Wednesday, March 6, 2013

A voice crying out in the wilderness

Today Senator Rand Paul started a filibuster against the confirmation of a prospective CIA director who says he does not know what the definition of "torture" is, and who (somewhat) admittedly is the architect of Obama ad-Dajjal's kill list / drone assassination program (or whatever it's officially called, if it's called anything at all):

The most lamentable part of this fiasco is that a mere single voice crying out in the wilderness (Senator Paul) is all that stands between what used to be the United States of America and the totalitarian system that will replace it.

And none of you seem to care.

Do you recall what I said in my 12/23/2012 blog post "Why are we in Afghanistan?"

In no particular order, these are the reasons we are there:
  • To protect the poppy crop
  • To control the flow of heroin from Pakistan
  • To brainwash, brutalize, punish, and/or kill our own troops
  • To train our troops for nighttime, warrantless break-in-and-search operations everywhere in the world, including in the US
  • To keep the most patriotic Americans out of the US so they can’t interfere with what the government is doing to the rest of us
  • To give the government an excuse for losing or not counting military ballots every election

What should have happened is that the US military, the National Guard, and the militia, all of whom are sworn to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution, should have saved us from what is about to happen. But instead they were sent away with your enthusiastic support to chase a bogus enemy (Osama bin Laden, a.k.a. Snowball), leaving you and me behind as unprotected sheep ready for the inevitable slaughter.

The President, the Attorney General, the Congress, and the courts are all in agreement. As soon as Senator Paul runs out of gas and shuts his mouth, the killing can begin in earnest. To protect the homeland, of course.

When something like this happened in Tunisia and Egypt, the people rebelled and filled the streets and brought down the government.

What are you going to do?

I thought so.

A supreme irony: Today is Alamo Day. On March 6, 1836, the defenders of the Alamo were overwhelmed and put to the sword. Once Rand Paul runs out of gas, something similar to their fate will happen to us.

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