Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Confirmation that US used BW during the Korean War


Remember my essay about the use of biological warfare agents by the US during the Korean War?

This recently published report more or less confirms exactly what I said in that essay:

The U.S. responded to the airmen’s confessions with claims they were coerced, false confessions. Some claimed (with CIA connivance, if not inspiration) the POWs were “brainwashed.” The origins of the Bush-era “enhanced interrogation” torture program can be traced in part to CIA and military research meant to counter, supposedly, the possibility of such “brainwashing.” But since they knew it wasn’t actually “brainwashing,” the whole explanation was really a cover story for the creation of a psychologically based torture program.

THIS is why Captain Frank Olson was murdered by the CIA. And there was a second military scientist stationed in Japan in a capacity similar to Olson's who also "committed suicide" around the same time. Chances are he also was murdered because of what he knew about US war crimes.

Don't you just love it when I'm right? I do.

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