Sunday, October 23, 2022

The Futility Of Net Zero

Chris Morrison has published a wonderful essay which explains the reality of Net Zero. Here is a key takeaway:

Last Sunday, Sir David Attenborough concluded six episodes of pseudoscientific green agitprop Frozen Planet II by demanding that the world embrace Net Zero, “no matter how challenging it may be”. Net Zero is a political command-and-control project, the full horror of which is yet to be inflicted on the general population. Michaux is quite clear what it entails: “What may be required, therefore, is a significant reduction of societal demand for all resources, of all kinds. This implies a very different social contract and a radically different system of governance to what is in place today.”

Source -

The Davos/WEF beast knows that Net Zero is unattainable unless "a very different social contract and a radically different system of governance" are implemented. And that is exactly why they are pushing so hard for it. THEY will decide what the contract and system are, not We the People, and vastly increase their riches in the process.

Everyone is leaving out what should be the most important part of this conversation - even with the planned new technologies and strict rationing of everyone's "carbon footprint", there will STILL be too much CO2 emitted to reach Net Zero. That is why population reduction is the other part of the triad:

This helps explain why they started the ball rolling with SARS-CoV-2. They had to initiate its slow death of us useless people well before the temperature rise limit of 1.5 degrees C is reached.

Believe it or not, I think population reduction is the ONLY part of the triad which will have a lasting impact on climate change. And it has the added benefit of curtailing humanity's ravenous appetite for our planet's resources.

But not to worry, people like Attenborough will continue to thrive and stuff their faces with sumptuous meals while the rest of us shiver in the cold and eat bugs.

Are you happy now?

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