Sunday, June 14, 2020

Be Careful What You Wish For

"Only when a genuine, complete un-freedom arrived – absolute and deadly – only then did we understand how free we had really been in Imperial Russia."
Ivan Ilyin

Many across the USA are yearning for an end to "the empire", and they probably will get what they want. Here are some things to consider as that end approaches:

(1) When the Bolsheviks succeeded in overthrowing the Tsar, things only got worse in Russia - MUCH worse:

(2) Demonstrators are demanding the abolition of police, but that would not bring about the end of coercive law enforcement. The only thing which would change is the identity of the people wielding the guns and clubs:

(3) The insurrectionists hiding behind the demonstrators are armed, organized, well-equipped, and funded by someone with deep pockets. It is the agenda of the anonymous money bags which will prevail as this all unfolds:

(4) The best we can hope for in the new Amerika is a benign technocracy. But as should be obvious to anyone who has been paying attention, the coming technocracy will be brutal and completely without compassion for its enemies.

And who are its enemies? Just look in the mirror and ask yourself why we're being told over and over that "white people" are evil. That's exactly how the Nazis prepared the German people for the Holocaust.

You think I'm joking? That's what they thought, too.

(5) Although we're facing food shortages and higher prices, US-produced food is flowing to China at a dizzying pace:

This trend is bound to accelerate, and what do you think will happen when people REALLY get hungry? The bosses of the Republic of CHAZ may say they'll grow their own food, but it takes a while to establish an infrastructure capable of feeding millions. Famine is on the way.

1 comment:

  1. Here is additional pertinent discussion:
