Saturday, October 2, 2021

Some Viral Posts

Some recent COVID posts:

a. Official sources are downplaying the number of virus-related deaths. Here is an investigative report which appears to present the facts which TPTB don't want to discuss:

b. Senator Feinstein wants a no-fly law for domestic flights:

This might have made sense at the beginning of the pandemic when it could have prevented early spread. But now that the vaxxed can carry the same (or worse) viral load as the unvaxxed, does it make ANY sense to allow them to fly? Not to me.

c. VAERS data should be ringing alarm bells, but apparently no one is listening. Is this willful ignorance, or what? I think it's criminal negligence:

d. According to this essay, there may be a concentration camp in your future:

In case you had not noticed, in Germany they're still dredging up WWII-era camp guards and employees to punish for Holocaust crimes. Any chance that will happen someday in the US? I'm guessing no, since no one got punished for what happened at our "black" sites.

Will US camps be places where the unvaxxed will be forced to submit, or will they just be left to sicken and die without medical treatment? Only time will tell, but I would guess the latter. There's no point in rehabilitating useless eaters.

Note well the rationale for building such camps always says something about "immigration". Why then aren't they being used for the people who have been flooding across our borders? Something about such reports is total BS.

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