Monday, April 11, 2022

The True Size Of Africa

This graphic compares the true size of Africa to other continents and countries:

Source -

In addition to her expansive lands, Africa contains many strategically important minerals which the US does not have and does not want to pay fair prices for. That may help explain why US-trained forces keep overthrowing democratically elected Africa governments:

While the WSJ article seems oriented toward Russophobia (like most else these days), should we be happy if these coups helped US interests instead of hindering them? While such coups may aid US corporations, they are of little or no benefit to We the People. If anything, they're turning most of the world against us.

Do we really want to fight 80% of the world's people (Asia, Africa, and South America) just so multinational corporations and banks and their CEOs can wallow in the potential spoils of such struggles? I don't.

Update - 4/12/2022

Here is additional discussion:

The US has "lagged behind" because our approach is fubar. We fund dictators, overthrow democratically elected governments (often killing their leaders), strip mine their resources, and use their people for medical experiments. Why would anyone prefer us to the Chinese?

WTFU !!! The world is rejecting us, for good reason, and all we do is ramp up the violence and coercion. This is stupid beyond comprehension.

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