Tuesday, January 14, 2020

The Big Picture

Here is a sarcastic but shockingly accurate explanation of what is really happening out there. Please read in its entirety:

World War III is not going to happen because World War III already happened … and the global capitalist empire won. Take a look at these NATO maps (make sure to explore all the various missions). Then take a look at this Smithsonian map of where the U.S. military is “combating terrorism.” And there are plenty of other maps you can google. What you will be looking at is the global capitalist empire. Not the American empire, the global capitalist empire.

If that sounds like a distinction without a difference … well, it kind of is, and it kind of isn’t. What I mean by that is that it isn’t America (i.e., America the nation-state, which most Americans still believe they live in) that is militarily occupying much of the planet, making a mockery of international law, bombing and invading other countries, and assassinating heads of state and military officers with complete impunity. Or, rather, sure, it is America … but America is not America.

America is a simulation. It is the mask the global capitalist empire wears to conceal the fact that there is no America … that there is only the global capitalist empire.

You can read the rest and find links to the maps @

By the way, here is additional discussion of the harmful effects of the global capitalist empire. I urge you to take the time to read it, too:


People like Medea Benjamin claim we can take our country back. I don't see how that's possible, considering that we have no social or political tools equal to the task. The rich hold all the cards, and sadly the military and the police work for them and not us. How can a confused and fractured populace successfully confront their overwhelming firepower?

Got any ideas?

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