Tuesday, January 21, 2020

The Killers Among Us

I have watched the nonsense surrounding the killing of Iranian General Soleimani with a growing sense of alarm. Let's rethink this, shall we?

Start by reading Jeremy Schahill's Dirty Wars, or by watching the movie. What you will discover is that the USA has made murder its chief form of "warfare". And this started LONG before Trump came into the picture.

Why are we forgiving the murders committed by Admiral McRaven's JSOC under the direction of Barack Obama ad-Dajjal? Why are we CELEBRATING some of them (e.g., the alleged killing of Osama bin Laden)?

Had Obama ad-Dajjal killed Soleimani I think Americans would be dancing in the streets and singing Obama's praises to high heaven, just like they did when he allegedly killed bin Laden.

America LOVES murderers, but apparently only those with good PR.

1 comment:

  1. And the murders continue:

