Thursday, May 28, 2020

Civil Unrest

How long until we have a full-blown civil war in the USA? That's the question implied in this report about remarks by Ice Cube:

I believe cops suffer from a delusional mindset which is tolerated by their leadership all the way up the food chain.

If we want this to stop, bad cops MUST be prosecuted and subject to REAL trials. They also should be subject to wrongful death lawsuits.

What do you think?


  1. As events unfold, I'd say we have a REAL problem here in the US. People are tired of this crap, and all the cops do in response is to get more violent. NOT GOOD.

  2. Here's more, from Michael Snyder:

    "There is a reason why so many people are looking to move out of our major cities right now. America is literally in the process of coming apart at the seams, and there will be a lot more rioting, looting and civil unrest in the days ahead."

    Source -
