Monday, June 1, 2020

Rotten To The Core

Here are some thoughts from Charles Hughes Smith:

Our ruling elites, devoid of leadership, are little more than the scum of self-interested, greedy grifters who rose to the top of America's foul-smelling stew of corruption.

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

If any of America's "leadership" over the past 30 years had an ounce of concern for the common good, why did they enable financialization and globalization to hollow out the nation's economy and social order? Why did they enable the frauds, skims, scams, cartels and monopolies that are the foundation of virtually every American billionaire's "we pay no taxes" empires of greed?

The tyranny of corruption thrives in an amoral cesspool of anything goes and winners take all.

You can read the rest @

In a very real sense, this is why we're in the mess we're in - our ruling elites are more interested in personal gain than in the public good. Perhaps COVID-19 and racial strife are just the latest "big shorts". Here are links to some reports suggesting that's precisely what has been happening:



Note well the "demonstrators" are not attacking the ultra rich or their assets (e.g., the Federal Reserve System, Amazon warehouses, etc.). Is that a coincidence, or do they just not know who is really in charge of the USA?

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