Tuesday, June 2, 2020

George Clooney And The Greatest Pandemic

According to actor George Clooney, the greatest "pandemic" is anti-black racism in the US:


While this is certainly a major problem, it is NOT the greatest pandemic.

No, that title belongs to the anti-US, anti-Western values campaign being waged by the "Resistance", the corporate media, the DNC, and cowardly billionaires like you who are hiding on their yachts, in their fortified compounds, or in their Italian villas. You can read about that campaign here:


Let's say we were to do what the Resistance appears to want - things like overthrowing the US government, wrecking all US infrastructure, and handing out trillion$ in "reparations". What then? My prediction is the total collapse of the US economy, the loss of even more jobs, famine, and a way of life on a par with the worst third world countries.

What kind of "improvement" would that be?

1 comment:

  1. Here is discussion of a related issue:

