Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Trump Is Not Hitler

A "college professor" in Chicago has suggested (jokingly?) the US military should remove Trump from office. Some may think such a thing is justifiable because Trump is like Hitler:

But equating Trump to Hitler is a gross distortion of history. Here's why:

(1) The German military openly supported Hitler. The US military does NOT support Trump.

(2) Hitler's rise to power was supported by powerful private militias/armies such as the SA. Trump has no such support.

(3) Hitler openly called for certain groups of society to be killed. Trump is doing no such thing. It's Trump's enemies who seem to be calling for the death of certain individuals and groups.

(4) Most of what the Nazis did was openly reported in the MSM of the day, supported by them, and approved of by German society as a whole. Trump has no such media/public support.

While it is true that conditions in the US are approaching those in Weimar Germany (high unemployment, widespread rioting, impending hyperinflation, etc.), this does not mean Trump is like Hitler. Historically he's more like President Paul von Hindenburg.

But don't worry, we are on a path to getting our own version of Hitler. We are racing toward national bankruptcy, and as industrialist James Finney Lincoln once observed, "No bankrupt nation ever escaped totalitarianism".

Are you happy now? I'm not.


  1. Here are two related discussions:

  2. Left wing mobs are NOT empowered by weak politicians, they are encouraged by politicians who WANT such mobs to have such power:
