Sunday, May 10, 2020

Weimar America

Here is a report warning the US is headed for an inflationary episode not unlike what happened to Weimar Germany in the 1930s:

Equally troubling is the decay of our morality and the rise of racism, also not unlike what happened in Weimar Germany.

If you recall, what followed was Nazism and World War II. Considering the obvious hateful, murderous mood of many Americans, I would not be surprised if we were to experience something similar. Especially since our military, much like the German army, believes they only lost the Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan wars because they were stabbed in the back by shadowy forces within their own nation.

Who will we attack first - Iran, Russia, or China? Perhaps all three, since we're being bombarded daily with propaganda about how evil they all are.

1 comment:

  1. Here is additional discussion: [translation required]
