Thursday, December 12, 2013

O's Orwellian Image Control

Here's a cool op-ed about Obama ad-Dajjal in The New York Times:

Have you noticed how often George Orwell comes up in today's news and opinion? It's because the dystopia of Nineteen Eighty-Four is close to being achieved, and these may be the final days in which we can openly speak of that fact.

By the way, Obama ad-Dajjal taking a selfie at Mandela's memorial is somewhat equivalent to Senator John McCain playing video poker during a Senate hearing. We are ruled by bored, immature jackasses who do not merit the positions they hold in our government. They sell us out in return for a luxurious lifestyle for them and their families.

And I thought the American Revolution was fought to get the scourge of royalty out of our lives ...

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