Thursday, January 16, 2020

Is VA Governor Nuts ???

The governor of VA thinks armed militia are going to storm his Capitol:

Is this guy nuts, or what?

Maybe he should read what one of The Founders from Virginia wrote about this very issue:

"God forbid we should ever be 20 years without such a rebellion."

Source -

I don't think armed rebellion is the answer to anything, but I would like to know how we became a nation which no longer believes its citizens have the right to bear arms.

It probably has something to do with this:

Didn't Governor Northam, like all US governors, take an oath to support the US Constitution? Then why is he breaking that oath by declaring this imaginary state of emergency?

My suggestion? If you want safety and security, arrest the provocateurs (e.g., Antifa) and the problem will go away.


  1. Looks like the FBI has taken sides again - against the militia:

    I would not be surprised to learn that Antifa is an FBI construct.

  2. I could be wrong about this whole thing. Maybe the militias ARE a threat:

    But in my view, federal and state governments have mishandled this issue from the start. Instead of regarding militias as a threat, they should have recognized their value to the defense of the nation and REGULATED them as the Second Amendment suggests.
