Friday, May 15, 2020

The Spies Among Us

As you may have read, casino mogul and Trump supporter Sheldon Adelson apparently helped the USA spy on Julian Assange:

You can find additional discussion about this from Assange's partner here:

Perhaps not surprisingly, an FBI asset recently said that all Mossad spies should be kicked out of the USA:

I have little idea of what's going on here, but I have to wonder why the US government apparently is using such private individuals to conduct its surveillance.

This more or less reminds me of the kind of crap the CIA was involved in which led to the murders of JFK and RFK.

And why would Adelson, of all people, care what Assange was doing? I can think of only one possible thing which would affect his beloved Israel, and you can read about it here. Be sure to read the note, too:

1 comment:

  1. Here is further discussion of the issue:
