Saturday, September 24, 2016

NATO Decreasing US Security

NATO, the alliance informally known as North America and The Others, remains committed to expansion. Powerhouse Montenegro, with 2080 men in uniform, will be the next entrant. Other governments knocking at the alliance door include Finland, Georgia, and Serbia.

Adding these states would violate the purpose of an organization intended to increase American security. Past NATO expansion made the U.S. worse off by multiplying Washington’s military guarantees. Newer accessions would do the same, without providing any countervailing benefits. Candidate states range from military nullities, such as Montenegro, to conflict carriers, such as Ukraine.


Alas, Russia did not perceive moving the traditional anti-Moscow alliance up to its borders as a friendly act. Despite coming from the KGB, Vladimir Putin originally didn’t seem to bear the U.S. or West much animus. However, NATO compounded expansion with an unprovoked war against Serbia, a traditional Slavic ally of Moscow, and proposals to include Georgia and Ukraine, the latter which long had especially close historical, cultural, economic, and military ties with Russia. Over time Putin, as well as many of his countrymen, came to view the transatlantic alliance as a threat.

You can read the rest @

The US is cynically using NATO to threaten the western flank of the BRICS - Silk Road alliance. In doing so they are pushing Russia towards war.

It's hard to tell, but it also seems like this strategy plays into the hands of the globalists. If Russia were to be weakened or destroyed, the world would lose one of the last powerful protectors of the practice and concept of national sovereignty.

It's disconcerting to realize that Russia is a champion of international law, while the US seems to be a lawless loose cannon.

Bottom line: US strategy benefits corporate interests, not the interests of We The People.

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