Monday, June 22, 2020

Up Is Down, Down Is Up

Here is a "news story" I think is typical of the fake news currently being peddled by the MSM and social media:

Note well that people who hate America are always portrayed as "protestors" (no matter how violent), while people who love America are portrayed as "extremists" (even when NOT violent). There appears to be plenty of rancor and hatred on both sides, so why is reporting always skewed in this particular direction?

From my perspective, it appears the forces of chaos are well organized and have been green-lighted by the powers that be, while the forces of stability are being undermined at every turn. There is nothing accidental about this. Someone really WANTS the USA to fail. And they're doing a GREAT job:

I have been warning for years that our nation is becoming a failed state. The rate of our decline now seems to be accelerating at a dizzying pace. Wouldn't you think TPTB would intervene to prevent this from happening? The fact they appear to be doing the exact opposite should tell us that "failed state" status is their goal. That will give them the opportunity to reinvent everything. Doesn't that remind you of something which happened during the Vietnam War?

A strange news bulletin appeared in the February 8, 1968 edition of The New York Times:

BENTRE, Feb. 7 (AP) - “It became necessary to destroy the town to save it,” a United States major said today. He was talking about the decision by allied commanders to bomb and shell the town regardless of civilian casualties, to rout the Vietcong.

Although the authenticity of this particular news bulletin has been questioned, its message is of paramount importance to the future of the United States. This is because the core domestic strategy of nearly every President in recent times can be characterized by the following variation of the words in the bulletin:

We have to destroy the country in order to save it.

We're now experiencing an extreme version of that principle, and this time it's coming not from the President but from Big Tech-enabled groups of rebels and insurrectionists whose number is legion. This wave of the subliminal mind fuck couldn't exist without the Internet and social media platforms, so one just has to ask, "is this what real democracy looks like, or is it anarchy"?

Although the "protestors" of today consider Thomas Jefferson to be their enemy, it's strange they seem to be in near-complete agreement with one of his most oft-quoted writings:

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants. It is it's natural manure."

The unrecognized irony of our current situation is that those we still call "patriots" may in fact be the tyrants TJ warned us about. Would he have been offended if the tearing down of his statues and monuments resulted in a flourishing of the tree of liberty? I think not. At least he shouldn't have been.

But there is yet another irony hidden behind the actions of the "protestors"; for in seemingly acting on Jeffersonian principles they are killing the tree of liberty, perhaps for all time. Should we blame them for dragging the rest of us into this situation, or should we blame ourselves for believing the lies of the rich as they sucked the lifeblood out of our nation while hiding behind a brutal police force and a military with a license to kill?

Yes, the fabric of our society is being torn apart, perhaps irreparably. But is this happening because people no longer want to believe the truth, or because they're sick and tired of all the lies? The answer to that question will determine whether we go up or down.

1 comment:

  1. Here is a BS opinion piece in the NYT. Yes, the US in dysfunctional, but that is chiefly because "the resistance" drove it into that state:

    Stop the damn lying.
