Monday, June 15, 2020

World Economic Forum = Mafia Apalachin Meeting ???

As you may recall, in 1957 aspiring boss of all bosses Vito Genovese called for a national meeting of mob bosses, where 100 members would get together to discuss Mafia operations and leadership changes. Surveillance by a New York state trooper discovered the meeting and led to the arrests of many of the attendees. You can read about it here:

Later this year the so-called World Economic Forum (WEF) will meet in Switzerland to discuss "the Great Reset" of the world's economies and social institutions. You can read about the publicized themes of their meeting here:

And here is a brief discussion of "the Great Reset":

While most people will agree the Apalachin Meeting was attended by criminals, the Davos attendees enjoy a somewhat better reputation. And there are other interesting contrasts and comparisons which can be made:
  • both had (have) wide ranging agenda
  • both met (meet) more or less in secret
  • both had (have) immense power
  • neither represented (represent) any popularly elected government

It is quite possible that members of the WEF or their assets were responsible for dispersion of the novel coronovirus, the disastrous and mostly unnecessary shutdowns of the world's economies, and the social unrest spreading around the Western world. And it is VERY likely "the Great Reset" will address THEIR concerns and benefit THEM ... to the detriment of We the People.

In my view, both groups were (are) populated with parasites who prey upon the vast majority of We the People while either skirting the law or paying (directly or indirectly) for laws favorable to them to be enacted.

What's the main difference between the Mafia and the WEF? In my view, the WEF is much more powerful, is far greater in scope, and has manipulative tools the Mafia never dreamed of.

Did any of you vote for the WEF agenda? I know I didn't. We're about to get screwed in ways we cannot even imagine.

1 comment:

  1. Here is additional pertinent discussion:
