Saturday, June 20, 2020

Will China Attack The USA ???

Is this a credible claim?

Communist China, which has now achieved complete control of Google, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and other tech giants, is planning on launching an “EMP Pearl Harbor” attack on America that would kill an estimated 90% of the U.S. population, warns a truly alarming new report from the EMP Task Force on National and Homeland Security.

You can read the rest here, including the task force report:

No doubt China has such capabilities. But what would be the point in attacking us? And an invasion? Sounds dumb, and the Chinese are NOT dumb.

China intends to dominate the "world island", and they don't need to physically destroy the USA to do that. We're in the process of destroying ourselves ... and doing a damn good job, too.

No, this sounds like a report designed to scare us into taking desperate action against a boogeyman of our own creation. I believe that China isn't doing anything that we wouldn't like to do, except that they're doing it better and more successfully.

We can have world peace any time we want, but first we have to clean up our own house. And a "preventative attack" on China would NOT be a step in the right direction.

How about trying some diplomacy and cooperation instead?

1 comment:

  1. Here is discussion of a related issue:
