what the UK did when they left colonial India. They fomented the creation of Pakistan in the hope it would be a continual thorn in the side of sovereign India. And it worked.

Wake up, Europe. Your "master" (the US) is sacrificing you on the altar of global hegemony, while serving you up to the Davos/WEF beast. If you think things are bad now, wait until the RESET is implemented in full. You will be trapped in a living hell.

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