Friday, December 20, 2013

Gold Wars, a MUST-READ book

I just finished reading Gold Wars by Kelly Mitchell, which was published November 2013. This is a MUST-READ book if you want to know where our economy is headed and why. You can see the author's synopsis of the book here:

Here are a few gems of wisdom from the book in italics [with my comments in brackets]:

The whistle blower was labeled a criminal and the story went away with no other prosecutions. [He had blown the whistle on Goldman Sachs.]

The stock market and the entire system is essentially a wealth transfer mechanism from the middle class to connected insiders.

The Bank for International Settlements is the Central Bank of central banks. It is solely owned by the Federal Reserve and the Banks of England, Switzerland, Italy, Holland, Germany, and France. [Does this remind you of the seven-headed scarlet colored beast of Revelation 17:3? Many think that the scarlet color of the beast represents the Vatican, but today's monetary system was invented by the Rothschild family, whose name in German means "red shield".]

Bill Clinton turned a surplus by the questionable method of borrowing Social Security funds for the general budget. [I always suspected that his "budget surplus" was based on some sort of trick. Clinton's administration also aided in the disastrous repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act and the looting of US gold from the Fort Knox repository.]

Most hyperinflations feature a disappearance of the coinage. When the penny disappears, mark that date down. Hyperinflation may be near.

Fewer than 2% of futures contracts terminate with any delivery. [Instead of helping producers, futures markets are high-stakes casinos that benefit the rich.]

$720 million in gold went missing in the 9/11 cleanup. [It was stored in WTC4. Witnesses who entered the ruins soon after the building collapses claim that the gold vaults were all empty. Does that remind you of the movie "Die Hard With A Vengeance"? In addition to being a false flag attack, 9/11 was a sophisticated heist.]

Libya lost 144 tons of gold after the fall of Qaddafi. Iraq suffered a similar fate after Saddam Hussein's fall, but the amount taken was not disclosed. [In both cases, the gold was stolen by parties unknown; my guess is by US-controlled NATO special forces.]

The FBI's records of Barrick Gold's gold-fixing actions were reported destroyed in the North Tower on 9/11.

According to the US attorney general, our banking system is now openly run by criminals who cannot be prosecuted.

There is a mechanism being put into place to destroy the US dollar in the next few years. It has many components, but the primary ones are an alternative oil sales system, a gold-backed trade platform, an international central bank outside of Western control, a framework for diminishing US influence, available natural resources, and a coalition of regional leader nations. Participants have reportedly agreed to prices of $7,500 minimum for gold and $150 for silver [per troy ounce].

Most people in the world view the West, and mainly the United States, as the primary source of tyranny.

Third world economies burn up and people starve as a result of trades made by indifferent Forex sociopaths.

Global power is shifting, moving East. The battle for the global economy is happening now. Conflicts will steadily increase over the following years. It will take time to run its course, but in this battle one thing seems more and more certain - the best ammunition is gold.

[And although the US appears on paper to have a large gold reserve, the Fed and the Treasury have refused to allow an independent physical audit of US gold holdings. There is a strong suspicion that, like Iraq's and Libya's gold, it too has been stolen by parties unknown. Would anyone care to guess why Goldman Sachs is paying former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham so much for her "speeches" being given in secret to a chosen few? Perhaps the Benghazi fiasco was directly related to the theft of Libya's gold, and perhaps our ambassador was murdered to keep his mouth shut. Do you still believe that Vince Foster killed himself? I don't. At the very least, following the lead of her so-called husband, Ms. Rodham is scheming with the rich to steal the rest of the people's resources and future.]

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