Monday, June 8, 2020

Militias, Antifa, FBI, And The Generals

As you may know, there once was a growing militia movement in the USA ... until the FBI destroyed it as part of Operation Patcon. There is even some evidence the FBI facilitated the Oklahoma City bombing and other terrorist attacks as part of their efforts to discredit the militias:

Now we appear to have "Antifa" militias (or shall we call them paramilitary groups?) operating freely in the USA, and the FBI seems to be doing NOTHING to stop them. You can read about them here:

If what the folks at say is true, Antifa is a dangerous organization which one would think the FBI would investigate and the DOJ would vigorously prosecute. But they aren't, so what's going on here?

The US government has the ability to monitor everyone all the time, and they have a history of doing just that. It's therefore not credible they don't know what's going on in ALL such groups. Are they just turning a blind eye to Antifa, or are they using Antifa in some manner to accomplish a broader agenda? I'm not certain we'll ever know for certain.

By the way, I think that all the US generals who are complaining about Trump are back-stabbing, lying cowards. Their phony argument appears to be that any use of US government assets against We the People would be a horrible thing. But unless they're brain-dead they should know US assets are used against us and popular leaders like JFK, MLK, and RFK all the time. In my view, the difference now is that they WANT the riots to continue. It's unclear why, but I would guess the reasons are similar to why they did not prevent the 9/11 attacks - it's all being done in the name of some higher purpose known only to their puppet masters.

If they took THEIR oaths to the US Constitution seriously, we wouldn't be in this mess. Who are the domestic enemies they are sworn to protect against, and why aren't they going after them? If their answer to that question is "Trump, and we are", then we're all in trouble. That's the wrong answer, since in all fairness Trump is NOT an enemy of the US Constitution; not in any sense which would require his removal from office.

By the way, here is a report which claims the military has already "war-gamed" the type of demonstrations now underway:

If this is so, the Pentagon's correct response would be to advise the President of the results but to follow his orders whatever they may be ... unless those orders were unlawful. Seeing as how they ALL have followed clearly unlawful orders in the past, they got some -splaining to do as to why it's different this time. Do they really care about We the People, or are they more interested in protecting their lucrative jobs in the military-industrial complex?

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