Sunday, May 3, 2020

The Vax Police

Here's another pro-vax screed:

Limaye, the scientist, said she and her colleagues who encourage families to vaccinate children have found the presence of vaccination skeptics at protests “terrifying,” not only because it could encourage families to forgo traditional shots but also because it could spell disaster for any future coronavirus vaccine. If the eventual vaccine requires a high level of vaccinations to establish herd immunity, such as with measles, then getting the public to buy in is vital to eliminating the virus.

Source -

What we SHOULD find "terrifying" is that government will FORCE us to take untested and potentially dangerous vaccines AND that dissent is being vilified to that end.

Herd immunity could be established WITHOUT vaccines - just look at Sweden and the US prison system.

1 comment:

  1. Here is confirmation the government thinks it can force you to take a vaccine:

    I agree - they can. I don't agree they should do so.
