Tuesday, October 19, 2021

The Mark Of Biden

Here is wisdom from Dr. Stella Immanuel, MD:

I actually think that the whole pandemic was a Trojan Horse for vaccines. COVID, from day one, I’ve always said it, it’s completely treatable, and it’s completely preventable, And there is no reason for you to be giving a vaccine for a disease that’s completely treatable, and completely preventable. And on top of that, the death rate of COVID is not that high. So, we need to wake up and realize that these mandates, the vaccines, and everything is taking us right into the book of Revelations where you cannot buy or sell without taking the vax. I tell people my big mantra right now is, get prevention, early treatment, if you get sick, sick, sick and end up in the hospital, don’t be afraid, because you know that it’s a transition. If you’re, if you’re a child of God, if you’re a Christian, you should not be afraid to die, first of all. So the reason why they can cage us is we’re all so scared. So I said, you know, die saved and die human. And don’t allow yourself to be genetically modified. These things are no vaccine, they are gene therapy.

Source - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/10/dr-stella-immanuel-whole-pandemic-trojan-horse-vaccines-fauci-epitome-evil/

I believe one can be a scientist and a Christian at the same time. And although many now discount the teachings of the Bible, it contains much that we can learn from. Or is it just a coincidence that the US President and the Pope are now working together to reshape the world in ways eerily suggestive of what the Book of Revelation says?


Could it be that Biden is the beast who rises up out of the sea (Antichrist) ... with the Pope the beast who rises up out of the earth (False Prophet)? Don't you think it strange the US killed our first Catholic president but now bows down to our second? Could that be because he is not "Catholic" at all ... but something else entirely?

Be extremely wary of all this person does. He seems more like a golem than an actual human being.

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