Sunday, January 19, 2014

Unifying the rabbinate

Israel will soon, by law, have only one chief rabbi:

Clearly, Israel is well on the way to becoming a theocracy. Unifying the rabbinate is one more important step toward implementation of their version of the Kingdom of G-d. And theocracy and democracy do NOT go together. If G-d is in charge, do the people have a right to challenge His decisions?

I think the following statement by Livni is ludicrous:

"We don't have two Israels. We have the one Jewish, democratic Israel for all of us. Ashkenazim, Sephardim, Ethiopians, Russian-speakers, young and old – we are all one people."

If what she claims is true, then why are Israelis treating Ethiopian Jews like animals?

By the way, in the Israeli version of the Kingdom of G-d, Christians are "slanderers" and dangerous heretics. If you doubt this, show me your proof.

Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord.

Deuteronomy 6:4 KJV

Judaism CAN NOT and WILL NOT accept the divinity of Jesus. For a man to claim to be divine is blasphemy to them.

Some people (e.g., John Hagee) say there are two covenants: one for the Jews and one for the Gentiles. But the sacrifice on the cross by Jesus is meant to take the place of the daily temple sacrifices. Why then are the Israelis preparing to rebuild the Temple and re-institute the daily sacrifices? To do so would be a direct repudiation of the Gospel of Jesus and a firm restatement that Jews still do not believe that Jesus is the Messiah. For them the Messiah is a man and not G-d.

There cannot be two Messiahs, one for Jews only who is a man and one for Gentiles only who is G-d. That would make the Jewish Messiah inferior to the Christian Messiah. If Jews are G-d's chosen people, why would their Messiah be inferior to ours?

Something's not right in the current perception of what the End Times will bring. For another perspective on this issue, please read these two previous posts:

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