Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Gitmo's future

Here's another good article about what is happening at our dungeon in Gitmo, Cuba:

It's emblematic that these prisoners, most of whom are guilty of fewer crimes than Obama ad-Dajjal and many members of the US Congress, are rotting in cages while Obama ad-Dajjal and his family enjoy luxury vacations at public expense.

I think that Obama ad-Dajjal and Congress do not want to close Gitmo for the following reason: they want a secure off-shore dungeon in which to throw the US citizens they plan to start rounding up. There's plenty of extra room down there, and they can pretend that "the Constitution does not apply" to whatever it is they plan to do.

By the way, the Camp Delta motto "HONOR BOUND TO DEFEND FREEDOM" is a sad, sick joke. Nothing going on there is honorable or has anything to do with defending freedom. A more appropriate slogan to post over the gate would be a line from Dante's Inferno:

Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch’entrate! [Abandon all hope, ye who enter here!]

How ironic (but somehow so appropriate) that Obama ad-Dajjal, who campaigned for the Presidency on a platform of HOPE, has delivered on that promise to NO ONE.

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