Friday, August 11, 2017

Is Elon Musk The New Henry Ford ???

Both men claimed they would build cars for the masses, and both drove their employees with brutal efficiency:

Elon Musk says ‘production hell’ is coming as the company tries to crank out 500,000 vehicles. The people making them agree, and they want to organize.

Elon Musk and many of his employees at his Tesla factory agree on one point: Work is hell.
For Musk, the billionaire CEO of the electric car company, that hell is a technical inconvenience. Tesla, which currently sells a small number of high-end cars, recently announced its plans to massively increase production and enter the mass market with its Model 3 car. “Frankly, we’re going to be in production hell,” Musk told Tesla employees during a July 28 announcement. “For at least six months, maybe longer.”

For a number of Tesla factory workers who are currently trying to unionize, hell feels like herniated neck disks, carpal tunnel, and tendinitis.

“Having to look up every day, 12 hours a day, six days a week, hands over my shoulder, it was two herniated disks in my neck,” Michael Sanchez told The Daily Beast. He has since moved to less-intensive work on door panels. “After three-plus years working at Tesla, it just starts adding on until you’re living the pain every day. Whether you’re off work or not.”

You can read the rest @

Dear auto workers - You have my deepest sympathies, but it won't do any good to organize. Your complaints prove that you all eventually will be replaced with robots. The robotic versions of "herniated disks, carpal tunnel, and tendinitis" are much cheaper to fix.

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