Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Gold-Backed Digital Yuan

As we try to recover from our self-imposed COVID catastrophe, the Chinese are bidding to pull the rug out from underneath the US dollar:

You may recall this statement by Kelly Mitchell which I mentioned some years ago:

There is a mechanism being put into place to destroy the US dollar in the next few years. It has many components, but the primary ones are an alternative oil sales system, a gold-backed trade platform, an international central bank outside of Western control, a framework for diminishing US influence, available natural resources, and a coalition of regional leader nations. Participants have reportedly agreed to prices of $7,500 minimum for gold and $150 for silver [per troy ounce].

You can read the rest @

Perhaps the Chinese really DON'T want to replace the US dollar as the world's reserve currency, but once the OBOR initiative and the digital yuan are fully up and running, will it really matter?

Who's going to want a deflated dollar? I sure don't.

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