Friday, June 26, 2020

Our Potemkin Village Economy

Here is a discussion which tells it like it is:

In the modern fiat system, at least 20 percent of listed companies are in the business of shuffling debt, rather than manufacturing or producing anything of value, say Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert.

Corporations have profits only in terms of what they "can engineer on their cash desks," says Max. "Car companies in America stopped making money from making cars. Now they make money leasing vehicles, then they take the income from those leases and build derivatives portfolios and Ponzi schemes, and then the executives buy back their own stocks … and then they all become billionaires somehow magically." And that happens even though those car companies were losing money and losing their market share, he explains.

You can read the rest @

So ... we've got no real economy, the rich continue to loot what's left and then move offshore, and the rest of us are saddled with debt and insurrection.

Are you happy now?

To make things better we MUST force corporations to either change or shut down. But how can we do that while the Davos mafia, composed largely of corporate CEOs, is still calling all the shots?

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