Thursday, June 18, 2020

Who Spies On US The Most ???

Once again we get to read that someone is spying on us, this time through Chrome extensions:

While many believe the worst spies are the Russians or the Chinese, in my view they are surpassed in perfidy by our own government and the Israelis.

Note well this part of the above-linked report:

All of the domains in question, more than 15,000 linked to each other in total, were purchased from a small registrar in Israel, Galcomm, known formally as CommuniGal Communication Ltd.

Awake said Galcomm should have known what was happening.

In an email exchange, Galcomm owner Moshe Fogel told Reuters that his company had done nothing wrong.

While we may be tempted to believe Galcomm's claim of innocence, is it credible that any law enforcement agency in the USA might actually investigate what happened or take any action against an Israeli company?

Update 6/22/2020

Here's another report which suggests intentional Israeli spying:

You cannot have a free press when shady forces can spy with impunity on journalists and perhaps even set them up for assassination.

1 comment:

  1. We should NOT rearm them until they stop screwing with us:
