Saturday, October 23, 2021

Why Are We Here ???

Yesterday I rewatched the movie Prometheus, which asks the question why did our creator(s) make us? I don't think it really provides an answer.

This morning, quite by accident, I found this op-ed in the Jerusalem Post:

So, according to contemporary Jewish thought, we couldn't even understand why G-d made us. Isn't that a fine kettle of fish?

But I do think we're able to understand why transhumanists would like to alter G-d's creation - so THEY can replace Him as the controller of our universe. That's their dream, anyway.

And that's something we should be able to prevent. You think G-d would do this for us, but could we even understand if He didn't ... and why He wouldn't? I think the Book of Revelation provides part of the answer, but how many people really understand that cryptic missive?

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