Wednesday, April 13, 2022

This Is OUR War

Many in the US blame the war in Ukraine on Putin. While there's some truth to that claim, it's rapidly becoming our war.

The war's architects are Robert Kagan and his wife Victoria Nuland (with the fervent support of Obama ad-Dajjal, "Joe Biden", and the warrior class in DC):

US arms makers are salivating over the profits they will make:

And according to at least one eyewitness, the US is already in charge of the actual fighting:

Note well - the US government did little or nothing to effectively deal with the pandemic. They have done nothing about the supply chain backlog, the food and energy shortages, or the rapid increase in the price of just about everything. Instead, they focused like a laser beam on starting a war with Russia and eventually doing the same with China.

In my view, Kagan, Nuland, Obama ad-Dajjal, Hillary Clinton, "Joe Biden", and the rest of America's war mongers all belong in jail cells at The Hague. What they're doing to the entire world is a crime, and we are fools to keep supporting them.

Regardless of the outcome, this will not end well for We the People.

Update - 4/14/2022

Here is additional discussion which highlights the role of Kagan:

It's not enough to diss these people. They must be prosecuted as war mongers.

Update - 4/16/2022

Yet more discussion:

Clearly, "our" Congress has been lusting for this war. Well, now they have what they wanted; but is it what YOU want? I sure don't.

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