Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The global plutocracy

Our global overlords are getting ready for their annual jaunt to Davos:


Has anything good for the 99% ever come out of the meetings at Davos? They more or less remind me of the meetings the Mafia bosses used to have, like the one at Apalachin, NY in 1957. Only now they meet in semi-secret and bring their wives or partners along.

The death-grip of the plutocrats over finance and industry must be broken. The banks and corporations must be taken out of private hands and placed under public ownership and democratic control. There is only one way this can be done: by means of the revolutionary transformation of society and the establishment of socialism.

I couldn't agree more. But the ruling class is never going to voluntarily give up their wealth and power. Who could possibly make them do it? Certainly not the US Congress, which is filled with their sock puppets.

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