Monday, October 25, 2021

A Prophet Named Jonas Salk

Here is a review of a book written by polio vaccine developer Jonas Salk:

It turns out Salk was a member of the scientific-technological elite President Eisenhower warned us about. While it's possible Salk was not one of the prime movers behind today's developments, it sure seems to me that his book captured the essence of what is now happening.

By the way, PM Boris Johnson appears to have been echoing Salk's advice when he appeared on a recent kids' program:

Some may call such gaffes a harmless joke, but I think our children are easily influenced by people like PM Johnson. Those who control the narrative greatly influence the outcome.

By the way, I don't necessarily disagree with Salk's analysis, but any actions based upon it should only be taken after widespread, meaningful public discussion and consent. The coercive measures we have seen in the last months are without question the WRONG way to address what are obviously the most important issues of our time.

Update - 10/26/2021

Here is additional discussion:

By the way, although I agree with the speaker I don't think arguments about freedom and morality will prevail. The correct way to fight the vax mandate is to demonstrate it is causing more harm than good. Given the numbers, that should be eminently doable.

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